Well-Known Member
Absolutely, if that way is not liberal (in trational not americanised sense). Well, nowadays I’d say that depends on where you live in America and who’s president at the time. Would you rather have south koreans live like the north koreans? Would you rather have left Europe in the hands of nazis cause that’s just “the way we live”?Would you support another invading force justifying an invasion of America based on their own interpretation of the way we live?
You have ironically the same defect in your moral compass buck has. Let me illustrate...
Police finds a sect living in a rural area in the US where kids are married off at age as young as 13.. ah wait, that”s actually legal in the US... bad example, excuse me. Let’s just say some fucked up shit happens to those sect members. You and buck are both like “let them, it's their own interpretation of how they want to live, they choose to be repressed and brainwashed”.
Your opinion based poll means nothing relevant here. If the entire world except America would be nazi occupied and you’d ask the same question as for that poll, the percentage would be even higher. It does not follow the US is actually the greatest threat to peace. That’s actually quite absurd and contrarian. “Peace” to you doesn’t mean the same to a Palestinian either. Peace to a Palestinian still means dead to all Jews, destroy Israel.
And that includes Mexico. Well, did anyway. For world peace, for Mexicans, for Americans, it would be much better if the US would annex Mexico as a new state. On the long run no doubt. I say this because the past few weeks I have wondered why on earth Mexican would want to go to the US and after a few grams of a weed and a couple of beers it became obvious, Mexico is a shithole. Be a good neighbor, help them clean up their shit, semi-voluntarily if needed.
Slavery gave colonialism a bad name. Bush gave “spreading democracy” a bad name. The reality is not a fairy tale or Star Trek, the world is small, I do no respect your virtual borders if you don’t treat your people well and take away basic liberties. I believe strongly in equal rights between men and women, countries who don’t should be liberated from their repressing powers, whether it’s religious or political ideologies. If the brits or the dutch or even the french would have colonized the entire planet back in the day it would be a much much much better place for everyone.
I’m all for doing the right thing. If you can’t see how much good the US has brought the world by being willing to go to war you are embarrassed for all the wrong reasons.