Islam can dish it out, but can't take it

It doesn't seem to me that Doer is ignorant about Muslims at all. And probably many of the below 3000 Americans who were murdered by Muslims had never visited a Muslim country either. And yet now their families (who probably never visited a Muslim country either) know all too well about Muslims.

Look, Muslims are never going to live down what happened on 9/11, and what keeps happening all over the world: them murdering in the name of religion. Their sacred book commands them to kill infidels, and they seem free to define "infidels" any way they choose.

They treat women worse than they treat their work camels. The female gender is worse than second-rate, in their eyes.

And some of you people continue to defend them, and even prefer them over "evil" Christians.

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muslims are being killed by extremists everyday.extremists are not true forget that theres around 1.6 million muslims in france,only 3 carried out the to claim all muslims are extremists is extremely ignorant.if all muslims were,then there would be far more attacks,especially in the west.terrorists do not represent the whole.northern irish terrorists were a tiny number,they didnt represent the whole of the catholics or protestants,most catholic and protestants wanted peace.just like most muslims.
I can't controls others thoughts...only mine. My thoughts would not be one of masturbating all day. I don't think I could function properly. I would have to take care of that. Do you enjoy thinking of masturbating all day ?

hell yeah. but i'm not talking about long as a person is productive and doesn't bother anyone, would you say it's okay to think about masturbation all day.
you only like the japs because hitler liked them too.calling a white person a monkey is different to calling ablack person a monkey,because of the history behind just dont get it do you.calling a black person racist in a country like america,is like calling a woman who works in a all mens club sexist.some white ppl like to think they are superior,but white ppl are responsible for some of the most disgusting crimes against humanity.


not for me

i'm going to pretend you said "yes" because this person is productive member of society it is his right to think of any fucking thing he wants to think about..including masturbation of himself.

and if he wants to draw penises all over his walls at home or the internet, that again is his right..isn't it bucky?

how would it be under sharia law?
And colored people are responsible for the other most disgusting crimes in history. Your point? You just basically said we are equal.

And by the way... Can I get an excemption? My ancestors were in Ireland when all this slavery bullshit was occuring. So can I have some kind of Switzerland pass?? We were fucking neutral!

If we are equal then getting called a monkey is equal or should be. Or are you saying we are not equal at certain times? I will answer the question for you. Obviously you are saying that people are not equal and some have more priviledge than others because of something that happened in the past. So you dont want to treat people equal?

Lets just drop the race bullshit and move on. Oh, we cant, that's right because the government wont shut up about it... It creates a lot of the racial tension in this country either on purpose or through sheer stupidity...
history,do you not understand that what happens in the past shapes the future.blacks were called human monkeys,they were drawn as monkeys by racist white ppl.did blacks draw pictures of whites as monkeys,or lynch and hang them from there was no equality,and today there is still no real equality.many countries in this world are still extremely racist,so it seems like ppl dont want to drop this race bullshit.