is weed a sexual enhancer?

I sometimes feel that I would prefer to just be left alone with my pot and negate any need for sex...except with myself of course...I still enjoy sex with myself...Hmm....
I may also need a lot of batteries...

Please, What is that in your avatar? An owl or bat?
I turned my head and everything please I need to know.
I can convert battery operated things to use a wall outlet just so you know!
You don't enjoy sex anymore..? that makes me sad...

Well it just gets boring after a bit always the same with the same person...I am of a wandering spirit I guess, but I am bored as shit with my whole life at the moment...the sex being on the super super top of the list...
I am not lacking in penises...a rather large one at my disposal most of the time...but it is lacking a little on it's other end that I find is really important to the task as a whole.
but sex with me is still good...My relationship is having a little bit of trouble...a lotta bit of trouble perhaps...or maybe it is just me...either way... I don't like it and I am tired of acting like I do for a few minutes a I have just been skipping the whole thing...til he starts to get all whiny with the questions... "Am I sure there is nobody else and all that..." and no...there is nobody else or I might smile every once in awhile...
As a man I'd have to say you're going about it wrong, You should talk it out with your fella about what needs to change and try to work something out...
You know the talking only makes it worse..he has that dreaded issue of most men, PE...pretty much he gets off like a streak of lightning while I am just left sitting there somewhat confused...He can't seem to help it...he tries really hard...but it never works out and I am tired of 3-5 minute sex sessions...
I mean after awhile you know what will happen so just why keep doing this...ya know...
We've talked about it, and then I looked it up only to find the best advice is apparently to not talk about it...His dr. gave him some prozac, but it never helped with it...I guess it isn't really supposed to...we were just hoping to use an unwanted side effect as our main effect...anyway doesn't matter...
And he acts like I am supposed to initiate sex because he doesn't seem to know how, but if I start it, then I am literally left with nothing...I don't even get the foreplay if I seek the's like oh well she must be turned on...let's pump here for about 12 and a half strokes, and we're good...thanks honey and goodnight...
I was alright with it for not really I mean as I said we have talked and talked about no avail. Perhaps it is something wrong with me... but I have had good sexual relationships previously...just not with the men I end up marrying...I should just stop marrying guys that I don't like sleeping with...that would probably fix it....but it is obviously too late for that...
Is there something I can slip him that will cause him to need more than the aforementioned 12.5 strokes to finish...? Like the opposite of a date rape a date can't get off pill or something...?
If you act like something is wrong then he'll believe something is wrong.

Well I mean something is wrong...but why always jump to the fact that there might be someone else...can't I just not want to sleep with you because I am tired of the few minutes burden with no enjoyment it gives me? You guys will have to excuse me...I woke up and put on my bitch hat this morning...
and last week my vibrator no orgasms for me and I just think it is unfair...totally unfair...I sleep with him and he gets off...I get what? a mess...that is what...nothing but a goddamn mess!
He jumps to that conclusion because he knows he can't give you what you want.

Tell him to jerk off 5 times a day every day for a month and see if that works.
Watch for slipping him Ssri`s Some will not only make him take FOREVER to come it may
leave him limp as well. Tell him to tell his doc he has ed and get some viagra and make him do his
job. Foreplay is first. Thats why its foreplay. Tell him by tounge or whatever method you come first
then blow the shit out of him. If he is not willing to put in the work. Stop giving it to him until he does.
If he decides to cheat over it. Problem solved your single again.
I`m not a pussy doctor but I do play one on tv
You know the talking only makes it worse..he has that dreaded issue of most men, PE...pretty much he gets off like a streak of lightning while I am just left sitting there somewhat confused...He can't seem to help it...he tries really hard...but it never works out and I am tired of 3-5 minute sex sessions...
I mean after awhile you know what will happen so just why keep doing this...ya know...
We've talked about it, and then I looked it up only to find the best advice is apparently to not talk about it...His dr. gave him some prozac, but it never helped with it...I guess it isn't really supposed to...we were just hoping to use an unwanted side effect as our main effect...anyway doesn't matter...
And he acts like I am supposed to initiate sex because he doesn't seem to know how, but if I start it, then I am literally left with nothing...I don't even get the foreplay if I seek the's like oh well she must be turned on...let's pump here for about 12 and a half strokes, and we're good...thanks honey and goodnight...
I was alright with it for not really I mean as I said we have talked and talked about no avail. Perhaps it is something wrong with me... but I have had good sexual relationships previously...just not with the men I end up marrying...I should just stop marrying guys that I don't like sleeping with...that would probably fix it....but it is obviously too late for that...
Is there something I can slip him that will cause him to need more than the aforementioned 12.5 strokes to finish...? Like the opposite of a date rape a date can't get off pill or something...?

i used to have the opposite of PE, but nowadays i have to unload the cannon a few hours beforehand if i want to last more than 5 minutes. that would be the only thing i could think of that would help your situation.
and last week my vibrator no orgasms for me and I just think it is unfair...totally unfair...I sleep with him and he gets off...I get what? a mess...that is what...nothing but a goddamn mess!

