It's A Fuct World

I'm a bit tired of people who don't think critically. "Organic" doesn't mean "good" and "all natural" doesn't mean "safe."


Good read! Even though it makes complete sense to me, many people would read this and disregard it without any consideration. People, as a whole, have never really been very good at critical thinking. I do agree its getting worse, but I would say a majority of the public is ignorant pertaining to logic, deductive reasoning and general critical thinking. At least in my region! I don't think I'm intellectually superior to most people per se, but I do acknowledge my ability to think logically and critically while I deduce that most people do not, making me sound like a pretentious self righteous asshole occasionally, ahahahah.

I'm an expert at very few things, but it amazes me how absolutely clueless people can be with access to so many resources to information. I think reading the Reader's Digest would make one sound like a Harvard graduate to some people. Having said all that I still love organic fertilizers because they're so damn easy to work with. Have a good day all!
Plants store about 2 weeks worth of nutrients. You can stop feeding in wk 6 and usually not see any signs of nutrient deficiency til the end of week 8. The only thing that removes stored nutrients from the plant is photosynthesis. This takes time and exposure to light. Despite advertised claims, there is no product which will accelerate this process. You can 'flush' plants if you want but it is unlikely to make any difference to the smoking characters of the buds. You can try it if you like, but the only result I've ever seen from withdrawing nutrients is accelerated maturation (which stops formation of bud matter prematurely).

There's a lot of urban myth around regarding 'flushing,' 'curing,' etc. Most of these myths date back to the late 1960s to early 1970s. At the time (and through the early 1980s), imported cannabis supplied for smoking was generally the whole dried plant, leaves & all- and it was usually wickedly harsh to smoke. Homegrowers tended to treat cannabis as though it was tobacco, employing curing methods used to make tobacco leaf more pleasant to smoke, but mimicked the whole-plant style of the imported product. It wasn't until cannabis cultivation came indoors broadly with the 1986 advent of the SON-T HPS light (which supplies some blue spectrum light) that cannabis bud, without leaf, became the predominant style of supply.

Cannabis buds are much more pleasant to smoke than leaf because there's a very high ratio of resin to cellulose matter in them, the opposite of leaf. Buds, particularly from pedigreed DNA, don't require any any special treatment to make them smooth to smoke, be that 'flushing' or 'curing,' but old habits die slowly. To this very day you will find people insisting upon treating cannabis bud as though it were tobacco leaf. 'Flushing' and 'curing' of buds is quite unnecessary, is generally a waste of time and done badly can (and does) invite mould, which spoils the lot.

Choose wisely, grasshopper! ;)[/QUOTE]

Hey Al,

As always thanks for the info. It means a lot to those of us who need it. Question for you. What do you surmise contributes to smoke that is harsh with a less than fragrant odor and little taste? Most everything I can find blames curing/drying methods. Thoughts?
Hey al, if you run your exhaust on a thermostat or a timer that cuts the fan off totally throughout the day then how do you maintain negative pressure in your room to avoid smell leaking out?


  • Simply parallel a motor speed controller with a thermostat. Set the MSC to a fairly low speed, enough to keep some air moving but not so low there's a chance of stalling the fan with some voltage applied (which might cause damage to the fan motor). Set the thermostat to switch on at 26C. When air temp exceeds 26C, the full line voltage will be applied to the fan motor- the thermostat provides a zero-ohm path around the MSC. Below the thermostat setpoint, its contacts are open and the current path will be through the MSC. The exhaust fan should be pushing air through a carbon filter. The net effect of an arrangement like this is to keep the grow room at a slightly negative air pressure all the time with exhausted air being pushed through a carbon filter. This will prevent unfiltered air containing scents from escaping the room.

    mustve missed that, earlier but saw it my 3rd time around. :)

Good read! Even though it makes complete sense to me, many people would read this and disregard it without any consideration.

And they do so at their own peril.
People, as a whole, have never really been very good at critical thinking. I do agree its getting worse, but I would say a majority of the public is ignorant pertaining to logic, deductive reasoning and general critical thinking. At least in my region! I don't think I'm intellectually superior to most people per se, but I do acknowledge my ability to think logically and critically while I deduce that most people do not, making me sound like a pretentious self righteous asshole occasionally, ahahahah.

I don't find anything pretentious in the least about being objectively correct.

I'm an expert at very few things, but it amazes me how absolutely clueless people can be with access to so many resources to information. I think reading the Reader's Digest would make one sound like a Harvard graduate to some people.

Anti-intellectualism is stupid (see what I did there? ;) ).

Having said all that I still love organic fertilizers because they're so damn easy to work with. Have a good day all!

Depends on what you mean by 'easy to work with.' I find the hoops one must jump through with organic nutes in hydroponics to be unnecessarily complex, particularly as regards pathogen control.

Very good couple articles there Al!


How is the STG hail working for you?

STG cubes are working really quite well with 2 of 3 plants in STG cubes performing above average compared to other plants in the same batch in Fytocell. However, I think that plants in STG would benefit from being watered 2x/day. Since the plants in STG are sharing a tray with others in Fytocell, I could only water the entire tray 1x/day. I have yet to run a whole tray of plants in STG cubes. From a practical aspect, I do like how neat and clean the STG cubes are to use. No bits of stuff all over the place, as happens when you use pots stuffed with Fytocell only. I have long used a 25mm layer of rockwool floc in the bottoms of pots I intend to fill with Fytocell to keep the crumbs in the pots, which does work, but also prevents the Fytocell from draining fully. I have an experimental batch of plants that is in Fytocell only with no layer of floc in the bottoms- and there's bits of the stuff everywhere- in the trays & in the tanks. Real mess to clean up- and the bits floating in the tanks provide a hospitable home for algae & other crap. So far, I'm hopeful for STG and will probably buy enough to run a couple of full trays to see how they go when the watering can be tailored to STG's water holding capacity.

