Issues! While flowering! Help


Well-Known Member
so i have a bunch of threads and they all tie to this one plant. so im going to try to incorperate all the information into 1 and not pay attention to the other threads. so i started a seed from 12/ is a matanuska thunderfuck x og kush.cracked soil jan 1st this year. it was planted in a peat pellet and transplanted into a 1 gallon pot into roots organic soil. started feeding with snow water at room temperature..growing with cfls. at 31 days it showed signs of female. so i started to introduce flowering nutrients. i used pueblend bloom at light strenght with the recommended amount of calc mag + and mix it into 7.0 distilled water. use ph up to put my nutes into the 6.3-6.8 range. i have added microbes in a feeding and have only fed nutrients about 3-4 times(all organic) 3 waterings ago i added a very very light dose of mollasses. within the last few days ive had extreme yellowing from the bottom up, base and shoots involved. pink/purpling of leaf bases(part that connects leaves to stem) and curling downward leaves nearest flower formation.guess was it was overwatered so let dry out.didnt change, second guess was too dry so i watered. stayed the same. checked the roots today and deff not bound to pot or signs of rotting. also spots on the plant that look like if you were to throw bleach onto a black shirt it gets that pinkish looking spots, or get little brown spots( <-------one of floyds pictures i randomly found that shows partly whats going on w yellowing and patch holes. also top cola leaves twisting upside down and they wont turn back. temps are 82.8-88.8 lights on 56.0-75.0 during night time. use sunlight and 6 cfls -4 2700k 1700lumen, 2 6500k 1525 lumen. here i will incoperate many pictures that could hopefully help anyone that wants to put there advice in.any information needed i can answer. oh and runoff is at better at outdoors and this is my second attempt at indoor



Well-Known Member
so i have a bunch of threads and they all tie to this one plant. so im going to try to incorperate all the information into 1 and not pay attention to the other threads. so i started a seed from 12/ is a matanuska thunderfuck x og kush.cracked soil jan 1st this year. it was planted in a peat pellet and transplanted into a 1 gallon pot into roots organic soil. started feeding with snow water at room temperature..growing with cfls. at 31 days it showed signs of female. so i started to introduce flowering nutrients. i used pueblend bloom at light strenght with the recommended amount of calc mag + and mix it into 7.0 distilled water. use ph up to put my nutes into the 6.3-6.8 range. i have added microbes in a feeding and have only fed nutrients about 3-4 times(all organic) 3 waterings ago i added a very very light dose of mollasses. within the last few days ive had extreme yellowing from the bottom up, base and shoots involved. pink/purpling of leaf bases(part that connects leaves to stem) and curling downward leaves nearest flower formation.guess was it was overwatered so let dry out.didnt change, second guess was too dry so i watered. stayed the same. checked the roots today and deff not bound to pot or signs of rotting. also spots on the plant that look like if you were to throw bleach onto a black shirt it gets that pinkish looking spots, or get little brown spots( <-------one of floyds pictures i randomly found that shows partly whats going on w yellowing and patch holes. also top cola leaves twisting upside down and they wont turn back. temps are 82.8-88.8 lights on 56.0-75.0 during night time. use sunlight and 6 cfls -4 2700k 1700lumen, 2 6500k 1525 lumen. here i will incoperate many pictures that could hopefully help anyone that wants to put there advice in.any information needed i can answer. oh and runoff is at better at outdoors and this is my second attempt at indoor
ok, so I will tell you what I think I know, from my own research. purple stems could be caused by the 20+ degree temp difference from night to day, it happened to mine and I had drastic temp changes in the beginning. know worry though best I can tell, just think you live in the desert with hot days and cold nights and move on.

now onto the yellowing. thats a tough one, and I know cause my BS1 (stands for bagseed plant 1, and there are plenty of pics in my sig if you wanna see) appears to have the EXACT same problem as yours. Yellowing can be N, P, Mag, and probably other def's we dont know of. Molasses has potash, i found this thread which is cool, which says it has an average of 1-0-5, not sure if you've seen it. what I am getting at is between both of our problems, the one thing we have not tried is a dose of Phosporous. I tried to add epsom to my water for Mag def, but no improvement. My PH has been off, so I thought that was my problem, but seeing yours, and your PH is right, i think we should both try a good dose of P, especially since this is one of the major nutes used during flowering, and it appears yours and mine both got worse during flower. so, I am getting tiger bloom friday with an NPK of 2-8-4. what I am gonna do is give her a little more than half the recommended dose, instead of like a 3rd like some recommend.

I hope this helps, because your thread helped me as well. because you have applied the fixes that I haven't, and I have applied the fixes you havent. but neither of us have tried P. good luck to you, and check out my grow, my other 2 plants are banging!


