Well-Known Member
I don't mind being called a trump supporter
that's because you are proudly racist
anyone who isn;t proud of their racism would be mortified of being called a trump lover, squishbanned.
I don't mind being called a trump supporter
Lol!Your right, shapiro worked for a neo nazi rag because he's totally not racist.
Dipshit sock
What about Sea Jews? Do they hate us Sea Jews too?i understand that you and your klan chapter hate jews.
ben shapiro is a racist and if you do not agree it is because you are blind, dumb, deaf, and/or racistLol!
So because I asked for a citation in the last 24hours; you've compared me to a Nazi, called me retarded and accused me of being a sock puppet.
Have you got any citation yet or should I just go to the local 7/11 and get a box of tampons to mail to you?
I mean you said the guy writes racist stuff all the time, all day, everyday..surely it's easy to just pick one and post a link to it?
Ill gladly concede the point if you can show me anything racist he's written.
But you'll never concede the point you use "he's racist" as a way to silence people who say things you don't like or agree with...it's a weak as fuck way to debate.
So still 3 days later you can't find a citation and you're still talking shit about it?ben shapiro is a racist and if you do not agree it is because you are blind, dumb, deaf, and/or racist
he worked for a neo-nazi rag. there's your proof, sock.
3 days later and you're still in denialSo still 3 days later you can't find a citation and you're still talking shit about it?
Cool story, bro.
As I've previously stated, I won't accept the statement without evidence from a one trick pony who arbitrarily calls people racist all day long.3 days later and you're still in denial
ok, so the fact that he worked for a neo-nazi rag isn't evidence.I won't accept the statement without evidence
Whatever makes you happy, you drunk clown.
If you find anything to actually back up your shit talk then get back to me.
Until then it's pretty clear that everyone else can see you lost, badly.
If you have evidence he ever wrote anything racist, then post it, I'll gladly say I'm wrong."if there is anything else" - ya mean, besides his work at the neo-nazi breitbart website?
good job on declaring victory. that definitely undid all the time little tiny 4'3'' ben shapiro spent working at that neo-nazi shit factory
So it should be effortless to prove it... no?"prove the writer at a neo-nazi website ever said anything racist" is just not a good argument.
WaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhSo it should be effortless to prove it... no?
Yet here you are, still without a single citation.
You're a drink clown, give your wife and child some attention instead of making pathetic and losing arguments online and they might be less embarrassed by you.
"What does your husband do?"
"He spends 18 hours a day calling people racist online because they say things that hurt his cracker feelings"
An intelligent retort...for a drunk clown.Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
An intelligent retort...for a drunk clown.
How many beers so far today?
Called many people racist cos they were smarter than you (which is basically everyone) and said something you disagreed with?
Cheered for the 1200 Palestinian children locked up away from their families for throwing stones at the occupying forces?
Day is still young, you'll get there eventually.
racists hate shapiro.
a racist can work anywhere. where do you work?racists hate jews. big surprise.
racists also work for neo-nazi websites like breitbart. also a big surprise.
a racist can work anywhere. where do you work?