Hey Al,

As always thanks for the info. It means a lot to those of us who need it.

No worries. :)

Question for you. What do you surmise contributes to smoke that is harsh with a less than fragrant odor and little taste? Most everything I can find blames curing/drying methods. Thoughts?

A few things could cause that- overdrying (curable by nesting a paper towel dampened with a teaspoon of water or two in with the buds in a sealed container for a few hours), poor quality DNA or leaving too much leaf on the buds when manicuring.

Hey al, if you run your exhaust on a thermostat or a timer that cuts the fan off totally throughout the day then how do you maintain negative pressure in your room to avoid smell leaking out?

Simply parallel a motor speed controller with a thermostat. Set the MSC to a fairly low speed, enough to keep some air moving but not so low there's a chance of stalling the fan with some voltage applied (which might cause damage to the fan motor). Set the thermostat to switch on at 26C. When air temp exceeds 26C, the full line voltage will be applied to the fan motor- the thermostat provides a zero-ohm path around the MSC. Below the thermostat setpoint, its contacts are open and the current path will be through the MSC. The exhaust fan should be pushing air through a carbon filter. The net effect of an arrangement like this is to keep the grow room at a slightly negative air pressure all the time with exhausted air being pushed through a carbon filter. This will prevent unfiltered air containing scents from escaping the room.

mustve missed that, earlier but saw it my 3rd time around. :)

Great pics Al. Couple Q's, I'm upgrading in size to your set up. I'm shopping for trays, and looking for 3x3 trays. Most trays on the market are 3'x3' inner diameter, with an outside diameter of 41". I can special order 3'x3' outer diameter trays, but shipping is expensive. could I get good coverage from the 41" x 41" outside diameter trays? 2 under each 1k adjust a wing.
Finally I made the trip to get canna aqua flores nutes. How many ml of a and b do you add per gallon, and what ec do you get? I haven't gotten the npk booster yet, they were out of stock.
Also, as I'm setting up my new room, I just stripped and painted everything. The house is on a concrete slab. Can I paint the floor, and if so, what kind of paint?
Thanks Al! Here's the current garden, two 3'x2' trays under a 600w cool tube aaw.
And they do so at their own peril.

I don't find anything pretentious in the least about being objectively correct.

Anti-intellectualism is stupid (see what I did there? ;) ).

Depends on what you mean by 'easy to work with.' I find the hoops one must jump through with organic nutes in hydroponics to be unnecessarily complex, particularly as regards pathogen control.

I don't use organics in hydro, just for super soil. I wouldn't even go there based on everything I've learned from reading your threads. My gardening time is limited so "just add water" is the most time efficient method for me :D Someday I'm going to build a model of your op though! Absolutely love it :D
does anyone know the formula to get the correct odosage of h202? I can only get 29% in my area. trying to keep the same dosage as AL has been using
Great pics Al. Couple Q's, I'm upgrading in size to your set up. I'm shopping for trays, and looking for 3x3 trays. Most trays on the market are 3'x3' inner diameter, with an outside diameter of 41". I can special order 3'x3' outer diameter trays, but shipping is expensive. could I get good coverage from the 41" x 41" outside diameter trays? 2 under each 1k adjust a wing.
Finally I made the trip to get canna aqua flores nutes. How many ml of a and b do you add per gallon, and what ec do you get? I haven't gotten the npk booster yet, they were out of stock.
Also, as I'm setting up my new room, I just stripped and painted everything. The house is on a concrete slab. Can I paint the floor, and if so, what kind of paint?
Thanks Al! Here's the current garden, two 3'x2' trays under a 600w cool tube aaw.
View attachment 2231457

If your trays are slightly bigger than you need, no big deal. Just fill them to the limits of the light coverage.

I use 500ml (ea, a & B) in my 125L tanks, for tank 1, 2 & 4. Tank 3 is for weeks 5 & 6- it gets 375ml A & B and 125ml PK13-14.

You can paint the floor if you want but it's not necessary. If you do, get a recommendation from your local paint supply shop for a paint that will survive being wet frequently- perhaps some sort of outdoor patio paint.

Looks nice, keep after it. :)

I don't use organics in hydro, just for super soil. I wouldn't even go there based on everything I've learned from reading your threads. My gardening time is limited so "just add water" is the most time efficient method for me :D Someday I'm going to build a model of your op though! Absolutely love it :D

Ah, OK.

Thanks for that. My op is designed for maximum utility, not maximum yield. I could probably increase the output of the op with something like aeroponics or NFT but the flood systems are just so stupidly easy to use & maintain (that is, no maintenance at all) and the op makes more dope than I need already. Wait, did I just say that? :D
thanks for the math lesson guys. on my first flood table now, have had the clones in there 2 weeks and havent seen any growth yet. not even roots coming out the bottom of my 6 inch pots. im so frustrated with this, ready to go back to soil where i was seing growth everyday :(
thanks for the math lesson guys. on my first flood table now, have had the clones in there 2 weeks and havent seen any growth yet. not even roots coming out the bottom of my 6 inch pots. im so frustrated with this, ready to go back to soil where i was seing growth everyday :(
Whats the conditions of your flood table res? Medium used?
Al...your the my trays up an running now...after spending many days reading this thread.
Hard part now is waiting 60 days....dang clones are 12" tall now after only 2 weeks!
running 3 trays on 2600w