Good Afternoon Everyone,
As a new user, I want to give you a little background on myself:
I have been lurking these forums for about a year. I want to thank everyone for their information they have provided, mainly qwizoking.
I'm a daily smoker since 2000, from Washington DC. I lived in California for 4 years (with my medical card), and am now I am back on the east coast.
I have earned a BS in Environmental Science, with a minor in Chemistry and a minor in Biology. Lots of college level chemistry.
I am a professional Industrial Hygienist and Safety Specialist. In the past I have worked as an environmental chemist, analyzing soil, water, and air samples. I am new to concentrates as of this year. I enjoy making and smoking them, after work of course. And thanks to these forums, I have started creating my own QWISO.
I have probably made 10 batches of QWISO, so on to my questions:
1) According to some methods (Bongrip), the filtered material is saved, and he calls this "moon dust". I tried capping some hits with it and it did not seem to take me to the moon. Is the product actually worth saving or is it junk?
2) Is it necessary to further heat purge the product once it was evaporated and scrapped? I saw someone's method, where they scrapped it up and put it on parchment, then baked in the oven to further purge the ISO. I tried this, and it seemed to be much drier, darker, and crispier after the "purging".