Is working out and getting in shape worth it?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here been obese then decided to turn their life around and get into shape?

Is the hard work, pain, healthy food worth it? Or did you find it overrated and return to your old self?


New Member
It's worth it when you think of the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle as you get older. I was a fucking pig until two years ago. I stand 5' 9" and two years ago I weighed a fat 212. I started riding a bike to work and lost 40 pounds in 3 months.

I can honestly tell you it is a world of difference. But when I really noticed a change was when I quit eating fried foods completely and switched to just grilled meats and salmon steaks. My energy levels are off the charts. When I was overweight, I'd break a sweat just doing minimal tasks, but now I don't do that.

Diet is key, you can jog all day and lose weight, but if you want to BE healthy, cut out the shit you put in your mouth and arteries.

EDIT: I'd also like to add that I forced, literally forced myself to substitute water for cola. You'd be surprised what those 12 oz. cans of sugar can do to compromise a diet. Changing my diet was actually harder than getting up to run in the mornings. Especially when everyone around you is chowing down on delicious pizza. It won't happen overnight, but breaking bad habits feels great mentally, and that's what keeps me doing it.


Well-Known Member
Good for you man. I have watched a loved one make this change and all I can add is
think in terms of lifestyle change. Ease into it and do not worry about weighing yourself every 15 minutes.
Drink tons of water also. (you will gain water weight but you wont know because your not staring at the scale right?}
As for diet Maybe at first allow yourself a cheat day and slowly reduce
that to a meal or two a week. If you fall off the wagon dont judge it just get back on track. If possible find like minded people to
encourage each other as one day you will be strong and helpfull to others and another day they will be picking
you up and dusting you off. Also know that you will have to always maintain it or you will revert fast.
Either way I wish you to find the courage. Its not luck you will earn it or you will not get it


Well-Known Member
It's a lifestyle for me i eat almost all healthy food and it's not longer a chore to me it becomes appealing after a while because you feel alot better. I still eat some junk food here and there but not much, it's nice to save it for the munchies when i get them time to time lol. Other than that i eliminate most Salts, sugars, and bad fats from my diet. You can eat healthy and still be consuming tasty foods, you just need to cook it the right ways or find the right recipes. An extremely healthy thing to take is Spirulina and chlorella in capsules, look it up. It's like a complete food full of all vitamins and minerals and has tons of health benefits. It is like the weed of the food market. Does a great deal of good for your body and can cure many diseases. Pretty much once you get into a lifestyle like this you feel great and knowing that you are healthier and happier motivates me to do it for the rest of my life.


Well-Known Member
Steamed veggies, grilled chicken w/red N green peppers. Shrimp, fish
Yeah once you get into it you can create some very good food. Its also interesting to start looking at how many grams
of sugar are in shit. I think we all know how much a gram is, now read that pepsi I`m so fond of.
That my friend is a fat sack of sugar


IMO its worth it in moderation. i mean yea people that workout live longer but its not really worth it if those extra years are wasted in the gym


Well-Known Member
You would never feel so alive and great about yourself.Then it would just be easy and a new lifestyle when you are in shape.Plus you confidence will skyrocket.


Ursus marijanus
You would never feel so alive and great about yourself.Then it would just be easy and a new lifestyle when you are in shape.Plus you confidence will skyrocket.
Oh how i wish that had been true for me.

It gives you greater access to higher quality vagina, so yes.
A multiple of zero is still zero. ~big heavy sigh~ cn

Any fifty-plus folks care to weigh in? I'm finding that i can't seem to gain strength, stamina or pleasure from activity any more. cn

Rascality Afoot

Well-Known Member
My old man recently decided to get back into shape so he could do some over 50s rugby. I'm at his house so I asked him. He says that you don't gain a bunch of weight in a day, so you won't lose it in one either. He also said that it's important to have something you enjoy doing (naturally). Going to the gym sucks with all us young folks, so he went for a 4hr hike every other day. Between that and eating healthy foods (not low fat, just healthy. A pound of butter sticks to you like ten pounds of olive oil) he is back in the game and kicking ass I might add.

Hiking or cycling until you get tired is great, because once your all tired out, you have to walk or ride all the way back still!

Best of luck to you. It doesn't have to suck too bad. If the energy you burn is greater than the energy you consume, you'll lose weight. Simple as that.

He also says to take one day a week that is YOUR day and eat whatever you want. The idea is to love yourself thin, not hate yourself thin.


Ursus marijanus
I do not know if you were addressing me, Rascality ... if so, thank you for the detailed contribution. I'm not worrying about weight or diet, but i would love to regain some aerobic strength. But these past two years I've found that the benefits of a vigorous hike don't accumulate like they used to. I have hit some sort of wall. I hiked hard today, two miles of terrain in under 40 minutes, but that's pretty much my limit. I cannot seem to improve from there! I have had to discard my dream of hiking the half Dome ... 17 miles covered; a mile vertical each way. it used to be in the I Can Do It category. No more. cn


New Member
Has anyone here been obese then decided to turn their life around and get into shape?

Is the hard work, pain, healthy food worth it? Or did you find it overrated and return to your old self?
of course it's worth it lol, what a silly question.


GO FOR IT MAN.ive been mad about downhill bikeing and just riding when ever its posable for over 10 years.get a bike man and take it easy you will feel alot better for it dude.i dont beleve starvin your self is healthy and going to a gym is mundane theres a lot of world too see and you can get fit at the same time.


There is a big difference in fasting and then starvin your self on one of hundreds of diets that are out there.I feel that there are better ways of loseing unwanted weight.Form watching a family member crash dieting for as long as i can remeber i cant see any benafit from this,Fasting is rarely a weight lose choice rather based on religious grounds.This is my personal view each to there own what works for one mite not for the other.


New Member
Well it's perfect for getting toxins out, loosing weight, not so much. I did it one time for 4 days and I felt like a new person after, I recommend not doing alot of activity while doing this lol.