Israel and the ignored UN Resolutions

First of all, if you mash every "atrocity" together, you end up with an unfocused argument.

Why should the Arabs take in the Palestinians? Gosh, because they are Arabs?

Are you aware that all Jews were forced out of Arab lands after the 1967 war? Talk about sour grapes.... guess who took in their own? That's right, Israel. So since the Palestinians have REFUSED to live in peaceful coexistence with Israel, yes their own people should care for them, help them rebuild a life..... as opposed to being born into refugee status ad infinatum.....that's right, the U.N. has a special designation for any child born in the are born an official refugee.... imagine that. Quite a system of perpetuity we have set up. A system of failure and violence....nice.

out. :blsmoke:
Why should the Arabs take in the Palestinians? Gosh, because they are Arabs?
Why don't the Israelis leave? why don't you have all the jews come to your town? They can't live peacebly with the palestinians........................How about this, why don't the Israelis go back to israel:idea:? build a huge wall, on the border (not outside their borders like it is now) and let the palestinians live in freedom.
Why don't the Israelis leave? why don't you have all the jews come to your town? They can't live peacebly with the palestinians........................How about this, why don't the Israelis go back to israel:idea:? build a huge wall, on the border (not outside their borders like it is now) and let the palestinians live in freedom.

Simply put, it's their land historically and was returned to them completely legal and above board, that's why.

Diem, you don't assimilate a people who have sworn to destroy you. Let Hamas into the heart of IsraeL? preposterous.... heck let's just invite Al- Quacks to immigrate to the US while we're at it.... :lol:

Natrone, you are aware of the fact that the Arab states have the annihilation of Israel written into their constitutions, right? Is that nuance lost on you dude? get a grip.

I'm not pro Israel.... and I'm not anti. I am for principles and fairness applied EVENLY. In this case it is an easy call. One side is operating on pure BIGOTRY..... I would stand up for the Israeli's just like civil rights or women voting. If you follow a set of principles instead of popular news fodder, you can't be swayed by the lies and subtefuge. Of course if one follows the money, it will also reveal the truth as well.

out. :blsmoke:
Diem, you don't assimilate a people who have sworn to destroy you. Let Hamas into the heart of IsraeL? preposterous.... heck let's just invite Al- Quacks to immigrate to the US while we're at it.... :lol:

I'm not saying let hamas into israel, I'm saying the israelis should go back to israel, Stop with the military blockade, the harassment, the check points, the illegal jewish settlements in the occupied territories. How will be the first one to condem the palastinians if Israel goes home and leaves them alone and the pales still attack Israel or continue their "jihad" past the 2 state solution
Cracker whats your proposed solution to this?, the status quo? Should the Israeli claim gaza and the west bank and make it s Israel proper, if so what are you going to do with the millions Pales that live there? maybe they should bulldoze their homes and send them on trains to jordan? ovens?.......or let them vote? Israel is democracy right, why not make gaza and the west bank Israel? and let the pales vote?
I believe it will be found that there is, no true"ancestral home for any of these groups per se. The entire region was under Ottoman control for millenia , with territories changing hands occasionally. There were no borders as there are today, just areas that were governed by governors for a central govt.
As for Gaza and the West Bank, Israel got those when they were attacked by superior forces, forces who's primary goal was to "wipe Israel off the map" Israel whupped them and took land for security reasons(Golan Heights, Gaza, and the West Bank.Now throughout history the spoils have gone to the victors and tended to stay there. Israel, in hopes of existing, if not in harmony with their neighbors, at least a semi uneasy truce. Despite this their neighbors still tried to destroy them. I think Israel has shown great restraint, usually, in not just wiping them out. Instead Israel has provided most if not all of the aid and infrastructure to the Palestinians to better their lots in life. For the most part this aid has been squandered and stolen by Hamas to be used as bribery to further their cause. Such as" tell us when an Israeli patrol goes by and you'll get this food. If Hamas were truly popular these activities wouldn't be needed..

Many folks are saying why doesn't Israel just unilaterally begin a cease fire to show good intent. Well Hamas wouldn't abide by the cease fire as we've all seen.I truly believe if Hamas's teeth were pulled then the citizens of Gaza would begin to have much better lives.
Throughout the world there are groups who can't stand that they aren't the ones in power so they can push their ideologies on everybody else. All anyone has to do is look at this country and the many disparate ideologies that make it up to see that it is possible to get along (for the most part) without resorting to killing each other...Think about it..there , there are basically 2-3 different groups.. and here...2 gazillion!!!*lol*
If nothing else, that makes this country a true success.
MIDEAST: Israel Rejected Hamas Ceasefire Offer in December
WASHINGTON, Jan 9 (IPS) - Contrary to Israel's argument that it was forced to launch its air and ground offensive against Gaza in order to stop the firing of rockets into its territory, Hamas proposed in mid-December to return to the original Hamas-Israel ceasefire arrangement, according to a U.S.-based source who has been briefed on the proposal.

They don't want peace ... they are making far too much money from war ... on both sides most likely ... :spew:
MIDEAST: Israel Rejected Hamas Ceasefire Offer in December
WASHINGTON, Jan 9 (IPS) - Contrary to Israel's argument that it was forced to launch its air and ground offensive against Gaza in order to stop the firing of rockets into its territory, Hamas proposed in mid-December to return to the original Hamas-Israel ceasefire arrangement, according to a U.S.-based source who has been briefed on the proposal.

They don't want peace ... they are making far too much money from war ... on both sides most likely ... :spew:

have you got the source's name as there are often "quotes" that are nothing but conjecture..or somebody only wanting to stir the pot as it were.
Suleiman said he could not pressure Israel but could only make the suggestion to Israeli officials. It could not be learned, however, whether Israel explicitly rejected the Hamas proposal or simply refused to respond to Egypt.
In the first days after the ceasefire took effect, Islamic Jihad fired nine rockets and a few mortar rounds.
The IDF explanation for the operation was that it had received intelligence that a tunnel was being dug near the Israeli security fence for the purpose of abducting Israeli soldiers.
Hamas officials asserted, however, that the tunnel was being dug for defensive purposes, not to capture IDF personnel, according to Pastor, and one IDF official confirmed that fact to him.

Israel cited the firing of 190 rockets over six weeks as the justification for its massive attack on Gaza.
Both sides have ignored international calls for a ceasefire.
The Israeli government and the US government are two evil motherfuckers. In fact most governments on the planet are evil. Some are just more evil than others. IMHO.
Each new peace proposal is doomed to failure if Hamas is allowed to come out with the upper hand. Israeli would be wise to ignore these charades and finish Hamas once and for all. Israel has always responded to attacks, not the other way around.

If you support Hamas, then you support Tehran and everything that encompasses...... don't be a media puppet.

out. :blsmoke:
How on earth do you defeat your enemy by manufacturing more of them? If there's anything left of the people of Gaza, you can be damned sure they're gonna be pretty pissed off, and that's not even taking into account the sentiments of the wider Muslim world. Israel wouldn't even let the Red Cross go in and tend to civilian casualties on the 8th.

I just don't get all this detached bullshit, history fucken shmistory. The Israeli Govt are murderous fucking thugs. The abused becomes the abuser. The world knows what's happening, and no amount of pseudo authoritative semantic bleating will change that. There are hundreds of little tiny voices that'll never be heard again because of Israel's actions, and all it seems to be to you is an opportunity to show off your(not too shady) debating skills. Sorry dude, despite how well you argue, you seem very very cold.