Well-Known Member
I was picking up some iso alcohol (91%), but I also saw 70% ethyl alcohol. Would that work any better than the iso?
Where is your response oilmakr you fucking troll??!!A few points that we disagree on, that beg further discussion:
1.0 By definition 99% isopropyl is not anhydrous.
2.0 A ton is hyperbole, and is highly dependent on process.
3.0 The lowest known BP value for Ethanol is 78.5°C (173.3°F) (Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof). Weighted average: 79.58°C(175.2°F), per,while the boiling point of Isopropyl is 82.5°C(180.5°F), per
4.0 Isopropyl is toxic, but not highly toxic, per the same MSDS:
TWA: 983STEL: 1230 (mg/m3) [Australia]TWA: 200 STEL: 400 (ppm) from ACGIH(TLV) [United States][1999] TWA: 980
STEL: 1225(mg/m3) from NIOSH TWA: 400 STEL: 500 (ppm) from NIOSH TWA: 400 STEL: 500 (ppm) [United Kingdom
(UK)] TWA: 999STEL: 1259 (mg/m3) [United Kingdom (UK)] TWA: 400 STEL: 500 (ppm) from OSHA (PEL) [United States]
TWA: 980STEL: 1225 (mg/m3) from OSHA (PEL) [United States]Consult local authorities for acceptable exposurelimits.
5.0 Where did the 15% alcohol residual by weight number come from? We use lower detection limits.
6.0 Not sure what Bubutane is, as the rest of use n-Butane and Isobutane. Could you share the chemical formula, or this just a word you pulled out of a dank dark place, to ridicule by denigration as opposed to scientific fact?
7.0 That leads us to the question as to whether you are here to share enlightenment, or to sell your machines? So far I see chest beating, but no substance or useful facts. What am I missing?
i have tried this a few times and i never filter anything out i have left it in the freezer for a week once and filtered it twice both filters after drying were emptyyou realize that wax is what you want to filter out of your oil right? you're not getting high off plant wax.... just something to bear in mind. if your into bho check into winterizing, you will be surprised how many impurities come from seemingly clean bho, plus all the waxes that just add useless weight
Dude you got your Waxes mixed up, or you dont know wax at realize that wax is what you want to filter out of your oil right? you're not getting high off plant wax.... just something to bear in mind. if your into bho check into winterizing, you will be surprised how many impurities come from seemingly clean bho, plus all the waxes that just add useless weight