Is this Section all about Pushing your Beliefs on others?


Well-Known Member
Picking pieces out of a post and judging them in an effort to invoke an argument and be insulting is pretty ignorant as well my friend.
Nice attempt to deflect any criticism of anything you say but quite transparent to anyone that can think for themselves.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
I think this is where many of us skeptics and believers differ. Believers see an unfathomably large and complex universe and say, "It is so incomprehensible that a God must be behind it all." Skeptic says, "the universe is so big and complex, let me explore it to discover how it works."

...erm, no?

...I think "let me see how it works to better grasp something not made by me" :)

Caution: thinking this way may lead to reverence.


Well-Known Member
We are no more free to believe whatever we want about God than we are free to adopt unjustified beliefs about science or history, or free to mean whatever we want when using words like "poison" or "north" or "zero." - Sam Harris

Those afraid of the universe as it really is, those who pretend to nonexistent knowledge and envision a Cosmos centered on human beings will prefer the fleeting comforts of superstition. They avoid rather than confront the world. But those with the courage to explore the weave and structure of the Cosmos, even where it differs profoundly from their wishes and prejudices, will penetrate its deepest mysteries. - Carl Sagan

Microbiology and meteorology now explain what only a few centuries ago was considered sufficient cause to burn women to death.
― Carl Sagan

Why is it important to discuss beliefs, because faith often leads to cruelty. Why discuss them here, because these are my peers and people I identify with. Because I want my beliefs examined and I want to be exposed to other points of view. Along the way, if I see someone expressing the equivalent of 2+2=7, there is nothing wrong with pointing out the error.

This is all that's needed to justify discussions here.


Well-Known Member
Its the claiming of knowing something like a God as absolute truth that invites many to discuss and debate in such a way that appears to be a form of trolling and most times in fact will be trolling because of the subject matter.Non believers and believers,an integrated part of this duality we know in life.I prefer to comment instead of so much as pushing a point of view.Here on RIU i have definetely learned alot more about beliefs and why people believe what they do,this place holds great insight about the minds of others in my opinion.


Active Member
Whether you are Atheist, Agnostic, Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, whatever. Every thread is like this...

"This is true, so you all should accept it and what you think is true is wrong and dumb and I will make a million threads about it."


"You are wrong and stupid and an idiot"

I thought the cannabis community was suppose to work together and fight the real stupid laws on cannabis and its misunderstandings? Not endless bickering that goes nowhere and blaming people about shit they never did.

If someone believes in whatever, no one from rollitup is really going to give them a life changing moment(haha like this thread ;) )
well thats what an online community is for,exchanging ideas with others you'll probably never meet in real life.i agree with you theres a lot of vicious thread on this forum lol (and i myself am guilty for acting like a religous dick on some of them), but, if you take time to have a discussion like a normal human being,than the threads do get less of a troll fest and more like a learning experience.:joint::joint:

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i believe turn the other Cheek more should, humbleness has taken a back seat to uniqueness and personality . . . .


we are all dust at some point in time, and "im a leaf on the wind"


Active Member
lol and for the record,when i joined RIU,i thought it was going to be a bunch of chill growers and smokers. Boy,was i wrong lol:mrgreen:

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Everyone Be more bland, your individual traits make me want to cut myself and mutilate my junk

lol j/k

but in all seriousness i think individuality is modern hype , , , , , the concept of individualality being a key to life seems a newer concept on the pages of time, but somehow we were always individuals without having to put importance to it(in the past)

why now is it so important . . . .. . . . . people have no purpose anymore . . ..the human race is secure, no need to care about living time to live in decadence . . . .rant over lol


Well-Known Member
Why are you guys do hooked on believing that religion is just for comfort? Why do you guys believe that religious people are too scared to learn more about life? Jeez, we aren't just a bunch of dumbasses that only read the bible. We learn just like every other person in the world. We have the courage to face the world as it is. And religion isn't for comfort.. Why would they have "bad" places like hell if it was only meant for comfort?


Well-Known Member
Why are you guys do hooked on believing that religion is just for comfort? Why do you guys believe that religious people are too scared to learn more about life? Jeez, we aren't just a bunch of dumbasses that only read the bible. We learn just like every other person in the world. We have the courage to face the world as it is. And religion isn't for comfort.. Why would they have "bad" places like hell if it was only meant for comfort?
Hey, Hep! I think most people here feel that religion is comforting because, when polled, the religious list comfort as a major benefit. When you have a irrational belief system with no empirical evidence to back it up, you have to ask what are it's selling points? It would seem that it is comforting to have a list of rules and dogma that, if followed, guarantees eternal life and happiness. The concept of hell is awfully frightening, and for most it must be comforting to know that they will be saved from this punishment. Hell has the added benefits of keeping you in line with what the church officials want you to do (obeying them unquestioningly and giving them 10% of your income), as a recruiting tool to get converts (hell is real and you need saving, all for the low-low cost of...) and you really need it to seal the deal and believe the ludicrous concepts that the religion consists of...


Well-Known Member
VILEPLUME: did you read what category you are posting in?

Maybe Galileo should have kept his tthoughts to himself because it would hurt the church's feelings and beliefs.
I am just saying that as a Cannabis community we should work together no matter what you believe in.

