Because I have no sense of how big the stated problem is. I cannot assign quantities to the parameters involved. I am hearing you chanting as dogma ... glittering generalities that I consider unreliable. "Cultivars spanning millennia are being lost! For profit!! To big greedy seed companies!1! Who are ruining all open-pollinated grows1!!~ And contracting the gee gnome!111 Capitalism is in our weed patch and capitalism BAD!1!1!"
So far nobody has brought legitimate support for these claims, and certainly nothing quantitative - and quantitative data from a real source (not Webtube) are the hinge on which the hypothesis lives or dies.
So, regarding a thing being bad or good, we must first establish if, and to what extent, it is even a thing. Launching a moral argument without having first established a mutual basis of facts is bull____, and I oppose such evangelical manipulation as you are foisting onto this thread on general principle.