Hello all, having some PH issues with HP-CC. I'm not sure what to PH my water at.
I tried around 6.7 initially... the plants dont look horrible however I am seeing signs of deficiencies/lockout already. I just flushed them with RO water.
Does anyone know what to PH this soilless mix at? ProMIX says just water and the soil will PH itself... yeah I've read threads on this and its true for about 2-3 waterings... lol. I've also read threads on HP-CC and cannot seem to find a definite answer.
I am thinking 5.8 PH and have been the whole time. There is not a LOT of CC in the mix, however I've been told by someone to PH at 5.8... just not sure.
Anyone? Experience with HP-CC?
Thanks in advance so much.