Israel is burning!

Israel will get no sympathy from me until they figure out how to quit persecuting people based on their religion.

Until then? BURN, BABY BURN.

They do it to their Palestinian neighbors all the time. So fuck 'em.

Your post illustrates the absurdity of "nationalism". It assigns the murderous and thieving behavior of some individuals collectively to all people known as "Israeli's" .

If you were a bit more focused on reality, you would correctly mourn for the innocents and condemn the guilty regardless of ethnicity or the plantation they hail from. There are plenty of guilty and innocent , BUT no "side" is purely one or the other, that nationalistic indoctrinated mindset helps to obliterate individual responsibility and makes it easier to herd the human sheep. (the purpose of government)

P.S. - Burning babies is never good form.
except that there are about 400,000 dead civilians thanks to putin and assad. and 5 million refugees have fled. and another 6 million are displaced within syria.

but maybe we can work with putin there. he's got some fancy anti-aircraft missiles set up to shoot down planes. ISIS has planes, right?

I'll informed or blatantly biased

The USA decided upon regime change in Syria in 2006, 5 years before civil war.

Arming and funding the 'rebels' you created ISIS (they did exist but were fucking inconsequential upstarts until funding and arms came their way)

The US even predicted that the likely outcome of their intervention would be ' the rise of an Islamic caliphate'

Decided it was a price worth paying.

Still...why bother with facts when they don't suit your agenda eh?

Just blame Assad and Putin, life's more simple that way for the simple folks
Your post illustrates the absurdity of "nationalism". It assigns the murderous and thieving behavior of some individuals collectively to all people known as "Israeli's" .

If you were a bit more focused on reality, you would correctly mourn for the innocents and condemn the guilty regardless of ethnicity or the plantation they hail from. There are plenty of guilty and innocent , BUT no "side" is purely one or the other, that nationalistic indoctrinated mindset helps to obliterate individual responsibility and makes it easier to herd the human sheep. (the purpose of government)

P.S. - Burning babies is never good form.

unarguably correct, nice post
Hmmm.......Jesus was a Jew.
Some claim that the Jews killed Jesus. Go figure!

History lesson time (wiki)

The History of Israel encompasses the Jewish history in the Land of Israel, as well as the history of the modern State of Israel. Modern Israel and the West Bank are roughly located on the site of the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah. It is the birthplace of the Hebrew language and of the Abrahamic religions, and contains sites sacred to Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Samaritanism, Druze and Bahá'í Faith.

Although coming under the sway of various empires and home to a variety of ethnicities, the Land of Israel was predominantly Jewish until the 3rd century.[1] The area became increasingly Christian after the 3rd century and then largely Muslim following the 7th century conquest and until the middle of the 20th century. It was a focal point of conflict between Christianity and Islam between 1096 and 1291, and from the end of the Crusades was part of the Syrian province of first the Mamluk Sultanate and then the Ottoman Empire until the British conquest in 1917.

A Jewish national movement, Zionism, emerged in the late-19th century. Following the British capture of Ottoman territories in the Levant, the Balfour Declaration in World War I and the formation of the Mandate of Palestine, Aliyah (Jewish immigration to the Land of Israel) increased, causing Arab–Jewish tensions and a collision of the Arab and Jewish nationalist movements. Israeli independence in 1948 was marked by massive migration of Jews from both Europe and the Muslim countries to Israel, and of Arabsfrom Israel, followed by the extensive Arab–Israeli conflict.[2] About 43% of the world's Jews live in Israel today, the largest Jewish community in the world.[3]

Since about 1970, the United States has become the principal ally of Israel. In 1979 an uneasy Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty was signed, based on the Camp David Accords. In 1993, Israel signed Oslo I Accord with the Palestine Liberation Organization, followed by establishment of the Palestinian National Authority and in 1994 Israel–Jordan peace treaty was signed. Despite efforts to finalize the peace agreement, the conflict continues to play a major role in Israeli and international political, social and economic life.

Now then. Back in 48, the Brits were tired of constant fighting with the "Palestinians"(Local Arabs) and were basically glad to hand over the area to the Jews to return to their native land.....The Palestinians were more then happy to fight and kill the Jews whom they took the region from back in the 3rd century as they hate the Jews more then anyone else! (this can be partially traced to the Nazi's convincing the Caliphate that the Jews were the most evil thing on earth, back in the 30's!!).....The Arabs were told by leaders and others too, that "The Jews came to steal their native land!".....The lack of actually historical knowledge on the part of the educationally repressed Muslim Arabs of the area. Believed that "propaganda", completely!

Years of having to endure everything from grisly single person killings to full scale wars. Tends to make any people do bad things to others they blame for loosing friends and family.

