It came to me in a stoney daydream. Avery yeasty one.

Heres the theory. I've used sugar and yeast for extra co2 many times and I was wondering if you can aerate your resivoir with the bubbling it produces? I've been growing for many years and have never read or heard anything like that.


Well-Known Member
Well, since the gas primarily being released is co2 and not oxygen, I don't think that it will oxygenate your reservoir, no.

Not all bubbles are created equal. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
No but if your running DWC you can feed your roots with carbon yeast mix. Contrary to popular belief your roots can uptake carbon content. you can even feed through your soil pots. Just place the airline coming off your activator into a grommet in the bottom of your pots
Thanks for the advice. If those roots can use those 2 oxygens along with that 1 carbon then everything should be fine. Was talking to a Budd that seals his room and chokes the shit out of his plants with tank co2. He said it could be done, you'd just have to replace that bottle every one or two weeks. Then i was thinking about using yeast bubbles to make castings tea. I'm thinking of trying some experiments withit outside for the (no pump noise) DWC. More with and without pics soon.luv this website


Well-Known Member
well, if you aerate your yeast and sugar mix, it will produce co2 much much faster, so fast that it bubbles with speed and consumes a pound of sugar in a few days.

but, its not the bubbles that aerate the water, not really.

its the movement of the water they create. so, yes, you could aerate your reservoir with the bubbles from the yeast and sugar.
not much of the o2 would enter the water, if any, becuase o2 dissolves in water so slowely, that you need a special device to allow the o2 to exit the water more slowly. (movement of the water aerates the water and gets rid of o2)

but if the bubble are great enough to cause a stir at the surface of the water and that water has access to air,then they will aerate the water.

bubbles work by agitating the water, creating a higher surface to water volume,that and the movement of the water, allowing more oxygen to enter via the surface.

of course some oxygen enters via the bubbles, but not the majority.