Is this seedling burnt?


Active Member
What's up guys, been growing for a couple of years now and want to ask a rather newbie question. I've never burnt any of my plants so I'm not exactly sure what's up with this one, let me know what you think is up, thanks!


Well-Known Member
Looks like your planting medium is a little hot.

Just a wild assed guess actually, probably wrong.


Active Member
quite possibly it's not your lights at all or heat burn it's possible it's just a bad seed with messed up genetics. think of a baby with Down syndrome if it is burnt Id try a new window


Active Member
quite possibly it's not your lights at all or heat burn it's possible it's just a bad seed with messed up genetics. think of a baby with Down syndrome if it is burnt Id try a new window
Poor baby.. I honestly think the ph might be off a few are looking a little upset I'm going to transplant into a different seedling mix tommorow and see if it helps