It's a sign......atleast to me


Well-Known Member
Hey need of some help here.Heres my situation.Been in a slow process of gettin things started for my first grow.

I got a sack for a buddy that does his own thing and he gifted me with a clone of L.A. Confidential.But i am totally unprepared......imagine that.

here is my ?....i have some scott's potting soil,bone and blood meal and some bio-tone.It's x-mas time remind you 2 kids ta shop for and i be broke as a joke.What else do i need to add to my mix to ensure i don't kill this thing?Gonna pick up some lime to throw in but i need something to supplement for my K.

I'm going to have this thing under a few cfl's till Feb to keep it alive, when i'll actually have the $$ to finish purchasing what i need.I don't do the hydro stores so i'll be lookin for stuff i can get at lowes,home depot and such.

I know the answers are here if i read through ALL this stuff but damn thats alot of readin.....any help would be great.


Well-Known Member
it sounds dumb but look at fertilizers at home depot or what ever hardware store your familiar with. i have plants in soil that get only h20 and organic fish fertilizer. sometimes they look a little deprived of something so i whip up a gallon of miracle grow, give her a little and everything is good. dont let people scare you away from miracle gro. ive used it with much success. just be sure to flush a few weeks before harvest. a light mixture of miracle grow with what you already have would be a good start for your soil grow. goodluck and happy growings.


Active Member
As long as your girls get the right amount of nutrients they will flourish.
Check subcools supersoil recipe, base soil(bag soil-roots/ffof+lw)earthworm castings, blood and bone meal,
dolomite lime, azomite(trace minerals) and a couple other things and you sir are organically styling.
Peace and gravy.:leaf:

Active Member
Growing medium is just that....growing medium. It's not so important WHERE the nutrition comes from as long as it comes. If you use a generic soil with no nutrients in it (not a big deal) then you just add nutients during feeding. Pretty simple.

You can buy a pint of great organic nutrients for a pretty cheap price, no doubt. The good news is, a little goes along way.

Miracle Grow works. I'm not saying it's the best money can buy but it works. It's high in N but low in others. I've never used SOLELY Miracle Grow because plants need other nutrients as well.

If you are considering X brand from HomeDepot or Lowes, etc., you'll find when reading the ingredients they are all pretty similiar.

The bottom line is, plants need a certain amount of specific nutrients. As long as they are supplied in the right amounts at the righ time then you're good to go.

Merry Christmas to you and the kids!


Well-Known Member
Mr. Nice

Dosen't sound dumb at all.Some of the best smoke i've had has been done with MG with a few additives when needed.But this guy has been growin for 30 yrs.This was actually a thought for me until i get some more experience under my belt.Thanks 4 the advice.


Haha.....nice screen name. Have checked subs soil mix,which is the way i want to go....makin my own mix.
My main prob is figuring out how much to use of each product to make a batch of decent medium.To much stuff online......enough to discourage peeps.Do you know if the garden lime is the same as dolamite lime?Garden lime is what i found at lowes,but didn't purchase it due to not knowing.Thanks for the advice.


Thanks for stoppin in.Do you know of a online refrence that i could use?Of what the girls need at different stages.This is where my lack of experience is hurtin.And thank you for the offer,will be checkin things out with ya.

Thanks and Merry x-mas also

This is what i was thinkin......

Scott's potting soil 0.07-0.01-0.03
MG blood meal 12-0-0
MG bone meal 6-9-0
Bio-Tone contains mycorrhizae 4-3-3
worm castings
bit of perlite
Garden lime if it's ok to use

What am i missing???
And how do i figure out how much to use of each product?
Let's use say 20 gallons of soil as a guideline.

Thanks fellas


Well-Known Member
i am using chimney ashes for my K along with sea kelp.

most of these pre mixes are relatively hot esp ones that contain bone/blood meal, you are going to want to fill up half of your pot with the hot pre mix and the top half with something more gentle for young transplants/young roots.

you will need something to aerate the soil also, perlite, vermic, clay balls etc if in a pinch driveway gravel or styrafoam packing peanuts will work. dont forget to line bottom of pot a couple of inches with rocks for drainage.


Well-Known Member
sounds like you got some good info but i cant stress enough on not feeding young kids too much. they really only need water to survive when they are tiny.

you should eventually buy a PH/EC meter. go to amazon and price check an PH meter. you never want to water with sink water because its usually too high of a PH (7-8) if you buy a PH meter you can always have the perfect PH (around 5.8 -6). if your PH is too high just add lemon drops to lower it. i know it sounds like a hassle to learn right now but if you learn how to use a PH/EC meter now you will never overfeed and burn your plants


Well-Known Member
i am using chimney ashes for my K along with sea kelp.

most of these pre mixes are relatively hot esp ones that contain bone/blood meal, you are going to want to fill up half of your pot with the hot pre mix and the top half with something more gentle for young transplants/young roots.

you will need something to aerate the soil also, perlite, vermic, clay balls etc if in a pinch driveway gravel or styrafoam packing peanuts will work. dont forget to line bottom of pot a couple of inches with rocks for drainage.
Hey Slab.....Thanks for stoppin bye.

How gentle are we talkin here with filling the top half of my pots?
Maby a cut version of my initial mix by 50% or somthin...or something with no amendments?

Another ? you may be able to help with.At the moment the clone is in some scott's potting soil with just a bit of perilite,all i had on hand.Wanting to do a bit of foliage feeding to give her a bit of what she needs,Getting some EWC tomarrow....have some alaskin fish fert 5-1-1 and blood meal.....oh and some grandmas molasses.Have bone meal also but i know this will be broke down only once it's in my soil.Do i have what i may need to make a decent mix for some foliage feeding?

Have looked for kelp you know if that might be a seasonal thing?Can't find it but all i've checked is Homedepot,lowes..etc.

Just lookin for a way to keep her healthy till i figure out what kind of mix i end up doing.

Thanks for your time....bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
sounds like you got some good info but i cant stress enough on not feeding young kids too much. they really only need water to survive when they are tiny.

you should eventually buy a PH/EC meter. go to amazon and price check an PH meter. you never want to water with sink water because its usually too high of a PH (7-8) if you buy a PH meter you can always have the perfect PH (around 5.8 -6). if your PH is too high just add lemon drops to lower it. i know it sounds like a hassle to learn right now but if you learn how to use a PH/EC meter now you will never overfeed and burn your plants
Thanks for some good advice there LiEBE420.

Going to get a meter here shortly to have on hand.But i hope it'll be able to sit in the corner and collect some dust.Hopefully with me doing organic and using the correct mix PH will....or shall i say ....shouldn't be an issue.I have well water that stay's around 5.5 to 6.5.Checked all that about a year ago when we moved in.

You have any suggestions as to what i posted to Slab as far as giving some mild feedings for the clone i have?

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
yo Dank, no ammendments just potting soil/peat and lil perlite.

have raised clones with 10% strength formula and with just plain h2o, never had nute burn with just the h2o :)

you will always have to fight the urge to force feed your girls, let them tell you what they need. they will know better than you.

maxi crop is the brand name I couldnt think for k supplement.


Active Member
i would just keep it in the soil for 2 weeks than i would spend just 20 bucks on a decent base use what you have till than