Is This Section Of Buds Ready?//ANY HELP APPRECIATED

You shouldn't waste anymore time on that plant. It is indeed revegetating and looks like you have been overfeeding. The buds won't develop any further than they are now during reveg and it would be weeks until it resumes normal growth. Sorry but that's where you are. Street lights, indoor lights shining on your plant at night will do this.
Why didn’t you just leave it alone? Why are you moving it around? Looks like it flowered. Then you fucked up by moving it so it reveged, then it even looks like it started flowering again on the tip. Your confusing the fuck outta that poor lil gal. Chop. Salvage what you can. Start over. Don’t over care. And keep the simplicity of it. I understand when it comes to over caring for sure
You shouldn't waste anymore time on that plant. It is indeed revegetating and looks like you have been overfeeding. The buds won't develop any further than they are now during reveg and it would be weeks until it resumes normal growth. Sorry but that's where you are. Street lights, indoor lights shining on your plant at night will do this.
Yes I live in an apartment and there’s light outside on the patio that turns on at night... may this be the issue??
Why didn’t you just leave it alone? Why are you moving it around? Looks like it flowered. Then you fucked up by moving it so it reveged, then it even looks like it started flowering again on the tip. Your confusing the fuck outta that poor lil gal. Chop. Salvage what you can. Start over. Don’t over care. And keep the simplicity of it. I understand when it comes to over caring for sure
No sir I didn’t move it? Not once did I move it. And I didn’t really overreact towards the plant too much, it’s just at night that this light on the patio turns on which is above the plant. :(
The only reveg I've done has been puposeful - revegging clones from a flowering plant. To my knowledge, stabilizing the light cycle is the primary way to correct it. You said it's an outdoor grow. Do you live in an area with a lot of artificial light at night? This can interrupt the dark cycle and may be the cause. Others here may have more input.

And i don't know about anyone else, but i see a lot of white pistils... If that was a normal healthy plant, i'd guess at least four to six weeks. Maybe longer if it leans sativa. Go grab some supper with the apostles and settle in for a long ride. Don't worry, it wont be your last. You'l be finished before Passover.
Hey sir others are sayin to chop it off? So should I or just let it do it’s thing for another month on 12:12 cycle?
Consider growing autoflowers if you have weird city lighting hours. It would prevent this type of problem.
Sounds great sir! Also the hours are fine it’s just this light that turns on at night and iss right by corner of patio on top of the plant about 10 inches away from the plant. Could I cover this light or just turn it off till plants ready for harvest?
Sounds great sir! Also the hours are fine it’s just this light that turns on at night and iss right by corner of patio on top of the plant about 10 inches away from the plant. Could I cover this light or just turn it off till plants ready for harvest?
That totally sounds like the problem. Shut it off next time.