Israel slaughters more Palestinians


Well-Known Member
The Zionist Jews in Israel shot dead 17 protesters, wounded 758 by live fire and injured over 1400 this last Gaza during a peaceful protest.(There were no Israeli injuries)
That was the 1st day of a planned 6 week protest to demand the right of return from Gaza for ten's of thousands of Palestinians to their lands unlawfully seized by Israel, and to protest the US Embassy move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
It seems the Jews didn't like that, so they fired into Gaza across the border, and called in air strikes on Hamas installations, and for the 1st time used drones to drop tear gas on the protestors.

The protests are set too last until May 15, the day the US Embassy is to open in Jerusalem, so expect to see more death and destruction in the coming weeks.

Fuck Trump, fuck Kusner, and fuck Israel. They don't want peace, seeing as the Americans I mentioned would rather suck Jewish dick, and Israel just wants the land and the $3.5 billion in aid the assholes in this country gives them every fucking year to steal land and oppress the Palestinians

BDS now and forever, until there is a free Palestine.

Just to be fair, listen to the poor, poor me bullshit by the Israeli government spokesman.

How many Jews were injured by the protesters?


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The Zionist Jews in Israel shot dead 17 protesters, wounded 758 by live fire and injured over 1400 this last Gaza during a peaceful protest.(There were no Israeli injuries)
That was the 1st day of a planned 6 week protest to demand the right of return from Gaza for ten's of thousands of Palestinians to their lands unlawfully seized by Israel, and to protest the US Embassy move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
It seems the Jews didn't like that, so they fired into Gaza across the border, and called in air strikes on Hamas installations, and for the 1st time used drones to drop tear gas on the protestors.

The protests are set too last until May 15, the day the US Embassy is to open in Jerusalem, so expect to see more death and destruction in the coming weeks.

Fuck Trump, fuck Kusner, and fuck Israel. They don't want peace, seeing as the Americans I mentioned would rather suck Jewish dick, and Israel just wants the land and the $3.5 billion in aid the assholes in this country gives them every fucking year to steal land and oppress the Palestinians

BDS now and forever, until there is a free Palestine.

Just to be fair, listen to the poor, poor me bullshit by the Israeli government spokesman.

How many Jews were injured by the protesters?


‘No two state solution’ - Bebe Nettie

Hasn’t ANYONE the balls to call him out on this?
palestine would have won
Palestine was minding its own business before the Balfour Declaration, Zionist.

It's been an ongoing series of human rights violations and war crimes ever since.

Or is it all cool because the Jewish people suffered the Holocaust?

It's perfectly acceptable for a Nation (Great Britain) with no justification and no legitimate right to govern the Palestinians decide to give land that your people have lived on for thousands of years to someone else?

No wonder the Palestinian People don't want to negotiate with America; we've repeatedly demonstrated our bad faith as a negotiating partner.

Let me guess; it was so long ago that it's okay.

Jewish people don't bother me in the least.

But Zionist apologists for war crimes like you make me sick, UncleSchmuck.
I said exactly none of that.

You're the liar, Zionist. Cry some more about bring held accountable for war crimes against innocent people.
well if the holocaust was just an excuse to give us other people's land, why can't it be license for all the other anti-semitic canards out there?
you implied that jews get free run in israel because of the holocaust. that is what is known as an anti-semitic canard. so i just threw some other ones out there while we were at it
No, I was clear; since you think it's just peachy keen to murder innocent Palestinians and steal their land for Zionists, I was suggesting your justification. If that's not it, what is?

Call me anti-semitic, you angry unemployed drunk hammering away at the keyboard instead of spending quality time with your family.
It's sad that so many lives have been lost/land took over a darn belief system
It's not a belief system, that's just convenient cover. European Nations didn't want to deal with Jewish people so they supported an illegal solution of 'giving' them lands that wasn't theirs to give.

I'm still not sure why America got on board with this human rights catastrophe, it certainly isn't turning out well for us.

Now Israel extorts billions from the United States every year, lest they go jump in bed with the Russians. Soooooo here we are, giving any gifts of billions of dollars in cash- err, 'aid' to a serial human rights violating pariah nation with no end in sight.

I wonder what we get out of it?
Palestine was minding its own business before the Balfour Declaration, Zionist.

It's been an ongoing series of human rights violations and war crimes ever since.

Or is it all cool because the Jewish people suffered the Holocaust?

It's perfectly acceptable for a Nation (Great Britain) with no justification and no legitimate right to govern the Palestinians decide to give land that your people have lived on for thousands of years to someone else?

No wonder the Palestinian People don't want to negotiate with America; we've repeatedly demonstrated our bad faith as a negotiating partner.

Let me guess; it was so long ago that it's okay.

Jewish people don't bother me in the least.

But Zionist apologists for war crimes like you make me sick, UncleSchmuck.

What if the Indians demanded their land back from the US? I'm a little confused by people wanting land back. Maybe I don't know enough about the situation.
What if the Indians demanded their land back from the US? I'm a little confused by people wanting land back. Maybe I don't know enough about the situation.
Indeed there are several lawsuits willing their way through the US courts right now that ask that very question. In some cases, substantial compensation has been granted. I don't pretend to know the details.

But to turn the question around, when is it okay to just tell the rightful owners of Palestine who were so clearly wronged to just go fuck themselves?

And why does America have to be supporting the perpetrators?