2 years ago I bred a plant I found in the Amazon (Ecuadorean Chola) and a Jamaican I had picked up a few years earlier. A rocking plant with a great high. It's an awesome yielder so decided to make it my cash crop last year. I took about 50 clones each from 4 plants. I was taking them once a week at the end. By mid June I decided I was done and started cleaning out my indoor room and start focusing on the clones I put out. I had these 4 over worked sorry looking grannies I had raped over and over, especially at the end. I mean they were naked and alone. Thin sticks. I was on my way to the compost pile with them and didn't have any weed in my yard so I decided to put the in the ground. I figured if they lived, I might get a couple ounces off them. They were all but dead and damn if they didn't start to wake up.
They ended up being my best plants.
Blue Jag (Chola x Jam)
If I had a picture of them when I put them in, you'd laugh your head off.
There are a few good videos on YouTube about extreme defoliation. check them out.