is this true a guy in lousiana told me he gets a ounce for

I wouldnt say better shit.... at least not all of the time. We do get a decent amount of our smoke in from Cali (at least here in NO ;) ) and it is top quality and pulls the higher pricetag of 5-600... the rest though, is more locally grown and tends to be rather generic... it looks good enough to sell at high prices, but the buzz/potency leaves much ot be desired... this can still be picked up for 350-400, but good luck finding someone that will give you a straight deal. :-?....
600 dollars for Cali medical bud. You're payin' more than double...


Well-Known Member
lol, I thought you were from cali, guess not? on another subject though-I know i dont really know that much about your situation and whats happening in your life but in the last month or two it seems like you've been pretty depressed, I can't do much to help that i know of but I just wanted to say keep your head up bro and try to stay strong, you'll get through all the shit. i wish i could do more than just try to provide moral support, it kinda bugs me to see someone going through something like that and not be able to really do anything.


lol, I thought you were from cali, guess not? on another subject though-I know i dont really know that much about your situation and whats happening in your life but in the last month or two it seems like you've been pretty depressed, I can't do much to help that i know of but I just wanted to say keep your head up bro and try to stay strong, you'll get through all the shit. i wish i could do more than just try to provide moral support, it kinda bugs me to see someone going through something like that and not be able to really do anything.

nothing too major, just not working/paying bills.... things are starting to look up a bit though... I have irons in the fire everywhere :)

its not really a new thing, construction/renovations dry up around the holidays as people cut back.... even more so in a shitty economy. I'm becoming a pro at craigslist though:clap:...

thanks for your concern bro... really:joint:


Indeed they are. We're getting all the Christmas Buds here. Got all the Christmassy names. :-) It's all very likely just regular Kine with different names but I appreciate the effort. :-)

my dad and i were just talking about "christmas tree bud" the other day.... we dont really see it anymore... up until a few years ago, every year starting around late Oct., we would see an influx of fresh, piney mids.... not so much anymore... the weed got better, but it looks like last years "christmas tree":-?....

but come on bro, how could you not love holiday names on your bud??? bet there's a shitload of that "santaberry" floatin around ;)


Well-Known Member
im not from usa but i would say he is full of shit.
tell him you will give him $1500 for 10oz which would give him an easy $400 profit and see if he goes for it or not.or ask for a sample for a buyer.:joint:

if he goes for it and the weed is good, he is a grower looking for buyers or a mid man.
if he makes excuses about not being able to get it for you over a prolonged period (10 weeks for example) then he is just talking out of the small brown hole that he had filled up in prison at some point, hahaha.
as he is probably the sad life version of forest gump.
my pricing may be off somewhat as im not from the US but the advice is sound.:weed:

This made me LOL


Well-Known Member
something i dont get-how do u all get your activity levels close to 100% (or 100% itself). I'm constantly cruising the forums and i never seem to get more than 30-40% even days when i spend the whole day on here(literally) just cruising the forums like i said and responding every now and then to a post that catches my attention. what am i not doing or doing wrong?