Have you ever been to the area?
I'll bet my farm you have never seen a bus full of dead bodies from a suicide bomber. The blast pulverizes the bones in the body. If the body escaped the initial "commonly" understood ripping and dismemberment. The others are slumped into meat piles or thrown over the seat in front of them. I had the displeasure of seeing that, first hand......Bodies hung like wet towels from windows and seats! Sometimes it's hard to see the other side when you pay such a hard price! The same works for them too!

Yes, there are bad and unreported things that go on in Israel, perpetrated by Israelis, against the "Palestinians"..

BUT, I can guarantee that is not how all Israelis feel and act!

To say that
slow motion genocide of the Palestinian People
Is the purpose and the end game of the Jews, and or Israel.......Is simply WRONG.....

I still respect you ttystikk......But, I think your only looking at the problem from one angle..

Yeah, I've got Jews in the wood pile.....You tend to when your Polish and Russian.....I am not a big supporter of many Israeli (governmental) views! Neither are my relatives living there!

I think as usual. Many problems are brought on by lack of education and fueled by unfounded hate.....The results are then what fuels the new generations killing each other..... Hezbola is a real problem - from both sides! It's hard to find truth, when schools run and funded by Hezbola. Spend half their time teaching the hate and how to "fight" those you hate!

Later bro
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Water supply and sanitation in the Palestinian territories
Palestinian territories: Water and Sanitation
Water supply and sanitation in the Palestinian territories
are characterized by severe water shortage and are highly influenced by the Israeli occupation. The water resources of Palestine are fully controlled by Israel and the division of groundwater is subject to provisions in the Oslo II Accord.

Generally, the water quality is considerably worse in the Gaza strip when compared to the West Bank. About a third to half of the delivered water in the Palestinian territories is lost in the distribution network. The lasting blockade of the Gaza Strip and the Gaza War have caused severe damage to the infrastructure in the Gaza Strip.[8][9] Concerning wastewater, the existing treatment plants do not have the capacity to treat all of the produced wastewater, causing severe water pollution.[7] The development of the sector highly depends on external financing.[5]
Since the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, the issue of the development of the area's water resources, has been a critical issue in regional conflict and negotiations, initially involving Syria, Jordan and Israel.[10] After the Six Day War, when Israel occupied thePalestinian territories, water use and sanitation have been closely linked to developments in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The water and land resources in the West Bank in particular are considered to constitute the major obstacle to the resolution of conflict in the area.[11] Palestinians claim they have a legal right to ownership, or claim to use of three water sources in the area:(a)the groundwater reservoir of the Mountain Aquifer, the Gaza Strip Coastal Aquifer and the Jordan River to the amount of 700 MCM/Y, over 50% of natural water resources between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River.[12]

In 1995, the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA) was established by a presidential decree. One year later, its functions, objectives and responsibilities were defined through a by-law, giving the PWA the mandate to manage water resources and execute the water policy.[13]

Water resourcesEdit

Division in the Oslo II AccordEdit
The 1995 Oslo II Accord allows the Palestinians in the West Bank the use of up to 118 million cubic meters (mcm) water per year. 80 mcm was supposed to come from to drill new wells. However, the PWA was able to drill new wells for only 30 mcm at the expense of the existing springs and wells.[14][15] In the Oslo II Accord, the Israelis are allotted four times the Palestinian portion or 80% of the joint-aquifer resources.[16][17][18][19] However, 94% (340 mcm) of the Western Aquifer was allotted to the Israelis for use within Israel.[15] The allowed quantities have not been adapted after the end of the supposed five years interim period. The parties established the Joint Water Committee to carry out the provisions of the concerning article 40 of Annex III.

According to a World Bank report, Israel extracted 80% more water from the West Bank than agreed in the Oslo Accord, while Palestinian abstractions were within the agreed range.[20] Contrary to expectations under Oslo II, the water actually abstracted by Palestinians in the West Bank has dropped between 1999 and 2007. Due to the Israeli over-extraction, aquifer levels are near ″the point where irreversible damage is done to the aquifer.″ Israeli wells in the West Bank have dried up local Palestinian wells and springs.[20]

Water from the Jordan River basinEdit
See also: Water politics in the Jordan River basin

