Is this what karmas all about

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
Karma is real. My cousin is always copying my strains (even though we agreed to grow different stuff to trade with each other) and copying shit I do in my growroom without asking why I do certain things. He saw a humidifier in my room (that wasn't full or even plugged in) and decided he was going to go home and hook one up. Long story short, he killed 8 of his plants between the powdery mildew he ended up getting and the stupid concoction of sprays he had dripping from his plants to get rid of the pm. Karma or just plain stupidity?


Well-Known Member
Well, it started off with me just joking about her fall. Now they tell me she need 3months of rehab to walk again, and will probably have to stay for like 6weeks. .....fuck me!
il·log·i·cal (
adj.1. Contradicting or disregarding the principles of logic.
2. Without logic; senseless.

Adv.1.illogically - in an illogical manner; "she acted illogically under the pressure"
logically - in a logical manner; "he acted logically under the circumstances"

Notice how they used "she" do define illogically, and "he" to describe logically?? haha thought that was funny


Well-Known Member
You're looking at this all wrong. The karma was YOURS. You should have listened for a few minutes to whatever she wanted to say, now you have to wipe her ass for a few months.