Islam can dish it out, but can't take it

^^^ I doubt that very much!! This Thread States at the Beginning The Subject Matter, Yet People still Post... Doer is entitled to his Opinions just as much as I am OR indeed You are...Posting Facts / Factual Images or Videos of What is happening... is not Racist or Bigoted...and Those Who keep defending a "Cult" that's purpose is to take over and Convert or Kill is just Stupid...and We all know in this Thread Whom the Stupid Ones are...but again You are entitled to your opinion...and Probably Won't be Beheaded or Flogged...Though Methinks some of You might enjoy it...because in your mind you would be "It's Ok We did this to them first"

IF Mankind was wiped out Tomorrow I believe it would be a Good thing for the Planet.... We can't live in peace, We don't learn from our mistakes and we still allow Horrific actions from "Religious" pftt!! parties and peoples...and......well living in the Past rather than Looking at what the Future holds...well that's really clever...



Well, it is kinda funny, the way these snivelers, ignore the threat. One says he has never seen women beheaded but, what about Mexico. And when I show it, it's racist. What a bunch of shaking cowards.

We already had one case, where a woman was grabbed by a self-Jihadist in the USA and he cut her head off right there in front of her Co-workers. "Oh he was just a nut case." Riiiiiiight.

The underwear bomber? "Oh he was just a nut case." The Boston bomber? "Oh he was just a kid."

We used to call this whistling past the grave yard. or sticking your head in the sand.
^^^ I doubt that very much!! This Thread States at the Beginning The Subject Matter, Yet People still Post... Doer is entitled to his Opinions just as much as I am OR indeed You are...Posting Facts / Factual Images or Videos of What is happening... is not Racist or Bigoted...and Those Who keep defending a "Cult" that's purpose is to take over and Convert or Kill is just Stupid...and We all know in this Thread Whom the Stupid Ones are...but again You are entitled to your opinion...and Probably Won't be Beheaded or Flogged...Though Methinks some of You might enjoy it...because in your mind you would be "It's Ok We did this to them first"

IF Mankind was wiped out Tomorrow I believe it would be a Good thing for the Planet.... We can't live in peace, We don't learn from our mistakes and we still allow Horrific actions from "Religious" pftt!! parties and peoples...and......well living in the Past rather than Looking at what the Future holds...well that's really clever...

What do you know? They took this down, from youtube.

There are not Muslim no-go zones, the Press says so. The people say there are, but the Press says no.

So, it must be no.
"____ can dish it out, but can't take it."

I believe you'll find that the majority of possible answers to that, will be true.

Most organisms cannot take what they are capable of dishing out. That's how killing works: you dish out more than the other organism can take, before encountering what they'll dish, which you won't be able to take, if they take yours.

Show me an organism that is incapable of killing itself by merely naturally responding to stimuli from its own environment (not necessarily optimal environment...).

Show me an organism that is incapable of either killing or dying to its own kind.

I'm sure they're in the minority, as living things go. :)
Yes, there is nothing about hairy monkeys committing suicide. Only the shinny, hairless ones do that. Homo Sapiens, the shinny monkey.

Show me an organism that is incapable of killing itself....

All but one are incapable.
Ants and termites will commit suicide
Yes, there is nothing about hairy monkeys committing suicide. Only the shinny, hairless ones do that. Homo Sapiens, the shinny monkey.

Show me an organism that is incapable of killing itself....

All but one are incapable.
Indirect counts.

But really, my point is that if you're capable of killing one of your own kind, then what you "can dish," has already exceeded what you "can take." If you are human, and you know how to circumvent the human defenses to permanently destroy it... then you also know another human could do that same thing to you, effectively dishing out more than You can take.

A human cannot "take" death. If you inflict it, as a human, upon another human, then you have but exploited the very same weaknesses you, yourself, carry.

If you can kill, but CANNOT be killed, then it would be true that you Can take what you, yourself, can dish. You'd also have to be incapable of suicide. Every human being is technically capable of overriding their own prime directives, just not all of us want or have learned to do so.

But you're right, on the other hand, because i'm certainly not here to defend any religion, especially the most violent ones*.

