Is today a good day to die?


There's treachery afoot
I have a little gurl that has been flowirng for 74 days now, all by her lonesome under 400w hps. She was really a mistake so to speak, as she began her life as a clone taken from her momma the day she was harvested. Everyone told me it was very hard to clone flowing plants so of coarse, I had to try it. Really did not think it would fly, but to my suprise, it worked! I have no idea the strain however the plant she was taken from was not pruned and only send up one center cola and no true side shoots, only a few with popcorn buds. The smoke though....wowee it packs a whollup! No idea which friend gave me the seeds so at this point, my dear Yolanda ( who was trimmed to produce additional colas) is a mystery strain. Been checking the trichs daily, most are cloudy, a few are amber and there a just a few still clear. Problem is this...despite proper ventilation (I grew 6-8 white widow plants in the same space over the winter) she is an amazingly fragrant and smelling up my entire 2600sf home...even the second floor. WTF!!!!! So, in short, I do not want to waste my efforts here but the smell is really out of control. I have ionizers, bad air sponges and a vent system that runs to my chimney, yet her pungent aroma has permeated my home. Need some opinions on her murder date. Should I cut her now, or should I wait another week or two?
when I pull into my garage, it smells like I ran over a skunk.
dman photo attach is not working. will attach pics momentarily


There's treachery afoot
Sorry about that, attachment tab would not work. Anyway, she is a strange little plant, much different than the white widow I am familiar with. Buds are small and compact and not at all what I normally see.



Active Member
I think it looks pretty neat dude, great job! use your judgment when you think its time to go its time to go... best of luck, i say when the trichs are cloudy its a good time or at least 60% amber, gives you that ultimate head+body high.

Best of luck on the rest of growing will look at your harvest pictures looks like some good bud.


There's treachery afoot
Thank you all for your replies! Will head down to the garden and chop:mrgreen: the lady this very evening!


There's treachery afoot
Hey Sea....been a long time! I have been out of state for a bit, dealing with family stress. Mom was diagnosed with stage IIIc ovarian cancer and I have been out east helping keep my dads health in good shape. Surgery is over but things are not going well and may head back out there this weekend. Had one little plant going and she is coming down tonight! Yay! Thank goodness for house sitters who follow gardening instructions. (indoors and out!) Got my first ripe tomato today! Amazing considering all the flippin rain and flooding we have seen here, it's been a little scary and pretty damn soggy. Looking forward to a semi dry


Well-Known Member
I JUST read that THC is highest at sunrise, or after darkness . . . for what that's worth.
A reliable source, IMO. Assuming this as fact, I might wait until morning to hack her head off!
Went and fetched that data, borrowed from someone.

"In the 1970s, Dr Carleton Turner at the University of Mississippi found that there was a variation in the amount of THC in a sample, depending upon the time that the plant was taken. The most potent point was just before dawn after nighttime darkness.

Then, in 2000, Dr Paul Mahlberg of Indiana University showed that THC was produced extracellularly, on the inside of the glandular membrane, which would allow for its daily recycling.

The idea of using a dark period to increase THC before harvest warrants some investigation. An extended dark period right before harvest might very well increase THC content."
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Well-Known Member
Hey Sea....been a long time! I have been out of state for a bit, dealing with family stress. Mom was diagnosed with stage IIIc ovarian cancer and I have been out east helping keep my dads health in good shape. Surgery is over but things are not going well and may head back out there this weekend. Had one little plant going and she is coming down tonight! Yay! Thank goodness for house sitters who follow gardening instructions. (indoors and out!) Got my first ripe tomato today! Amazing considering all the flippin rain and flooding we have seen here, it's been a little scary and pretty damn soggy. Looking forward to a semi dry
I will light candles for you and yours, Flower, all my best to you.


Well-Known Member
i really liked that story, it was your plants story...a memoir. And may you murder that little girl and set her ablaze!


Well-Known Member
damn she looks nice and GRATS the clone during flowering i heard it wasnt possible and she has some wierd ass colas