Islam can dish it out, but can't take it


Well-Known Member
why have you not condemned the violent, homicidal, psychopathic racists in your own religion, tinyboner?

bigeasy is over in another thread boasting about how he was "glad" to have "the opportunity" to "get some trigger time in" on arabs because he hates arabs, calling them "degenerate goat fuckers".

since you and christian clerics worldwide have not condemned such violence, but rather only praised him for his "service", i have no choice but to conclude that you are also a violent bigoted pyschopathic homicidal extremist.
I condemn ALL violence and murder committed by Christians,
Yeah, right after she removes her law-mandated face cover. Indoors in private, which I guess is the only place she's allowed to remove it.


Well-Known Member
It's called a hijab and worn as a symbol of modesty.
It is worn as a symbol of Extremism as it is illegal in France to wear Burkka in public. Modesty? You mean misogyny. The women are cattle, and these could be men. It is the old trick of Jihad. Why to do they wear masks? To hide.
The French ban on face covering (French: Loi interdisant la dissimulation du visage dans l'espace public, "Act prohibiting concealment of the face in public space") is an act of parliament passed by the Senate of France on 14 September 2010, resulting in the ban on the wearing of face-covering headgear, including masks, helmets, balaclava, niqābs and other veils covering the face in public places, except under specified circumstances.[1] The ban also applies to the burqa, a full-body covering, if it covers the face. Consequently, full body costumes and Zentais (skin-tight garments covering entire body) were banned. The bill had previously been passed by the National Assembly of France on 13 July 2010.[2]


Well-Known Member
I condemn ALL violence and murder committed by Christians,
no you don't, there is a christian on this forum posting as we speak about how happy he is to get paid for killing arabs indiscriminately.

not extremists, arabs.

thus, you are as violent and extremist as he is and you condone murdering arabs indiscriminately.


Well-Known Member
no it doesn't.

convincing yourself that the propaganda you have heard from bigoted extremists is true does not actually make it true.

besides, nowhere in the new testament does it tell you to be such an anti-gay bigot. that's all in the old testament. should i remind you waht else is in that book which you apparently follow?
I do not believe the Christian Bible is "the true word of God". I think it's mostly an inaccurate history book. Satisfied?


Well-Known Member
SO LET'S KEEP DRIVING THEM INSANE! Fuck understanding. You know what I understand Doer, is that you pull shit up that happened centuries ago( when the Europeans and Americans 1st started to fuck with them), in reference to the present day Muslim, and that is a good thing. We should therefore be more understanding as to why they feel like they are at war. Too many people think like you, in that this is the way they are, barbarians, still. What? are you a troll sent out to raise anti-Muslim sentiment for Israel? Let's discuss some other modern day terrorists, like an IDF soldier in Hebron
Why focus on the Muslim problem ALL the time. Are you that limited?
It is not understanding. Do you understand bullies? Did you cower or fight back? I fought back physically and snitched them out at every turn, insisted to be taken to the Principal's Office about it, slapped the ever living shit out out of them, in public, when they were not looking, and played all kinds of dirty tricks. By 9th grade the bullies were cowering from me.
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Well-Known Member
no you don't, there is a christian on this forum posting as we speak about how happy he is to get paid for killing arabs indiscriminately.

not extremists, arabs.

thus, you are as violent and extremist as he is and you condone murdering arabs indiscriminately.
Who the hell here supports the murder if Arabs in general?


Well-Known Member
did you just start your little rant praising about how white christians used threats and force to subdue another religion, and then end it with a kudos to white christians about how tolerant and non-forceful they are?


this islamaphobia nonsense that some retards buy into is ruining your goddamn heads.

i spoke of my daughters christian in laws who "get it"..bucky, and that is the way it should to to practice in your own home and kept to you..why?..because religion is a personal choice.

i love weed does that mean i should make others who do not? force them into submission? for my personal choice?

i bother no one. my windows are shaded so no little kid can say "mommy why is that apartment glowing orange". i smoke my weed indoors (now)..i was talking to a neighbor recently; she was telling me she voted for weed even though she doesn't.."everybody does it so why, not?..i can even smell it around here in this building":wink:..occasionally a friend asks and it's gas money for force.

bottom line: everyone is entitled to their own space..3 feet in diameter around you..the right to not have to talk to anyone..the right to not be touched..the right to your own personal choices like religion.


Well-Known Member
I do not believe the Christian Bible is "the true word of God". I think it's mostly an inaccurate history book. Satisfied?
then why do you think all muslims interpret the koran literally and with the exact same spin that a bigoted extremist like you does?

why is the standard different for you than it is for them?

do you not see what a bigoted hypocrite you are being?


Well-Known Member
SO LET'S KEEP DRIVING THEM INSANE! Fuck understanding. You know what I understand Doer, is that you pull shit up that happened centuries ago( when the Europeans and Americans 1st started to fuck with them), in reference to the present day Muslim, and that is a good thing. We should therefore be more understanding as to why they feel like they are at war. Too many people think like you, in that this is the way they are, barbarians, still. What? are you a troll sent out to raise anti-Muslim sentiment for Israel? Let's discuss some other modern day terrorists, like an IDF soldier in Hebron
Why focus on the Muslim problem ALL the time. Are you that limited?
Why are you trying to limit my speech? Here you are saying what I should and should not be talking about. And you keep bring in the Jews.

We didn't do this. Jews didn't do this. It is Sunni Dominion and this thin skin business, don't insult the Profit, is just Inner Jihad and you are a thrall of it.


Well-Known Member
i spoke of my daughters christian in laws who "get it"..bucky, and that is the way it should to to practice in your own home and kept to you..why?..because religion is a personal choice.

i love weed does that mean i should make others who do not? force them into submission? for my personal choice?

i bother no one. my windows are shaded so no little kid can say "mommy why is that apartment glowing orange". i smoke my weed indoors (now)..i was talking to a neighbor recently; she was telling me she voted for weed even though she doesn't.."everybody does it so why, not?..i can even smell it around here in this building":wink:..occasionally a friend asks and it's gas money for force.

bottom line: everyone is entitled to their own space..3 feet in diameter around you..the right to not have to talk to anyone..the right to not be touched..the right to your own personal choices like religion.
so then why don't you use threats and force to stop churches from ringing their bells every sunday?


Well-Known Member
I do not believe the Christian Bible is "the true word of God". I think it's mostly an inaccurate history book. Satisfied?
if God was real as these western religions call it, why would IT talk to us, why bother to take sides? Is God that bored?