I think we should preserve the information of religion, for anthropological reasons, but that's it.
But you're right, on the other hand, because i'm certainly not here to defend any religion, especially the most violent ones*.

I think we should preserve the information of religion, for anthropological reasons, but that's it.

^^^^ This solution would be fine with Me and probably a BIG percentage of Folks on the Planet Who just want to Live their Life in Peace.....Just a Shame that the Powers that be don't see it...

Hopefully One day Mankind will break the shackles that are Religion and then maybe just maybe We will be able to live in peace with one another....and everyone will be every Country regardless of Colour/Sex

I'd say I have a dream, but I don't.....

I've gotta give +Rep reasonevangelist just for the last lines and well common sense..

Nope was Probably Me that Reported You..

(a) I don't apologise For Anyone else Esp...Fairy Tale Believing Idiots!!

(b) Christian, Muslim, Jew...He said, She said, They said!! All a Crock Of Shit!!!

2015 - Not The Middle Ages Any more....get it!!?

I take it You are One of those that Believe in Fairy tales and Forcing Your Beliefs on Others...

Religion is a Waste of Time, Money and Lives....And Pathetic Really....

Lessons need to be learned and fast....



Meltdown over You or what crap You Post....yeah right? Your thoughts and opinions mean as much to me as something I would scrape of My Shoe! in-fact less than that, that would be a minor inconvenience....

complete meltdown.

nice random capitalization.
Indirect counts.

But really, my point is that if you're capable of killing one of your own kind, then what you "can dish," has already exceeded what you "can take." If you are human, and you know how to circumvent the human defenses to permanently destroy it... then you also know another human could do that same thing to you, effectively dishing out more than You can take.

A human cannot "take" death. If you inflict it, as a human, upon another human, then you have but exploited the very same weaknesses you, yourself, carry.

If you can kill, but CANNOT be killed, then it would be true that you Can take what you, yourself, can dish. You'd also have to be incapable of suicide. Every human being is technically capable of overriding their own prime directives, just not all of us want or have learned to do so.

But you're right, on the other hand, because i'm certainly not here to defend any religion, especially the most violent ones*.

I think we should preserve the information of religion, for anthropological reasons, but that's it.

I don't think you understand the thread title. Cartoons. Nasty, evil, cartoons of insulting everyone, where the Jihadist are crying fake tears.
if they want to wear, they do

It is a choice in Afghanistan, in the Taliban areas?

Is it not a stricture of Islam. Is it not outlawed in France?

Are you OK with forcing people to convert, forcing women to cover themselves? Are you OK with taxing those that won't convert?

I never see Burkka here. No one is allowed to cover their face for their govt ID or anything.

Do you deny the ultimate goal of Islamic Jihad is to have no other Religions, and no secular govts?
I don't think you understand the thread title. Cartoons. Nasty, evil, cartoons of insulting everyone, where the Jihadist are crying fake tears.
I believe that fiction of any kind, is never sufficient justification for initiating violence or aggression against another.

Unfortunately, we don't all agree about what is or is not fiction. I'd like humanity to focus on that problem for a while, just to see where that spiral goes.
^^^ I doubt that very much!! This Thread States at the Beginning The Subject Matter, Yet People still Post... Doer is entitled to his Opinions just as much as I am OR indeed You are...Posting Facts / Factual Images or Videos of What is happening... is not Racist or Bigoted...and Those Who keep defending a "Cult" that's purpose is to take over and Convert or Kill is just Stupid...and We all know in this Thread Whom the Stupid Ones are...but again You are entitled to your opinion...and Probably Won't be Beheaded or Flogged...Though Methinks some of You might enjoy it...because in your mind you would be "It's Ok We did this to them first"

IF Mankind was wiped out Tomorrow I believe it would be a Good thing for the Planet.... We can't live in peace, We don't learn from our mistakes and we still allow Horrific actions from "Religious" pftt!! parties and peoples...and......well living in the Past rather than Looking at what the Future holds...well that's really clever...

"the horrific muslim invasion of britain"

muslim population in the UK: 4.4%

some invasion that was. have another meltdown.