Islam can dish it out, but can't take it


Well-Known Member
Yes, you're making progress. At first, you said it was offensive and racist to even mention white privilege.
I never stated that if i did i'm sure you would cite it

it is not offensive to me that you are racist, i told you i do not hate racists

why do you believe that only white people can experience privilege ?
you have danced around this question continuously


Well-Known Member
and what do we tell the people that are ALREADY here?..prayer is a personal choice and the modern muslim-american can toddle over to their smart device and set their (not mine) alarm for their call to prayer as often as allah wills it!


and by the way..where are all the women during this "call to prayer"?

tolerance works both ways, bucky.
i was out in the yard building a gate today.

heard church bells all over the place on several occasions.

did not feel persecuted in the least.

but one university rings a bell once a week to promote tolerance and inclusion and you flip your shit.

i will never understand this whole retarded islamaphobia thing.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you clearly said that the words white privilege are racist. I took that to mean that you find the term offensive.
I do not find it offensive, white privilege for ALL whites is incorrect as i have proved , but you are too immature to concede that you are wrong

Do you continue to deny black privilege exists for some individuals ?


Well-Known Member
I do not find it offensive, white privilege for ALL whites is incorrect as i have proved , but you are too immature to concede that you are wrong

Do you continue to deny black privilege exists for some individuals ?
You have proved nothing. You have conceded that some whites are privileged from your previous stance that mere mention of white privilege is racist. I also disagree that you are not offended, I think you are offended which is why you have been so desperate to make it seem like you're winning an argument and being stoic. I don't mind admitting that racism does elicit an emotional response though. Racist attitudes piss me off.


Well-Known Member
I also disagree that you are not offended, I think you are offended.
Why do you want me to be offended it seems really important to you ?

Do you want to swear at me again, maybe cry racist wolf some more
you clearly let your emotions get the better of you

Why do you believe only certain races can experience discrimination >?


Well-Known Member
Oh cool, another red herring.
well answer the question

why do you believe only certain races can experience discrimination?
i hold the view that all races can experience discrimination , any sane person should agree ?

if you want to construct a table of which races are discriminated the most compared to others i would be ok with that