Sir Napsalot
Well-Known Member
No, we don't agree because you're an idiot.
Imminent domain only succeeds in the most obvious of cases and it almost always comes into court because of the simple greed of the subject at hand.
Layman's Example: I own 1000 acres of land under which lies a massive oil deposit. The Shell oil company comes to me and offers me a half billion dollars for the drilling rights.
I refuse, saying I want 5 billion dollars which is about double what the deposits are worth.
So Shell oil files a grievance with the federal government for imminent domain.
It goes to court. I will lose my ass.
It is factually inevitable that at some point my oil reserves will be required. That is beyond any doubt contrary to the bullshit in your head.
I was also offered a very fair price for the drilling rights, I simply was a greedy asshole.
So what the government will apply for is minimally invasive rights. What that mean is the government will take only the land required to gain access to the oil reserves and will only pay me for access.
So rather than making a half billion dollars and buying myself an island and a yacht, I'll be lucky to make about 5 million dollars and be looking out my window at oil rigs.
The key to imminent domain is to not be a greedy asshole. If you're not, you'll in all likelihood never face it.
There is, rarely, the other side of that.
If Shell offered me only 5 million when a fair offer would be far more, then it would work the other way. The government would determine what the value really is and offer Shell the chance to pay up.
If Shell refused, then the government would offer the rights to the highest bidder with that amount as the opening bid.
So, again, don't be a greedy asshole. In imminent domain cases, whoever's the greedy asshole is going to lose.
Ask him can a girl of 12 consent to sex with a 30 year old
Who would hold them responsible and what would be the punishment for murdering you and your family, then taking your land ?
I asked YOU the question. When you answer with another question, it simple means you don't have an answer.So, you're saying in the absence of a central coercion based authority, if your neighbors who you knew quite well, were murdered and somebody else stole their house, there couldn't possibly be any way to hold the murderer responsible ?
Is that because you would be cowering behind your wife or because you can't imagine any other way of doing things than what other people tell you you're allowed to do ?
I'm not the one saying a 12 year old can consent to sex with an adult, that would be you.I thought you were older than 30?
Only because he’s a pedophile thoughI'm not the one saying a 12 year old can consent to sex with an adult, that would be you.
Sure would point in that direction and if not, defending is just as repulsive. And “liking” his crap is repulsive as well.Only because he’s a pedophile though
"Hello? FCC? My name is Schuylaar and there is this guy online who is stalking me. Will you help me please?
I asked YOU the question. When you answer with another question, it simple means you don't have an answer.
Once more.
Who would hold them responsible and what would be the punishment for murdering you and your family, then taking your land ? Try to answer how this would work in your utopia.
Only because he’s a pedophile though
I'm not the one saying a 12 year old can consent to sex with an adult, that would be you.
Sure would point in that direction and if not, defending is just as repulsive. And “liking” his crap is repulsive as well.
how would they seek restitution ? and when you say they secured a loan, is this loan from a private individual? In which case would not the murder kill him/her as well when they came to collect. Now he/she has her property and land as well. but back to how would they seek restitution.It depends on the circumstances and not each circumstance for everybody is necessarily the same. Motivations to seek justice could be family ties, friendship, formal written alliances, informal alliances or fulfillment of a business contract etc.
For instance, if a person had a secured loan against their property, and the new murderous occupant killed the person who had been paying a loan and seized the collateral too, that would be an instance of a party who might seek restitution from the murderer.
easy .If you don't mind, proving, using math, how what you claim is impossible, is actually impossible ?
I'm sure you've just overlooked this and have every intention of displaying the simple arithmetic that will allow you to finally best me in an argument. Thanks.
how would they seek restitution ? and when you say they secured a loan, is this loan from a private individual? In which case would not the murder kill him/her as well when they came to collect. Now he/she has her property and land as well. but back to how would they seek restitution.
Also what would stop arm robbery in your utopia or guns not allowed ? Thanks
and exactly who is this third party ? How do you select who would be this third party ? and who gave this third party the power or RIGHT to hold any judgments. ThanksIf I were seeking restitution the first thing I would do is gather sufficient evidence to demonstrate the guilt or culpability of the wrong doer to a third party(s) .
You're asking reasonable questions now, but I'd like to point out, AGAIN, that you've failed to demonstrate, using math, how a person can delegate a right they do not possess. I'm beginning to think your boast of being a math wizard fall short of the truth.
easy .
one 12 year old + one 31 year old x one sexual relationship = 10 to 15 years penitentiary or
12 is < than 31 = 1 pedophile
and exactly who is this third party ? How do you select who would be this third party ? and who gave this third party the power or RIGHT to hold any judgments. Thanks