Jordan River
The Upper Jordan River flows south into Sea of Galilee, which provides the largest freshwater storage capacity along the Jordan River. Lake Tiberias drains into the Lower Jordan River, which winds further south through the Jordan Valley to its terminus in the Dead Sea. The Palestinians are denied any access to this water. About a quarter of the 420 million m3 Israel pumps from the Sea of Galilee goes to the local communities in Israel and to Jordan; the rest is diverted to Israel through the National Water Carrier (NWC) before it can reach the West Bank. Virtually all water from the Yarmouk River, north of the West Bank is diverted by Israel, Syria and Jordan. The water of the Tirza Stream, the largest stream in the central Jordan Valley, fed by rainwater, is diverted by Israel to the Tirza Reservoir and used by settlements in the area for irrigation of crops and for raising fish.[21]

Other surface waterEdit
In Gaza, the only source of surface water has been the Wadi Gaza. There are claims that Israel diverts part of its water for agricultural purposes within Israel prior to its arrival to Gaza.[22][23]
Hmmm.......Jesus was a Jew.
Some claim that the Jews killed Jesus. Go figure!

History lesson time (wiki)

The History of Israel encompasses the Jewish history in the Land of Israel, as well as the history of the modern State of Israel. Modern Israel and the West Bank are roughly located on the site of the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah. It is the birthplace of the Hebrew language and of the Abrahamic religions, and contains sites sacred to Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Samaritanism, Druze and Bahá'í Faith.

Although coming under the sway of various empires and home to a variety of ethnicities, the Land of Israel was predominantly Jewish until the 3rd century.[1] The area became increasingly Christian after the 3rd century and then largely Muslim following the 7th century conquest and until the middle of the 20th century. It was a focal point of conflict between Christianity and Islam between 1096 and 1291, and from the end of the Crusades was part of the Syrian province of first the Mamluk Sultanate and then the Ottoman Empire until the British conquest in 1917.

A Jewish national movement, Zionism, emerged in the late-19th century. Following the British capture of Ottoman territories in the Levant, the Balfour Declaration in World War I and the formation of the Mandate of Palestine, Aliyah (Jewish immigration to the Land of Israel) increased, causing Arab–Jewish tensions and a collision of the Arab and Jewish nationalist movements. Israeli independence in 1948 was marked by massive migration of Jews from both Europe and the Muslim countries to Israel, and of Arabsfrom Israel, followed by the extensive Arab–Israeli conflict.[2] About 43% of the world's Jews live in Israel today, the largest Jewish community in the world.[3]

Since about 1970, the United States has become the principal ally of Israel. In 1979 an uneasy Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty was signed, based on the Camp David Accords. In 1993, Israel signed Oslo I Accord with the Palestine Liberation Organization, followed by establishment of the Palestinian National Authority and in 1994 Israel–Jordan peace treaty was signed. Despite efforts to finalize the peace agreement, the conflict continues to play a major role in Israeli and international political, social and economic life.

Now then. Back in 48, the Brits were tired of constant fighting with the "Palestinians"(Local Arabs) and were basically glad to hand over the area to the Jews to return to their native land.....The Palestinians were more then happy to fight and kill the Jews whom they took the region from back in the 3rd century as they hate the Jews more then anyone else! (this can be partially traced to the Nazi's convincing the Caliphate that the Jews were the most evil thing on earth, back in the 30's!!).....The Arabs were told by leaders and others too, that "The Jews came to steal their native land!".....The lack of actually historical knowledge on the part of the educationally repressed Muslim Arabs of the area. Believed that "propaganda", completely!

Years of having to endure everything from grisly single person killings to full scale wars. Tends to make any people do bad things to others they blame for loosing friends and family.

Have you ever been to the area?
I'll bet my farm you have never seen a bus full of dead bodies from a suicide bomber. The blast pulverizes the bones in the body. If the body escaped the initial "commonly" understood ripping and dismemberment. The others are slumped into meat piles or thrown over the seat in front of them. I had the displeasure of seeing that, first hand......Bodies hung like wet towels from windows and seats! Sometimes it's hard to see the other side when you pay such a hard price! The same works for them too!

Yes, there are bad and unreported things that go on in Israel, perpetrated by Israelis, against the "Palestinians"..

BUT, I can guarantee that is not how all Israelis feel and act!

To say that Is the purpose and the end game of the Jews, and or Israel.......Is simply WRONG.....

I still respect you ttystikk......But, I think your only looking at the problem from one angle..

Yeah, I've got Jews in the wood pile.....You tend to when your Polish and Russian.....I am not a big supporter of many Israeli (governmental) views! Neither are my relatives living there!

I think as usual. Many problems are brought on by lack of education and fueled by unfounded hate.....The results are then what fuels the new generations killing each other..... Hezbola is a real problem - from both sides! It's hard to find truth, when schools run and funded by Hezbola. Spend half their time teaching the hate and how to "fight" those you hate!

Later bro

I dont disagree with much of this and applaud your attempt to view the situation impartially.

