Is this too much natural yellowing for week 6 flowering ?

monty Python

Active Member
Hi folks.

This is my first grow im on. I have a lemon skunk 6 weeks into flowering, actual flowering not 12/12 switch. {its rec 8-9 wks flowering}

I know yellowing of leaves is normal at this stage as the plant is using them up. but im just a bit worried that im getting too much yellowing at this stage in time.

I was away for a few days over the weekend there so couldnt monitor my plants and just hoped all would be well when i get back. When i got back and opened the tent all i could say was 'uh oh, shit!'

Heres a few pics iv took, each pic is from each side of the pot, and the last a top down view.

ls 17th 1.JPGls 17th 2.JPG
ls 17th 3.JPGls 17th 4.JPG
ls 17th 5.jpg

As you can see i have some luminous yellowing shit goin on here and doesnt look normal to me. I hope its ok though.
Last fed was 4ml p/l plant magic bloom and 3ml p/l biobizz topmax and some molasses. Fed 3 litres.

Anyone confirm if everythins still ok or do i have another problem ?

Thanks for looking.


yes, you could use a small amount of N, but this is natural to yellow around week 6 or 7. many nutrient regiments call for a small dose of N around week 5 or 6. Your plants look really nice and almost as if they may be done a bit earlier than 8 weeks. So maybe this particular strain has an earlier finishing time. i see that there are still a few green leaves in there, so it still has some food left. Check your trichomes with a cheap 30x microscope from radio shak to discern the time to harvest. they should be a creamy white when ready. i bet you are close! great job. those buds look tasty!


Active Member
i wouldnt give anymore N as your a bit into flower now . would just ride the storm and start to flush in a week .

monty Python

Active Member
Thanks for the replies ppl. Good to know im still in safe water.

Not sure what to do, thats them off to bed now and due a water tomorrow so i decide what to do soon, i think il just do what u recommmend Irishstaff and ride it out, perhaps if they had another few weeks to go yet id get some N in there but i think il leave be for now.

Maybe one more feed of moles asses and some top max then start to flush yous think ?
Im watering every 4 days.

As for the trichs, iv been checking them with little 40x microscope, damn thats a weirld looking little world down there lol, but most are all still clear i think. Im gonna have a good look at lights on and try get some pics up.

Also i think id like to harvest on the early side for more of a head high. When the trichs are cloudy/creamy white like you mentioed moz324 ?

Another q iv been meaning to ask, is there a best point on the plant to check the trich color ? Like should i be checking the trichs on the very top of the cola and using them as the indicator, or the trichs lower down on the bud etc ?
Or just start at the top and work my way down?

Thanks again for the replies, and the good words, put my mind at rest a good bit.


Active Member
check the tops first as thats were the plants will finnish first , To get the max out of the plants , when you come to harvest , just harvest what is done and leave the rest to bud up ,
What im trying to say is you needent chop ALL the plant down at the same time ,
Chop whats ripen then leave the rest a week or 2 .

monty Python

Active Member
screw the leaves, your buds look nice
Thanks man.

check the tops first as thats were the plants will finnish first , To get the max out of the plants , when you come to harvest , just harvest what is done and leave the rest to bud up ,
What im trying to say is you needent chop ALL the plant down at the same time ,
Chop whats ripen then leave the rest a week or 2 .​
Yeah mate. Im gonna harvest the two main colas and let the rest fatten up a lil. Was hoping to get it all out to make more room for my hawaaina snow, but im sure if i let the lemon go a little longer with the side branching il be happy i did.

I checked around up the tops, i can tell its gonna take me a little while to get the hang of trich spotting. But from what i can tell, they are all still clear for the most part. Look like little balls of water on the ends?

I do see a few what look like milky ones up the very top. But mostly still clear.

Took a snippet of a leaf from one of the tops that looked quite frosty.

These are the best pics i could get.
trich1.jpgtrich 2.JPGtrich 3.JPGtrich 4.JPGtrich 5.JPG

What you guys reckon, another week or so ?

Is this thread goin off topic a little. Shall i start another thread about my trichs somewhere else ?



Active Member
i would let them go a couple of weeks so they REALLY fatten up . Your plants are not done until they ripen . Some people chop far too early and dont wait for the swell , that is when your bud will put more weight on . Also when you do decide to chop give your plants one last watering with ice water and leave in complete darkness for a couple of days and you will also see a great difference . 20%
When you first start to grow there is far too much info to take in all at once but im sure you will get there sooner rather than later .
Keep up the good work and keep us informed .
Keep this thread going were here to help you .

monty Python

Active Member
Ok mate. Will do. Should i start to think about flushing now though. Flush for 2 weeks ?

Thanks for the tips m8, id heard about the darkness period but not the ice watering. And dont worry mate, il not be chopping early im gonna do this right. Patience is a virtue. Ive got a hawaiian snow growing atm too thats only half way through the recommended 13 weeks flower, but im in it for the longhaul.

Id be glad to keep yous informed. Il get some pics up at the weekend prob. Make sure its all looking good.

Thanks again man.