Is Your Neighbor As Cool As Mine?

My neighbor is the best! I say about every 2 weeks he rings my door bell & hands me 1-3 grams of bomb ass bud. He seems like he's always in a hurry, I try to talk to him, but I guess he's not one for small talk. He comes, he gives, he leaves. I made them cookies for Christmas, I guess this is pay back, lol. So it pays to give neighbors you don't know cookies for Christmas, oh & I keep making him cookies!


Active Member
Your neighbour sounds awesome...

My neighbor is a conservative Dick face but to be fair I haven't made him cookies yet.


New Member
My neighbor(the only one within 1/8 mile at least) is the Volunteer Fire Department/City Hall/Police Station/Jail...Definitely cooler than my neighbors will ever be. LOL


Active Member
yeah? well my neighbour is in the fucking NHL

won the Stanley cup the one year with Pittsburgh. BAAAAM

Who's neighbour has that as an accomplishment in life?


Well-Known Member
im 24 w my own house, i live in a development and my neighbors houses are about 30 yards away from mine side to side, and maybe 60 yards behind me, i got next door neighbors, back door neighbors. everyone keeps to themselves besides the occasional wave

my neighbors are boring


Active Member
im 24 w my own house, i live in a development and my neighbors houses are about 30 yards away from mine side to side, and maybe 60 yards behind me, i got next door neighbors, back door neighbors. everyone keeps to themselves besides the occasional wave

my neighbors are boring
Parents live in a smilar setup, real tight-knit neighborhood with the whole neighborhood watch thing. When I was watching their house last week I smoked on their back porch and I had a neighbor come over and warn me...she said, "there might be a skunk in the neighborhood, be on the look out and call animal control if you see it" hahahahaha, damn it feels good to be a gangsta ;)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
A neighbour that can't find time to chat to you briefly, call me mad but that is anything but a cool neighbour, free weed be damned. I think me sitting around talking with mine and sharing a smoke is cooler than being given free smoke and never knowing him.


Well-Known Member
My neighbors have jacked parts off my crop two seasons in a row. To be fair, I'm not actually positive it was a neighbor, it could have been anyone really, best guess would be a neighbor though..

Mexicans who can't speak English in the back, they grow shit like corn, one of them asked me to buy some weed one time in broken Spanglish but it was still on the plant and I couldn't communicate to him he'd have to take the steps to dry it out and cure it first. Two other neighbors are pretty gangster from the looks of it, make that 3 actually, one of them I'd NEVER fuck with, he looks like he'd murder me but he's chill as fuck, I came home one night and he was out walking his dog looking for the stray cats lmao.

Fools in the back play the mariache music constantly, I can drown it out pretty good though.

Chill for the most part, but I doubt any of them would ever bring some weed by for me, lol that's pretty cool.
Dude!!! He just did it again! That's funny, I posted this because I haven't seen him for almost 2 weeks! ROTFLMFAO! ha! He must have read my mind! This time it's an 8th... looks like kush cookies are coming his way!!!
We knew they smoked, we smell it all the time. One time I had a mega migraine & was out of buds & my husband happen to run into him, then he just asked if he had any for me.... & it's been great ever since!

It's great we all have awesome people around us!


Well-Known Member
Maybe he's got a massive grow operation going on and this is his way of keeping you
I would have to second this, that's probably whats going on. Or he could be on crack, that'll make your neighbors act weird to, he might try to give you stuff and be all friendly and in a big hurry if he's smoked out. either way good for you sounds like you got lucky.