

Well-Known Member
whats the story on israel? why do we support israel? how do they retain controll? the soviets or russians or chineese havnt ever messed with them? are they crazy? whats up with the ones with the side burns? they seem verry beligerent and hostile. are we allied with them and why? they dont seem cool check this out.


Well-Known Member
I would like to hear both sides of this, I think we support them because that is also the christian holy land.


Well-Known Member
I would like to hear both sides of this, I think we support them because that is also the christian holy land.
Israel is a terrorist state by definition. They have repeatedly expanded their territory by military means since their inception in '47. While doing this they have taken land from the Palestinian people whom have lived on this land for hundreds of years. They control US political views w/ massive campaign contributions to politicians willing to tow the israeli line. The main lobbying group is AIPAC. If a politician is unwilling to do their bidding, then they aggressively attack them. There is much information on this...not just some 'stoners' word on this forum. They now have an apartheid state....keeping the Palestinians behind walls guarded by armed soldiers. They must go through checkpoints if they wish to leave their densely populated area. Oh and Israel controls the water, food, and power supply to these areas which they regularly cut off. In a recent poll in Europe people were asked what is the most dangerous terrorist nation...Israel was the winner. Over Iran, afganistan, Iraq, etc.. Here in the states we are force fed Israeli biased propaganda. Sorry for the rant, but this is something that I feel VERY strongly about. Notice Israel jumping up and down that Iran is trying to make nuclear weapons(despite Iran saying they are not), but Iran has allowed UN inspectors in...Israel has never allowed inspectors in and is at this moment non complaint with UN nuclear regulations. Oh and if you think I'm some crazy nut talking about Israeli influence in America...take it from the horses mouth.

"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001


New Member
I hope for once that RickWhite articulates what I am too blazed to say.....

In my current state, all I will say is this: Haven't the Jews been persecuted enough already? I mean, holy discuss the current state of affairs in the Middle East is one thing, to start a thread like you did is another. It is inflammatory and divisive.

Rant over, for now.

Illegal Smile

There is only one functional democratic state in the entire middle east and that is Israel. End of story.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessin cause they are Gods "people" at least in the bible! And if there is a really dont want to fuck with his peeps!!!


Well-Known Member
I hope for once that RickWhite articulates what I am too blazed to say.....

In my current state, all I will say is this: Haven't the Jews been persecuted enough already? I mean, holy discuss the current state of affairs in the Middle East is one thing, to start a thread like you did is another. It is inflammatory and divisive.

Rant over, for now.
i ment it to be inflamotory and devisive....and i wanted peoples thoughts and opinions and some answers to my questions about how israel retains controll. and just because of the biblical exodus from egypt or hollocost in germeny jews should not be above question-that is crazy . if im irish do i have the right to beat my dog and wife because my ansestors ran out of potatoes and came to america and faced descrimination??? of cource not. why is it inherently wrong then for me to question the state of israel? and how they retain power how the U.S. is involved how this affects our lives and how it could affect our future. after seeing the video clip i poasted and others like it i dont think this is a place i support-even with my jewish heritage. and if we want to talk human rights why do we here china and not israel?


Well-Known Member
This has been discussed in numerous threads in this forum. 99% of people who are anti-Israel really just hate Jews. They have no genuine knowledge of the issue and no dog in the fight and yet they just pull this strong anti-Israel stance from thin air.

There is little one can say to change this. Here is an excellent link to the myths and facts regarding the Israeli-Arab conflict.


New Member
It's all about the money. The Jews basically own America. They own the banks and most of profit producing entities on this continent and most others. Why did Hitler and the German people hate the Jews so much? Because they owned all the businesses and banks in Germany. The Jews being "Gods People", have always had a knack for getting rich. The Muslim world is basically made up of third world countries, poor people. It's like I've said all along, it's a class struggle. Poor people VS the wealthy class. Jews are definently the wealthy class. Think about it, How many poor Jews do you know?

Illegal Smile

It's all about the money. The Jews basically own America. They own the banks and most of profit producing entities on this continent and most others. Why did Hitler and the German people hate the Jews so much? Because they owned all the businesses and banks in Germany. The Jews being "Gods People", have always had a knack for getting rich. The Muslim world is basically made up of third world countries, poor people. It's like I've said all along, it's a class struggle. Poor people VS the wealthy class. Jews are definently the wealthy class. Think about it, How many poor Jews do you know?
That's fine but if you ever call anyone racist I'll be on you like flies on shit with that post.