U have hands use them!! Fingers ;)

LOL Damn this one guy i'm dating wont ever finish!!!! Never a mess unless it's my own, he wants anal, i wont give lol so he wont blow lmfao

Why does he beg for more ???

Weed doe not put me in the mood for sex, maybe snuggles but i don't get horny easily if i just smoked.

Does he finish fast? If so make him jerk off a few hours b4 naughty time

OMG i luv giant penis, i thought i new what big was, oh no i recently found out :)

Maybe i just have small hands and a tight..... lmfao
Watch for slipping him Ssri`s Some will not only make him take FOREVER to come it may
leave him limp as well. Tell him to tell his doc he has ed and get some viagra and make him do his
job. Foreplay is first. Thats why its foreplay. Tell him by tounge or whatever method you come first
then blow the shit out of him. If he is not willing to put in the work. Stop giving it to him until he does.
If he decides to cheat over it. Problem solved your single again.
I`m not a pussy doctor but I do play one on tv

He can get hard all day long, but we have tried viagra as well...the Dr said the Viagra wasn't what we needed, but we wanted to try anyway...and we tried, and isn't what he needs...SSRI's in low doses are sometimes used to treat Premature Ejaculation...PE is a good bit different than ED...he gets the erection, but he is very very very quick to cum...I feel sure that there are things he could do to help, but either he isn't doing them, or they aren't working...
I have pretty much dealt with the fact that he will never ever possibly ever have a chance in hell of satisfying me now...I am a grudge only get so many chances to not fuck something up, and then my mind says enough--I hate you. All the info I find about it pretty much says that I can't harass him to do the exercises, or talk about it a whole lot at all, without making it worse...I've made him worse by dealing with it...just taking it in stride and going along for the joy of his company, but now he just acts like oh well, it is what it I pretty much feel like after sex he is just like "hey! Fuck you and the fact that you would like to cum..." and like I said, after you mess it up so much I don't even get turned on anymore, because I know it will always be the same...and because I have lost all physical connection with him, I find the rest of it is slipping..the little things that used to be minor annoyances are now just like GTFO!!!
Most of the reason I figured we could work around the timing is the sheer size of it..I mean it is amazing and beautiful and worthless! It's like tits on a nun this guys dick...sure it might look nice but what they fuck are you going to use it for...?
He can get hard all day long, but we have tried viagra as well...the Dr said the Viagra wasn't what we needed, but we wanted to try anyway...and we tried, and isn't what he needs...SSRI's in low doses are sometimes used to treat Premature Ejaculation...PE is a good bit different than ED...he gets the erection, but he is very very very quick to cum...I feel sure that there are things he could do to help, but either he isn't doing them, or they aren't working...
I have pretty much dealt with the fact that he will never ever possibly ever have a chance in hell of satisfying me now...I am a grudge only get so many chances to not fuck something up, and then my mind says enough--I hate you. All the info I find about it pretty much says that I can't harass him to do the exercises, or talk about it a whole lot at all, without making it worse...I've made him worse by dealing with it...just taking it in stride and going along for the joy of his company, but now he just acts like oh well, it is what it I pretty much feel like after sex he is just like "hey! Fuck you and the fact that you would like to cum..." and like I said, after you mess it up so much I don't even get turned on anymore, because I know it will always be the same...and because I have lost all physical connection with him, I find the rest of it is slipping..the little things that used to be minor annoyances are now just like GTFO!!!

Sit on his face, he can make u cum if he really wants too , just saying, u need a good lay, dear lord i feel bad for u, do u love him enough to accept it and get urself off the rest of ur life? Why does he not use the toys on u after he is done???? if not maybe it's time to move on.
Hmmm...another interesting fact that you April could already guess if you got the gist of my bitching...he doesn't go down hahaahahahahahahaaaaaa....
sometimes you have to laugh while you cry, or people will just think you are sad...
and you know...he probably could if he really wanted to...but he doesn't...he is totally selfish in the bedroom, pretty unselfish everywhere else...nope I take it back...he is stingy in the bed and with food...doesn't like to share...

And you know I thought at first I could just keep on keeping on and it wasn't that big of a deal, but sometimes I just get so goddamn upset about it all I just don't know...
he doesn't like pussy, he gets off too fast, he doesn't like animals, and he acts like a dick a good deal of the time...and when he isn't yelling at someone like a crazy barbarian man then he is whining about how am I sure I love him, and it is like JEEzus you insecure poor little thing...get the fuck off of me, til you grow up some--Aaaaaiiiight?