Islam can dish it out, but can't take it


Well-Known Member
Forgive her, for she is stoned. What she means is do you renounce the Dominion of Allah that allows no other Religions.

Islam not yet a Modern Plural Religion. It does not accept other beliefs. A Plural Religion, like the rest of Modern Faiths, say, do what you want, even, don't believe in God. But, if you WANT TO, join with us. No one is forced, not one is warned as cattle. No heads are chopped. The non-believers are not taxed.

But, Islam is a government of Allah, that sees the job is to convert the entire world. It is not a secular, we all should get along, Ideal.

So, the question is, are you a Reformist of Islam or not?
all day; every day:hug:


Well-Known Member
Yet another Doer post in which there is not one true statement. To spread falsehoods so passionately and unwaveringly on a daily basis, to the point that you become repetitive is vicious and hateful. You create polemic discussion and your goal is clearly to make as many people as you can be inspired to hatred.

Don't be staring at LF's feet when you're knee deep in bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Information and discussion in this Section is topical, and it it neither hateful or irrelevant. And to discuss among adults is to accept the other points of view, for the purpose of discussion.

You are engaging in hate speech to suggest anyone "hates all Islam." Most are not so immature.

And you drink too much. You get argumentative. You bring bad vibes to the discussion.

You are one of the few assholes that only accuse others of hate, and bring shame to RIU.

You may as well be Buck for all the spew. And in person, I would just swat you for interrupting with hate spew.
How many threads have you started that has a negative spin on Islam as a whole. I count three in under a week.
You bring bad vibes with all your negativity on Muslims. Learn to separate the bad from the good.


Well-Known Member
be honest were you touch inappropriately in your youth. Did someone force you to do something you did not like at the time. Was you anal enlarged by force
See? I believe you are being serious in a homophobic, confessional sort of way.

Did you love your mother?


Well-Known Member
Yet another Doer post in which there is not one true statement. To spread falsehoods so passionately and unwaveringly on a daily basis, to the point that you become repetitive is vicious and hateful. You create polemic discussion and your goal is clearly to make as many people as you can be inspired to hatred.

Don't be staring at LF's feet when you're knee deep in bullshit.

this section is open for opinion and spirited debate from all sources.

doer is well-read, well-traveled and frankly, a brilliant human being..if he reports it; i have no doubt it exists.


Well-Known Member

this section is open for opinion and spirited debate from all sources.

doer is well-read, well-traveled and frankly, a brilliant human being..if he reports it; i have no doubt it exists.
Thank you. At least I think it does at the time. I have not been 100% correct.

Remember the time I thought I was wrong, but it turned out I was mistaken about that? :)