Is this safe? PIC included


Active Member
Youre the type of guy who brings his own sandwiches to the cinema, derp.
Yea, and? I grow my own weed too. You're the type of guy who has nothing useful to add to a conversation, and gets the "wtf" look from everybody when you try to sound witty. You drink alone, don't you?
I'm new to growing (haven't even done one yet), but know a bit about electrical. As already pointed out - the total draw in this setup is 3.6 amps. That being said - 14 gauge is the recommended size for this. I actually would suggest just upgrading that to be sure ...


Active Member
Yea, and? I grow my own weed too. You're the type of guy who has nothing useful to add to a conversation, and gets the "wtf" look from everybody when you try to sound witty. You drink alone, don't you?
People, psychologists call this transference.... Think about it, he cant possibly know anything about my lifestyle so he uses this own life to come back at me. Its interesting. You must actually know youre quite pathetic, else you wouldnt have used it as a derogatory slander.



Well-Known Member
I don't know if it's safe, but it sure looks cool.

I would try to split them off into two plugs at least, though.


Active Member
People, psychologists call this transference.... Think about it, he cant possibly know anything about my lifestyle so he uses this own life to come back at me. Its interesting. You must actually know youre quite pathetic, else you wouldnt have used it as a derogatory slander.

Please explain how my observation was derogatory and slanderous, since your logic is based on that premise. Did you feel ashamed when you read my post?


Well-Known Member
I'm new to growing (haven't even done one yet), but know a bit about electrical. As already pointed out - the total draw in this setup is 3.6 amps. That being said - 14 gauge is the recommended size for this. I actually would suggest just upgrading that to be sure ...
I would strongly concur with this. I too haven't actually completed a grow yet, but I've wired quite few things in my time. I used 14 gauge on mine.


Well-Known Member
heres a vid for you hope it helps [video=youtube;Fip54OSql-4][/video]


New Member
Don't let these guys get you down. you leds and cfls might work just split them all up and hang them pointed down. your best bet for a large yield is MH or HPS. I wouldnt throw out your old gear either you will find a use for it.


Active Member
Newb's are newbs for a reason. Ok, I was motivated! But the truth be told, no fucking way that shit was going to work. Kind of like Tim the Tool Man.. Ohh Ohh! But real friggen life I guess.


Well-Known Member
by the way, if you light your house on fire, wich do you grab first. the cat or the MJ plant thats 6 weeks into flower?

wheres the button for a pole lol


New Member
Ok, been reading and reading in here. Built this lighting system and maybe I went a little nuts. Is this to much? All lights are 27 watts between 5000-6500k except the corner lights are 14 watts at 2700k for a full spectrum. Will replace 6500k with 2700 for bloom. But my question is, Do I have a hazard here? All these lights wired into one plug. Used standard lamp cord along with 16 AWG wire. This is for 2 plants in 2 buckets. Thanks for any help :)View attachment 1825273

16 total lights.
there is nothing unsafe with it as long as all wire connections are tight
when i did cfls i ran 15 bulbs