Except this thread was meant to be a place where EVERY 4:20 gets a mentioncertainly not where failspammy is, making his not so subtle thread bump nothing more than spam and advertising of his sad little videos.
No, my family is just asleep on Christmas. And I figured I would give the sad trolls of RIU some human contactso he can boost his google rating from last quarter or something
It doesn't matter where. Every time it says ??:20 on my clock, that means it's 4:20 somewhere. I don't want to explain time zones to you, go look them upya but where is it 420 right now . . .
I guess I'm not one of the "sad" trolls of RIU then, just a regular troll.... I freely admit most of my time on RIU is spent trolling (I even give people a warning in my sig), I've never found the need to troll you... Can't say the need isn't there, Can't say that it is..... Figured I've seen you get trolled enough I didn't need to jump on the bandwagon and look for a reason.No, my family is just asleep on Christmas. And I figured I would give the sad trolls of RIU some human contact![]()