here´s another trick,
wait till the plant has about 5-6 nodes and the secondary growth is coming in,
then softly bend the top in the direction that exposes the most tops,usually if you lst, you lose a few budsites to the dark side of the plant, but done this way, you maybe lose one budsite, possibly none.
you need to feel the stem as you bend it, some plants are more breaky than others. just bend it back as far as it goes(or where you want it). slowly, especially first time, very slowly, feeling the tension in the stem.
it will revert somewhat, but be more or less bent in the direction you want.
the next day, repeat, the top will perhaps have reverted completely back, but in about 3-4 days of this (5 min each day, depending on plant and you,im usually seconds now) the plant will have reached the shape you want (the lower budsites grow as they are exposed, helping with the top going backward.
and in about 2 weeks (with some adjusting along the way, same method, but rarely much is needed)
voila, at least 4 tops (up to 10 if you want, though i generally trim some to give more light to the best ones)
mostly the same size but with 1 the thickest, if you do it right, they will be all the same height, at most an inch difference if you dont get it quite right.
(this method depends greatly on your strain, some strains will bend easy, other will be more fiddly and break more easy, some will be no trouble at all, work of seconds to shape others might require 5 minutes of careful bending, feeling the stem as you slowly go)