Islamic Dogophobia and Our Canine Heroes

Jack fate,
after he got authentic answers from the previous thread...he never replied, maybe silence is golden when he cant think of a good answer,,,
Don't know if thats a good argument.
At least we try, maybe not to your standards but as compared to the rest of the world we're the best.

Like I have said before unless you have lived with these savages you don't know what your talking about. I have seen them in person just beat the shit outta women. We Stopped them beat the shit outta them just to let them see how it feels. You can't defend their behavior, it so 7th Century.

I'm not sure which savages you mean, ya need to be more specific. I've lived in different places around the world, including various 'Muslim countries'.

I hear you when you say 'beat the shit outta them' - its true, the shit people get away with in other cultures can be really shocking, I've seen some shit, way worse than what I see where I come from, cute 'n' boring Canada.
Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait. Those are the ones I have actually been there and seen with my own eyes.

And what about all the boys lovers, thats right I saw on many occasions Muslim men that have young boys as lovers until they are married and then some of them keep them around. thats right savages!
Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait. Those are the ones I have actually been there and seen with my own eyes.

And what about all the boys lovers, thats right I saw on many occasions Muslim men that have young boys as lovers until they are married and then some of them keep them around. thats right savages!

the lovers part sound contradicting mate...
there are various facts that surround how ' savage &barbaric' as you said when they come to homosexual issues...
They beat their women (i know stereotyping) a lot in eastern Europe
And they bring that same behaviour here

They Just happen to be white and christian

not that they get a pass for it
They beat their women (i know stereotyping) a lot in eastern Europe
And they bring that same behaviour here

They Just happen to be white and christian

not that they get a pass for it

yes, sure. its all those europeans beating their women that are the problem.

ok, i will pull out the crayons again duke.

here is the difference, when a western european beats his wife in his country or our country, they are put on trial/arrested/beat up by brotherinlaw/whatever. it is ILLEGAL to beat your wife in this society.

when a guy in a muslim country does it, it is PERFECTLY LEGAL.

can you see the difference fella? now go get a clue and stop defending the indefencible for christs sake.
yes, sure. its all those europeans beating their women that are the problem.

ok, i will pull out the crayons again duke.

here is the difference, when a western european beats his wife in his country or our country, they are put on trial/arrested/beat up by brotherinlaw/whatever. it is ILLEGAL to beat your wife in this society.

when a guy in a muslim country does it, it is PERFECTLY LEGAL.

can you see the difference fella? now go get a clue and stop defending the indefencible for christs sake.

Whats the difference between the Cops looking the other way or refusing to get involved and Being legal?

And where did I ever say I was defending it
In Azerbaijan, for example, almost two thirds (64 per cent) of 15-24-year-old women believe that beating one’s wife is justified in certain conditions. Burning the family meal justifies physical abuse, according to 19 per cent of these young women. In Armenia and Moldova, almost one quarter of all 15-24-year-old females believe that wife beating can be justified.
As the guides explain, cultural norms often relate to the incidence of gender-based violence. For example, women who agree that there are circumstances under which violence against a wife is justifiable are more likely to report having experienced violence.
"In Brazil a woman gets hit or beaten up every 15 seconds. As long as the hitting or beating up takes place at home, people think it is not that serious."
Whats the difference between the Cops looking the other way or refusing to get involved and Being legal?

And where did I ever say I was defending it

you constantly make excuses for muslim action.

read your 2 last posts. to paraphrase you "yes its legal in iran to beat your wife, but i heard from a guy, who knows a guy, that once lived in eastern europe, that had a cousin that beat his wife" n, n, n, n he was christian."