The Atheist vs. Religion topic just goes no where, people just get upset at each other and continue to believe in what they believe in anyways.

I think that many Christians believe that marijuana is a "bad" drug and for a Christian to come out and say that they are a "medial user" is a hard thing for their church and family to accept. I think it is a good thing to encourage these people to be more proactive in telling their groups about the medical benefits of marijuana.

People that believe in some sort of "higher power" and smoke weed arn't the enemy here.


Well-Known Member
Yes that is all it is about...but that is what happens when you are talking about something that generally teaches that "this is the way it is and everything else is wrong and immoral..." People sometimes can't help it. They were just raised that way...


Well-Known Member
The Atheist vs. Religion topic just goes no where, people just get upset at each other and continue to believe in what they believe in anyways.
It does go somewhere. Atheists need to stop accepting religion at all. We typically just shrug it off instead of looking at you like you're insane. If we all accepted your religion it would continue to grow, instead it's shrinking. More people are becoming atheists than becoming religious, the tide has turned and needs to continue. We need to stop this brain washing and that means we need to be vocal and unfortunately sometimes fairly blunt about it.

Let me say this, if I seem rude I have valid reasons to do so. Religion is a sick thing, responsible for many deaths and atrocities. The good of it does not even come close to out weighing the bad. I would have called myself a Christian at one point in my life when I was younger because I just accepted it, it was normal and part of my family to associate ourselves with a religious denomination.

Luckily at some point in my life while I was still young I was able to analytically think about religion and come to a logical conclusion that it was total BS and really frankly absurd and childish. I figured this out when I was 13 years old. The only thing I had to do was think about how silly the story of Jesus sounded, I knew zombies didn't exist and I was easily able to tell the difference between fiction and non fiction. I started thinking about the other stories told, such as moses parting the sea, noah building an ark... Of course this was fiction! How could I be so naive to think for a minute any of it was real. At the age of 13 it was embarrassing for me once I let this set in, that I had ever for a single minute took these things as being true. And if you can dismiss those major selling points of a religion it's easy to dismiss the entire thing.

So it baffles me as an adult, how I can see other adults who still believe in this childish nonsense, childish nonsense that has a huge negative impact on this world and other people. It is however, in our nature to be somewhat naive. It's a trait that kept us alive and prospering through many stages of our evolution. Pack mentality was a good thing at times, following the leader without question was necessary for survival (or sometimes mass death) but it's not now.


Well-Known Member
I am just saying that as a Cannabis community we should work together no matter what you believe in.
Who's suggesting that we not work together? Is it not possible to discuss these things and still work toward a common goal? How do you suggest differing views find common ground if we don't talk about it?

The Atheist vs. Religion topic just goes no where, people just get upset at each other and continue to believe in what they believe in anyways.
You are essentially arguing for sustained ignorance for the sake of avoiding offense or inflammation. The topic is obviously going somewhere as it is enough to keep most of us engaged for months and months. I've certainly learned a lot which has impacted the way I view my own beliefs. My position may not have reversed, but it has changed in the sense that my perspective has grown.

I think that many Christians believe that marijuana is a "bad" drug and for a Christian to come out and say that they are a "medial user" is a hard thing for their church and family to accept. I think it is a good thing to encourage these people to be more proactive in telling their groups about the medical benefits of marijuana.
I don't see how discussing and examining beliefs stops people from talking to others about cannabis. Essentially we are appealing to the same concepts; critical thinking, responsible policy making, and contentious attitude.

People that believe in some sort of "higher power" and smoke weed arn't the enemy here.
Virtually everyone here is friends. I don't think there is anyone here who would refuse to smoke a bowl together, aside from one or two, and their problems go deeper than religion or atheism.

In short, you are bringing up a non-issue. These threads may not have much use to you, but they do to many of us. Suggesting that they are counter productive to the MJ movement is a red herring.


Well-Known Member
Virtually everyone here is friends. I don't think there is anyone here who would refuse to smoke a bowl together, aside from one or two, and their problems go deeper than religion or atheism.
Thanks man, I was waiting for someone to say that.

I would smoke a bowl with you too, even if it was in a Church parking lot ;)

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
it sucks though... when you smoke a bowl with a theologian rather than an atheist... because once you start to talk about all the cool new ideas or concepts that come to your mind, they either dont want to listen to it, or pretend to listen when they are really just waiting until you're done talking to tell you how it really is (when in all actuality ALL beliefs are ideas, except that "beliefs" are ideas people pretend are truth... but atheists have this unique ability to see the truth of that matter)

just saying, i would much rather hang out with an atheist than a theist.

brilliant people talk about ideas
average people talk about things
small people talk about people

i like to talk about ideas, i rate beliefs in the same category as people.


New Member
Blah blah blah yadda yadda blah bleep bleep yadda blah. Blah bleep bleep yadda yadda yadda! Bleep yaddah bleep bleep! Blah bleep yadda yadda bleep!! Bleep bleep yadda blah, bleep blah? Bleep!! Blah bllep?? Yadda. Wtf?? Bleep yadda. blah blah bleep yadda!!!


Well-Known Member
hey guys, atheist here. I think it is true, it seems like almost every debate between religion and non religion turns into a fight that gets worse and worse until the thread gets closed. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion and beliefs.