Is this the good or the bad stuff ?

Stop over watering those seedlings. They don't need to be watered everyday. Let them dry out a day or so before watering again. The very top of the soil can be dry. But those seedlings will be fine if you stop keeping them so wet. That stuff is basically a harmless fungus caused by overwatering. Same stuff many people experience with all types of houseplants they keep too wet.
I had just watered them today ,but the soil has been inoculated with baccilus and mycorrhiza previously,,and is only showing on 2 out of 9 pots,, will ease back thanks,,
And WTF did you mix up for a medium?

I was wondering the same thing. I see what looks like radish seeds or something. Maybe clover. Whatever they are I can see one sprouting.

I had just watered them today ,but the soil has been inoculated with baccilus and mycorrhiza previously,,and is only showing on 2 out of 9 pots,, will ease back thanks,,

They probably didn't need to be watered.

Seedlings like that I use a small pump sprayer to water them when needed as the top starts to dry out. You don't need to water until runoff.
Not intentionally,,was doing some other gardening with clover seed. And had a sprinkle of seed left so flicked few in,,but was more of a fuk it moment,,

I was just curious. Many grow cover crops with their cannabis. I knew I saw seeds. At least I can identify them. I did say clover. :mrgreen: :peace:
@xtsho yeah man you got it spot on,! went mad all my potted herbs and shrubs have had a sprinkling ,,looks smart in pots and better than bare soil,,,:)