WTF is that? i know a kid who shot a cab driver and is now in jail. does that mean christians CONDONE. no, it means there are some bad christians.

when a muslim guy is allowed to beat the piss out of his wife, in the middle of the road, and the men of the society just walk by p;aying no attention, and if the woman goes to the police, she gets stoned to death......THATS CONDONING THAT BEHAVIOR.

for God sakes man, what the fuck is wrong with you?

do you think countries that have slaves is ok? are you going to tell us how they found a christian guy in jersey holding 2 slaves and he was christian? in effect condoning the behavior of slavery?

was it ok when the us had slaves?

was it okay when we used to NOT allow women to vote? was that ok too?

you are an apologist for muslim 7th century barbarians.

btw red defended it last night too. saying that the women will have to fight for themselves. nothing to see here.....another apologist for barbarian pig fuckers
In Azerbaijan, for example, almost two thirds (64 per cent) of 15-24-year-old women believe that beating one’s wife is justified in certain conditions. Burning the family meal justifies physical abuse, according to 19 per cent of these young women. In Armenia and Moldova, almost one quarter of all 15-24-year-old females believe that wife beating can be justified.
As the guides explain, cultural norms often relate to the incidence of gender-based violence. For example, women who agree that there are circumstances under which violence against a wife is justifiable are more likely to report having experienced violence.


god dude, get a fucking clue.

edit; and if they arent muslims, they are fucking animals and they need to be reformed/jailed/pissed upon and should be condemned by people of all faith

god dude, get a fucking clue.

edit; and if they arent muslims, they are fucking animals and they need to be reformed/jailed/pissed upon and should be condemned by people of all faith

Dude they are Shia muslims, another sect!!!
Just coz one group does it, others cant get the blame.
U give birth to stereotypical stuff!!
Its like 93 % are shia and rest are orthodox christians.
go research it and see..
Putting all religious sects under one umbrella is like putting catholics, protestants, mermons, etc etc in to one group...
there all different...
maybe you missed the part where i said, "and if they arent muslims...the should be condemned by all" .

they certainly shouldnt be apologized for in any way.

would any of you WANT your daughters to marry a guy who thinks like that? muslim or not, would you? then just be honest about the whole thing.

and honestly, there is a very large portion of the muslim religion that allows, condones, applauds the abuse of women and minorities including gays, children, christians, budhists, etc. it isnt just a few "fanatics". it is a VERY large part of the muslim society and they should be condemed.

and i dont hear a lot of condemnation from muslims.
and honestly, there is a very large portion of the muslim religion that allows, condones, applauds the abuse of women and minorities including gays, children, christians, budhists, etc.

there is a very large portion of catholics that rape little kids (at least 5,000 of them THAT WE KNOW OF) and even more waiting in the wings to help them cover up their crimes. it is sickening.

catholics are so disgusting.
Dude they are Shia muslims, another sect!!!
Just coz one group does it, others cant get the blame.
U give birth to stereotypical stuff!!
Its like 93 % are shia and rest are orthodox christians.
go research it and see..
Putting all religious sects under one umbrella is like putting catholics, protestants, mermons, etc etc in to one group...
there all different...

let me give another example. when the nitwit from westboro baptists burned qurans, you heard a huge push against him from christians. there were people everywhere saying this guy is a douchebag even though what he was doing was legal.

where is the muslim outrage against iran?

muslims overthrew mubarack/quadaffi. one of the first things they do is pin their ears back against israel.

all i seem to hear is people making excuses by trying to say christians "beat their wives".

how about instead, we see the leaders of a muslim country condemn the actions of others who practice barbarianism? just one muslim country come out and say, "hey, these practices are wrong. lets start treating our citizens equally".

have any of the muslim leaders ever murmered such words? if they have, they must have been standing in an empty room because there is no evedence that they have.
there is a very large portion of catholics that rape little kids (at least 5,000 of them THAT WE KNOW OF) and even more waiting in the wings to help them cover up their crimes. it is sickening.

catholics are so disgusting.

and they are being rooted out, and there are priests, in the CATHOLIC churches, PREACHING on sundays against it.

there are also very high up people in the catholic church (not catholic so dont know what they are called, perhaps grand pubah or something) that regularly give sermons condemning the actions of the pedophiles and those who committed those crimes.

i believe even the pope has publicly condemned them.