issue with first set of leaves


Well-Known Member
plants 2 weeks old, looking healthy apart from 1 pineapple chunk, which has a issue with its first set of leaves, does anyone know what this is


Active Member
your soil is too hot.
flush really well and give it some B1 vitamin
it should recover in a couple days

by "hot" i mean too much nutrients in the base soil


Active Member
do you water every day should do any ways bro im not really sure thought could be a N problem but im no expert thought i would
try me best to help out sure some one with more knowledge will come along and solve your problem mate :)


Active Member
benzi, while your input is attempting to be helpful, please know what you are talking about before trying to diagnose plant problems.
N problems would cause yellowing foliage not necrosis what is what the plant has
and he should NOT water every day unless the heat is high and humidity is low causeing the water to evaporate more quickly
water on the plants schedule...not your own

your info is just confusing the one trying to get information


Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
CC, I agree with you, looks like the soil is too hot, and it's getting burned. But Benji DID say that he was no expert, only offering his opinion, and was only trying to help. Blasting someone for stating false or inaccurate info as fact is one thing, but please go easy on someone who is only trying to help and can admit he's not sure. I aint blasting you, just trying to keep a bit of decorum and civility around here. You know too much to be that way and seem to be a knowledgeable grower, don't ruin the rep with the rest of us.


Active Member
Agreed jack! i dont like "blasting" people either but to me that was nice haha

My apologies to benji if that came off as disrespectful



Active Member
If people off the street were "just trying to help" the architect designing a skyscraper by providing false info, I'm sure they would get far worse of a scalding than what i gave.
If you don't know, don't say anything...just listen and learn

ya know?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
True that, but there is a whole lot of well intentioned people who haven't gotten that yet. It would be great if they did. It's the ones who need to prove how smart they are, cutting and pasting wrong info, and swearing by it. I think that if it isn't from your own personal knowledge, don't post it as fact. Even if you read it from a really reliable source, at least state that this is something you read, not know to be fact.


Active Member
benzi, while your input is attempting to be helpful, please know what you are talking about before trying to diagnose plant problems.
N problems would cause yellowing foliage not necrosis what is what the plant has
and he should NOT water every day unless the heat is high and humidity is low causeing the water to evaporate more quickly
water on the plants schedule...not your own

your info is just confusing the one trying to get information

sorry bro was just trying to help man im on here to learn and learn i shall :) you seem to know your stuff and like my post said im sure some on will come along and solve your problem and so you did.dint mean to be confusing either as i only stated what i thought may be wrong but i was wrong ha, but ya could of layed off a little