Is World wide seeds safe?


Well-Known Member
I wanted to know what peoples experience has been with world wide seeds and if its safe to have them sent to your home address or if you should have it sent to a friends/relatives house. Im thinking of ordering seeds from them from a regomendation that i recived from this site. I love this site and i would be nowhere without you guys.


Well-Known Member
i have not ordered from them but i have heard only good info about them and will be ordereing from them soon


Well-Known Member
lol, bull shit smoke2live, maybe your friend is a lier...

and it's called world wide marijuana seeds, not world wide seeds.

but it's most definatly the best site to get your seeds from, i have ordered from them twice, and couldn't be more happy...original packaging from original breeders...need i say more???

well i will, fast shipping (at least compared to all other seedbanks) and very discreet packaging in the mail.



Well-Known Member
I realy want ot order from them. they are the best in price, but if heard so many bad things about ordering on line that i want to do my homework before i order.


Well-Known Member
i need to order seeds soon and have heard a lot of good things about and some bad things but i think that i am going to take the risk and order from them


Well-Known Member
you can send it to your house, it's pretty safe. but if your REALLY paranoid, just get a pobox or something.



New Member
it's been 3 weeks for me, and still waiting!! i dont know what it is, but i never got replys to email's i sent. maybe he/she does'nt give a f@*%


Well-Known Member
[21:06] choppers4life: hey man
[21:06] michael: yo
[21:07] choppers4life: where do u live no b.s. you know i'm fucking cool
[21:07] michael: england
[21:07] choppers4life: like where
[21:07] michael: near london
[21:08] choppers4life: closer dude i'm no fucking snitch or pig
[21:08] michael: whats the point
[21:09] michael: theres no reason to know
[21:09] michael: i'm not that bothered
[21:09] choppers4life: let's see if u trust me
[21:09] michael: it doesn't change anything
[21:09] michael: its not about trust
[21:09] michael: cus i won't tell anyone that info
[21:10] choppers4life: i dont know the area im just curios, i dont know shit about england
[21:10] michael: brb
[21:11] choppers4life: im not saying where is ur fucking house cool take time

Maybe he'd had a similar conversation with you like this and thought you were a Narc, i bet you still got your stuff delivered and your just pissed at him for some reason.


Well-Known Member
ya this is complete bullshit, seems there are people here with agendas, not sure, but I always order from wwms and get my orders within 7 days. everything else said here is uncivilzed, and seems contrived as I am friends with atleast 10 people on here who have had the same expirinace and I thank them for telling me about this place. I like to stay loyal to the people who do me right. its the only way to travel

choppers4life, why you trying to get peoples info bro? learn how to carry yourself around here or you will be shunned. thats a very big no no not sure what your game is, but I tell you games over.

it's been 3 weeks for me, and still waiting!! i dont know what it is, but i never got replys to email's i sent. maybe he/she does'nt give a f@*%