That said, you mention how the British were 'tired of fighting the ...local arabs' and 'Glad to hand the territory over to the Jews'

I don't believe this paints a true or fair picture.

The British controlled the area as you rightly highlight, and as a direct result of our rule (I am British) we changed the racial make up of the area by encouraging mass Jewish immigration before we withdrew.

Now I'm forgetful and lazy so I'm not going to search the exact figures but...

As a percentage of the population, Jews to Palestinians, there is a HUGE difference in that ratio between 1917 when the Balfour declaration was made and 1948 when we pulled out.

We were responsible for that.

Lord Balfour was in the pay of the Rothschild's

All of the above are facts and lend themselves to the belief (note, belief, not my opinion) that the entire situation was engineered.

If we are using third century demographics to determine national states, the indigenous people of the USA would run that nation and all people of angle and Saxon stock would run the uk.

There may or may not be validity to the concept but we can't hold it sacred for one race and not others.

Finally, the British were not just fed up of the local arabs, there were many attacks on the British army there by Jewish Zionists.

The same Zionists that wrote to Hitler offering support in his fight against the British in return for a homeland for the Jews when Germany won? possibly

Anyway, an interesting read, nice post
...and I have no sympathy for Isreal, as a state, but I do have empathy for civilians of this planet

That's how I feel too. I don't care for the Israeli govt, but I wish their people peace.

The same dynamic happens here in America. Americans get painted with a certain brush due to the actions of their/our govt. I grew up in Canada, and most Canadians attribute the characteristics of American policy to the people themselves... arrogant, selfish bullies. I have lived in America for 20+ years now, and have come to learn that this is not the case. There are a lot of good folks that live here. Of course there are also some turds. I suspect that the same could be said of Israeli citizens.

Although, it makes it difficult to look at Americans in a positive light when we elect some of the morons to office that we do. :eyesmoke:
I'll informed or blatantly biased

The USA decided upon regime change in Syria in 2006, 5 years before civil war.

Arming and funding the 'rebels' you created ISIS (they did exist but were fucking inconsequential upstarts until funding and arms came their way)

The US even predicted that the likely outcome of their intervention would be ' the rise of an Islamic caliphate'

Decided it was a price worth paying.

Still...why bother with facts when they don't suit your agenda eh?

Just blame Assad and Putin, life's more simple that way for the simple folks

did you know that the average russian male is a cuck?
the only source for that is russian state propaganda you fucking retard.
Then why did the US apologize?

You still have not commented on subject of thread. Do you wish hamas/hezbollah success in burning israel to the ground just like you wished ISIS success in slaughtering arab christians?
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Nothing short of Nuke or a meteorite could even put a dent in the evil that plagues all of humanity . . the parasitic cult of Zionism ..

One day the real Jews will overthrow the disgusting Likud Trash that runs the show currently .. the idea of talking snakes and walking on water is slowly coming to an end.. when it does in the U.S. Zionist will be lacking the Jesus Support they need from the States to continue the Genocide of the Arabs
yet another useless post by a loudmouthed prick

true facts about russian men: completely unable to bring any woman, russian or not, to orgasm, russian men have had to contract this job out to "bulls", while they spectate impotently, making them "cucks".

low quality cuck porn is russia's largest export.
Buck cutz you deep, lol.


Buck has an over inflated opinion of his own beliefs

He's shit at debating, useless at discourse and I enjoy highlighting this for all to see.

His cronies reply to support him but the truth is in print for all to see....he is weak and will not debate as he is as ill informed.

Any neutral observer sees this
Then why did the US apologize?

please cite where america apologized for belgians bombing aleppo, an event which actually did not occur.


You still have not commented on subject of thread.

you still have not commented on how awesome it is that your hero and savior registered 8 businesses in saudi arabia while running for president.

isn't saudi arabia bad?

you should lose 30 pounds and get some plastic surgery, porker.
Funny. I'm still waiting for the American news media to accurately report the slow motion genocide of the Palestinian People. It's only being going on for 70 years now.

But you believe whatever you want. Clearly you don't let minor details like facts stand in the way of your conclusions, lol
You should maybe check population statistics. If the Israelis are attempting genocide they are doing a pretty horrible job of it. You are just another ignoramus volunteering as a useful idiot.
please cite where america apologized for belgians bombing aleppo, an event which actually did not occur.


you still have not commented on how awesome it is that your hero and savior registered 8 businesses in saudi arabia while running for president.

isn't saudi arabia bad?

you should lose 30 pounds and get some plastic surgery, porker.
I was referring to the US airstrikes that killed 62 syrian armed forces.

So you won't be contributing to the main topic of this thread?