Well-Known Member
It's all about the money. The Jews basically own America. They own the banks and most of profit producing entities on this continent and most others. Why did Hitler and the German people hate the Jews so much? Because they owned all the businesses and banks in Germany. The Jews being "Gods People", have always had a knack for getting rich. The Muslim world is basically made up of third world countries, poor people. It's like I've said all along, it's a class struggle. Poor people VS the wealthy class. Jews are definently the wealthy class. Think about it, How many poor Jews do you know?
This is classic anti-Semitism. How many Jews in all do you know Midicineman?

Jews have in fact been poor throughout most of history and the World. Poland, Hungary, Russia - all very poor people. The only Countries with large populations of Wealthy Jews are Germany and the US.


Well-Known Member
rickwhite...I don't hate jews. I have friends that are jewish. To speak out about crimes of a government does not mean you hate the people of that country. I feel just as strongly about our governments crimes, but that doesn't mean that I hate americans. To say that most people that don't like Israel, don't like jews is a typical response of the zionists that run Israel. Look up a group called Rabbi's against zionism. Zionism is not Judaism, and zionism is what Israel is governed by. People that refuse to look into the truth, or can not argue the facts of a situation are reduced to using ad hominem attacks. Ex. Me: I think that Israel is committing crimes against humanity w/ their treatment of the Palestinians.
You: You're an anti-semite.

This logic is stupid, but if you can't win on the facts......ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK.


New Member
This is classic anti-Semitism. How many Jews in all do you know Midicineman?

Jews have in fact been poor throughout most of history and the World. Poland, Hungary, Russia - all very poor people. The only Countries with large populations of Wealthy Jews are Germany and the US.
Too bad you feel the post seems to have an unsavory feel to it.

Fact is though (and you will refuse to admit it) is that you hate gays, Muslims, moderates and liberals, and a host of others.

Let's not be the pot calling the kettle black. If you go on your racist, homophobic rants, don't be "surprised" and indignant when someone else makes race an issue as well.


Active Member
I think some people are missing the point here, isnt this about the occupation of palastine not jews.

I,m sure some "isreal" supporters would feel abit differently if:

some settlers came to your country then murdered a load of your people, rounded the rest of you up, and moved you somewhere else.

every now and again they drop some bombs on you killing your children and blowing up schools etc

they then try to restrict your main supply routes- meaning no food and medicine...........

people moan about the anti-semitism as soon as a disscusion like this comes up, but don't give a second thought about the 1000s of palestinians living in fear in a war zone everyday. The Palestinians don't even have an army!


Well-Known Member
rickwhite...I don't hate jews. I have friends that are jewish. To speak out about crimes of a government does not mean you hate the people of that country. I feel just as strongly about our governments crimes, but that doesn't mean that I hate americans. To say that most people that don't like Israel, don't like jews is a typical response of the zionists that run Israel. Look up a group called Rabbi's against zionism. Zionism is not Judaism, and zionism is what Israel is governed by. People that refuse to look into the truth, or can not argue the facts of a situation are reduced to using ad hominem attacks. Ex. Me: I think that Israel is committing crimes against humanity w/ their treatment of the Palestinians.
You: You're an anti-semite.

This logic is stupid, but if you can't win on the facts......ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK.
i think zionism sounds a lot like manifest destany....


Well-Known Member
This is classic anti-Semitism. How many Jews in all do you know Midicineman?

Jews have in fact been poor throughout most of history and the World. Poland, Hungary, Russia - all very poor people. The only Countries with large populations of Wealthy Jews are Germany and the US.[/QUOTE]I worked for a company run by jews for many years,,,in the USA,,,I Will never work for a Jew again,,,That's being nice!:peace:


Well-Known Member
stupid religion... cant we all just get a bong? how can you rightfully say that anyone owns the "land" when everyone somehow traces their religious heritage there. i learned this thing called sharing in pre-school, its pretty fucking sweet. maybe some governments should start giving it a try. until then lets make the whole middle east one giant sheet of glass or a lake. most of those country are only ohhhh about a few hundred years behind us culturally, just look at how they treat women on top of other things. i hope they all blow each other up then my friends would stop dying over there or coming back and killing themselves.