Is this true??


Well-Known Member
That's news to me.. looks like a very old method form the 30's or something.. almost seems laughable


Well-Known Member
if that were true seed companies wouldn't sell feminized seeds (or would they?) people would just look for those characteristics. i have no proof that its not true but if i had to bet on it i would say bullshit


Active Member
if that were true seed companies wouldn't sell feminized seeds (or would they?) people would just look for those characteristics. i have no proof that its not true but if i had to bet on it i would say bullshit
exactly what i was thinking.... yeah i think its BS ... wish it was tru tho


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt shoot the idea down until i had tried it myself. i only buy fem seeds so i have no sure fire way of getting a few males to check against the female seeds. hopefully someone that has both can look and give us their take on what they see?


Well-Known Member
Jorge Cerventes talks about things you can do to insure a greater female:male ratio which tells me that seeds aren't sexed, necessarily. With that being said, the info posted would be false and outdated as previously stated.


Active Member
its from an old book my friend has, i say old not sure how old! yea, people should give it a go!


I'm guessing it's incorrect.I just looked at 30 seeds under the magnifying glass, according to that they were ALL female!I don't think it's possible because these were just normal bagseed from cheap weed.


Active Member
I do remember reading somewhere you can almost tell the sex of a seed by how/where it sprouts during germination..

Not sure how that relates to this however, so just throwing that out there. lol