it worked!


Well-Known Member
You have to inhale the helium when you say it, then it's a fucking riot. :lol:
i can just see them all running around. alarms blaring. lights flashing. "nothing bad will happen, nothing bad will happen." all while screaming out orders like little mice. lololol


Well-Known Member
There was a show on discovery (i think) a couple years ago about this. They were building it, at the time the accererator didn't have enough track.

Wonder where the atoms go?

I have theories about time travel myself.

What if time wasn't a definate unit of measurement, but was held together like matter, a series of events that all came together, like atoms. It would look like this;

Seeming like a straight line made of of events, but actually they aren't bonded together?

I try to live between the dots in my own time. Unless I'm at work, then I wait til it's time to leave! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
dammit! who let fdd drive the gawdamn LHC with his bum leg?

maaaan... now we gotta invoice the US for spare parts and you know what their credit is like!


Well-Known Member
here is what I think they might find out...
All matter is energy... just slow energy... once matter reaches a certain velocity it becomes energy. Law of conservation of energy is BS... eventualy all energy returns to matter.

When I was younger I used to think of dark mater as heaven... I.e. we can't truley perceive it or go there any other way than through the proper door.