Is Using FoxFarm Ocean Forest Soil Okay for the Seedling Stage?


I'm not sure if "seedling stage" is the correct term, but I am talking about when you plant in a small container to begin, then after a couple weeks transport it to a larger (3gal) container. I'm not sure if that kind of soil would have too much nutrients for a seed, and if it wouldn't work then is just general soil okay? any help is greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
I found that FFOF was too much for my seedlings and pretty much burnt the one I tried to transplant to it overnight. It was yellow and beyond gone within 48 hours. For my other seedlings I mixed 40% light warrior and 60% ocean forest in 4" pots and that was perfect. No problems. They are now in 3gal pots of just FFOF only and no issues.


haha two very contradicting responses. so if I were to plant them in a small container with normal soil, then transported it to the FFOF in a 3gal, would my plants be okay?


ocean forest should b great for any stage in my personal exp.. i dont know why ur plants yellowed mayb it was something other than the soil? bc ive had all types in there with no problems


Active Member
i also use FFOF for the entire grow, and ive never really had a problem. once i had a little little burn, not anything to worry about. think its more dependent on strain tho