IslandDelight's New Set-up


Hello RUI members and friends!

I'm taking the five hour ride tomorrow morning to go visit a long time friend, IslandDelight, to spend the fourth of July weekend. I'm going to set him up with a new grow room and figured I would start the thread now. Many pictures and instructions to come! :leaf:

I'll sit down with my friend and we'll take a look at his grow space. We'll take measurements and figure out how to utilize his area to fit his needs. I'll show you how to figure out what kind of lighting you'll need according to your preferences and once we figure out what system he wants (by around 11:30am tomorrow) I'll show you what we need to purchase at the hydro shop and home depot to assemble our set-up.

Enjoy friends, ask as many questions you'd like I'm on everyday on my handy smartphone


Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i'll be watching to see what you guys come up with. very good idea for a thread for those wanting to get a room up and running from scratch!!!


Hey guys, sorry for the delay! We have had a few wrenches thrown in our gears early on but then got things rolling. :mrgreen: Neither of us had thought of the fact hydroponic stores would be closed today and tomorrow, the 4th of July :roll: lol. I'm going to stay an extra day and hit up a store on Tuesday to make sure my good friend, IslandDelight, is set up and ready to grow! :leaf:

When I arrived we ran upstairs to take a look at his situation. This is what I saw:

On the inside:
Oh, my...:o


Next step: Add foam strips to door and cover insulation with plastic sheeting!

Here's a few things we picked up from Lowe's (actually had to go there twice, bought a faulty stapler gun)
  • 3-8ft 4" Transition Ducts
  • Stapler Gun & Staples
  • 10-8'x2"x2" lumber
  • 2-Thermometer/Humidity Reader
  • Velcro Strips
  • 2 1/2" Screws
  • 40 Medium Eye Screws
  • 9-Large Drain Trays
  • 9-Small Drain Trays
  • Roll of Duct Tape
  • 32oz Spray Bottle

That's the majority of it. At the hydro show we'll pick up organic nutrients, pH testers, pH Up&Down, Organic soil, Coco Fiber, Clay Pebbles, Cloning hormones, small rock wool cubes, germinating dome, 9 one gallon pots, 9 three gallon pots, 4" or 6" inline fan, panda plastic sheet, carbon filter, perhaps more..

So far I have guided IslandDelight to go to ebay and take a look at some lights. I like to support local grow shops, but you can get ridiculously good deals on 400w-1000w HPS & MH systems that include Both HPS&MH bulbs, reflector, cooltube, ballast, timer & light hangers! Take a look:

IslandDelight will be purchasing one 400w system to run MH for veg and one 600w system to run HPS for flowering. He will also be getting a 4" "booster" fan and will add that to the intake while the the inline fan will draw out heat. The room we are working with is around 3 1/2 feet deep, 8 feet long and 4 feet high. The space will be divided into two rooms with panda plastic for veg and flower so we can try to work out a perpetual harvest! :weed:

With each room being 4'x3 1/2' that gives us 14 square feet per room. The sun on a pleasant day can shine down about 10,000 lumens per square foot. Cannabis can grow with as little as 3,000 lumens per square foot but the ideal level would be between 7,000-10,000! Our HPS bulb is 2000K spectrum and puts out 90,000 lumens! So, take 90,000/14=6,428 lumens per square foot. Our MH bulb, 57,600 lumens and a 4,000K color temp which gives us 4,114 lumens per square foot in the veg room. May need to invest in some better bulbs but for the first grow, we're as good as gravy!

Here you can take a look at the 4" flexible duct elbows I fixed to the top and bottom of the door frame. We're going to make another door that fits our exhaust and intake and leave the old door for hiding the room.

More to come tomorrow as I start to build the frame of the two rooms! We will also to calling around to see if we can find any shops open tomorrow. I'll also keep you updated on the germinating seeds we have going:


Happy Growing



Active Member
We just got back from our delightful, local hydro shop, which I must say was fully stocked with all of your wants, needs, and desires.

Our list just contained the following:

  • 4" inline fan w/ carbon filter
  • Roll of Panda Plastic
  • 3.5 gallon and 1 gallon buckets (9ea.)
  • pH tester, up and down
  • fox farms organic soil (2bgs)
  • mexican bat guano
  • coco brick
  • perlite
  • cloning gel
  • seedling tray + dome
  • mykos (helps break down nutrients)
  • floraMicro & floraBloom
  • 2" rockwool cubes

and our hydro store had it all! all for a little under $600
Show y'all an update of things soon!


Active Member
I'd like to thank treedoctor, not only for the wonderfully planned and executed room, but an awesome july 4th weekend. He did great clean hard work, sweat a lot (not as much as he smoked) and really gave me a leg up here so props to my boy treedoctor!
He's now safely returned home and i am sure that tomorrow he will post all of his pictures and break it down.

This is the beginning of something I have always wanted and never had, it is very exciting and I am interested as the days and weeks progress to see my little babies grow up big and strong


Sorry I haven't posted the new pics everyone. The pictures are on my gal's camera and my laptop is in the fritz. I just got the damn laptop back from the shop; I'll have to return it. I'll get those pictures up ASAP.



Active Member
I had to tear this down a month after we had it up. It was stupid but my living situation got hairy so I had to get out. Got all my equipment, trying to keep growing.

basic FFOF, coco, and perl mix. In a dresser under 5 cfl's, then moved to a closet where I finally setup a 400w hps, I managed to come up with these two. they popped out of the ground second week of August
fem Northern Lights from seed

Not what I had, but I feel good about these two. Tell me what y'all think and post some pics of your own!