Tired of the bullshit being over worked, doing my Platoon CO job, doing my Staff Sargent job, having to inspect during field days ( every fucking thursday ), waking up at 4:30 to PT everyday showing up at work at 0630and not getting of work till 1730. Having to rat on people ( that officially needed it ). Playing stupid fuck fuck games because someone wasnt looking at who was passing word. Standing in formation for stupid amounts of time. Being told my room was the worst room after being inspected by a 20 year fuck, while I am 26-29. Staying up past 2 am on field days because the NCOs ( at that time ) wanted to ( but then again it was't really the NCOs that did that, it was the staff) Getting yelled at for no reason. Putting out during PT and being told you are a piece of shit. Being forced to stay on base ( was only in OKI ) because officers fucked it up for everyone. (mainly very few times was it the enlisted) Mass punishment, stupid utilities inspection, then they expect you to go get them dirty RIGHT after inspection, getting talked down to. The lack of true brotherhood, the lack of truly helping out a fellow (GI) when he was going down the wrong path, you try to help keep things under the rug that dont need to be brought up the chain and then you get blamed for not trying to help when you did. The OH WERE SO on task on point about mission planning and execution was god awful. People refusing to work because it doesn't make sense. OH every two years you having fucking E-9s coming to inspect your shit and them really really nagging you about the knowledge that no one wanted to teach. Then preping for that we would be working close to 12 hour days because our Head Quarters Platoon couldn't do record keeping right. Doing inventory every fucking week.... even when you dont touch the gear for months... I could keep going and going and going.
Felt good to rant about the bad lol
But there were great things to experience too. I met some of the hardest workers and most caring people ( VERY VERY FEW ) that will be friends for life. Traveling I got to go to Austrilia and do a joint training exercise with the ADF. Memories out in the suck... Very very few positives that just dont out weigh the negatives.
All in all I enjoyed my 4 years not a single NJP or 6105 but page 11s for being slightly over weight