Lots of times you may find a single seed, the plant threw a bannana and it selfed, This is not a hermi plant, just a hermi condition caused by, the plant getting impatient for pollinization. Very stable strains seldom do this, I say seldom, because even they will. "You" can be the cause of it happening inadvertedly. I've planted these seeds and found nice psudos amongst the offspring. I now have a plant that is a mother, that pretty much always gives me selfed seeds from her clones. from those seeds I get about 19 of 20 to be female. This is over a great period of time and re- cloneing . A great practice is to gather those little bannanas let them dry out then store them. Next crop pick a bud, tie a ribbon around it to identify it later. Pollinate that bud with your bannanas. This will eventually give you selfed seeds, without the inbreeding. Inbred pot often turns hermi. Remember, there is a diffrence between bred- back and inbred, the later is what we want to avoid.