Active Member
so i have a bunch of threads and they all tie to this one plant. so im going to try to incorperate all the information into 1 and not pay attention to the other threads. so i started a seed from 12/ is a matanuska thunderfuck x og kush.cracked soil jan 1st this year. it was planted in a peat pellet and transplanted into a 1 gallon pot into roots organic soil. started feeding with snow water at room temperature..growing with cfls. at 31 days it showed signs of female. so i started to introduce flowering nutrients. i used pueblend bloom at light strenght with the recommended amount of calc mag + and mix it into 7.0 distilled water. use ph up to put my nutes into the 6.3-6.8 range. i have added microbes in a feeding and have only fed nutrients about 3-4 times(all organic) 3 waterings ago i added a very very light dose of mollasses. within the last few days ive had extreme yellowing from the bottom up, base and shoots involved. pink/purpling of leaf bases(part that connects leaves to stem) and curling downward leaves nearest flower formation.guess was it was overwatered so let dry out.didnt change, second guess was too dry so i watered. stayed the same. checked the roots today and deff not bound to pot or signs of rotting. also spots on the plant that look like if you were to throw bleach onto a black shirt it gets that pinkish looking spots, or get little brown spots( <-------one of floyds pictures i randomly found that shows partly whats going on w yellowing and patch holes. also top cola leaves twisting upside down and they wont turn back. temps are 82.8-88.8 lights on 56.0-75.0 during night time. use sunlight and 6 cfls -4 2700k 1700lumen, 2 6500k 1525 lumen. here i will incoperate many pictures that could hopefully help anyone that wants to put there advice in.any information needed i can answer. oh and runoff is at better at outdoors and this is my second attempt at indoor

yes the purpleing is from temp swings. Pic#6 is bugs/mites of some sort.
dont worry about the twisting leaves, ive seen that 100 time with no problems.
the bleach spots and yellowing are more than likely nute deff.


Well-Known Member
Well today I fed with a quarter strenght of veg formula problend and some 5-9-7 bat guano w a tsp of calc mag. Still problematic as the leaves are still super umbrella shaped where the hairs are located on most every tip. I
so stressed :(


Well-Known Member
dont worry, it takes time to repair stuff this far gone. remember it took a few days for it to get this bad, it will take a few to recover. once I feed with high Phosphorous i will let you know my results. patience young padawan!!

i really need some bud :(


Well-Known Member
Haha sorry for the short replies I'm on site threw N iPod so looking and responding is awkward. I'm all organic so I figure it's going to take awhile for things to break down. Sucks though cause I deff feed o it's not a huge plant but I hit with low numbers. I think it has to do with the distilled water I use to be honest


Well-Known Member
Just remember that the damaged & yellowing leaves will remain that way no matter what you feed them, its the new growth that you have to read the plant from!
I also think your problem could be the water, especially snow water?!!! You can introduce funghi to your rootball this way.


Well-Known Member
well that is deff long over with everything the past month has been the 7.0 distilled
Once they are in there, theres no where for them to go. I would pop some neem into your soil just to be safe. This will also help the plant process nitrogen more efficiently.
Tap water is just fine, as long as you dont live in somalia, the soil will buffer anything your tap water can throw at it. Distilled will be missing lots of stuff your plant needs. Good for topping up your car battery & clothes Iron tho.


Well-Known Member
Yes Oil or cake, cake is obviously beter for what we are talking about. I use Mistry's GreenIT, neem fertilizer, absolutely fantastic stuff, deadly towards a lot of pests too. Just a handful on the top layer of soil & water it through.


Well-Known Member
and this is ok for organics? so there is thought that i have bugs saping life out of my plant? i did kinda pull some strawberries out of a garden and put them in mg soil and throw them in the box but i inspected and didnt find much...if plants went into dark about 30 minutes ago can i turn the lights on and check them or should i just wait until tomorrow


Well-Known Member
anddd i think that ive come to the conclusion that maybe this is a problem with me watering with the distilled nutrientless water as its prob flushing/lockingout/robbing any nutrients i give my babies.


Well-Known Member
and this is ok for organics?
it has been used for centuries in the rice paddie's of India & south east asia. Totally safe. The cake is the crushed up husk of the neem tree fruit & seed if i remember correctly so it wont get more organic than that really.

I wouldn't worry too much about nutrient lock out in soil either, unless your pot size is small & even then... instead of adding more nutes why not pot up to a slightly bigger size & let the new soil provide any neccesary nutes? Much easier than flapping around with 2ml of this & 1 ml of that.:mrgreen:

If yo uare concerned about funghi in your roots next time your pots semi dry, pull out the rootball & look at the roots, they should be white, if they are excessively yellow & the smaller hairs are undeveloped or appear burnt then go get the neem.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm deff not pulling the rootball out but I'm gonna just star using plain tap from now on that's phed to 7 to figure my problem besides I hit them w everthings they could be missing in the feeding today wait til dry and I'll figure. Hope you stay scribes but it's bed Time 4 me night


Well-Known Member
newest update. yesterday i fed with half strenght veg formula and half a tsp of bat guano and phed to 8.0 (which is high i know) and fed no change until i came to look this morning and she is all perky again and doing well.i think my huge problem is that there ISNT ENOUGH FOOD for her to eat. after adding the microbes im sure all the nutes in the soil have broken down already and she had eaten them. so from now on full strenght food.i will update regularly. anyone disagree with this?