I'm thinking you are one of the people that believes "anarchy" is a state of violent chaos. Common error, aided by the repetition of your master's self serving indoctrination. I'm being serious BTW.
Anarchy simply means "without a ruler". Meaning the status quo of all humans is equality, which I endorse. If you cared to, you could check the etymology of the word.
Although, in your case, that doesn't help very much, since you, like many others, confuse the meaning of the word equality. You erroneously think that "equality" means an existing coercion based authority(s) applies dominion over it's subjects equally. Or licenses it's dominion out to others who it favors so they can exercise dominion over others "legally". Which only means the status quo then is "equality of oppression" , not real equality. That is immutably self evident. (that means it's true and even if you get enough people to vote or believe differently, it can never make it not true)
I think your failing to answer any of my questions is telling. You avoided them or conflated the conversation.
You did ask some reasonable questions, thank you, but wondering or questioning how things might operate in "my utopia" isn't the same thing as offering justification for the contradictions and inequities of what presently exists.
In the present, the "normal" dystopia relies on a contradiction and using offensive force as a systemic primary means, while at the same time convincing dumbed down people that offensive force is needed "so nobody will use offensive force". That is another impossible lie that has been repeated so often , that it's convinced people it's accurate.
Happy trails.