It's all BAD

Cannabis is illegal on a federal level

When are you turning yourself in?

Cannabis is illegal on a federal level

When are you turning yourself in?
let's concentrate on the laws that are being broken and abused by people WHO HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT TO BE HERE. Before we stretch ourselves into what LEGAL citizen are or are not doing.

So you want those same cops all you liberals despise to come get me? But the ILLEGAL who killed Kate S. on the pier after being arrested 7 times and deported 5 times is NOTHING to worry about.

See the problem with liberals is they only want the law enforced on those they disagree with. I don't think pot laws are right! I'm exercising my right as a citizen to change those laws for the country. Why is it you assume I don't live in a legal state? Because I do happen to live in a legal state. It's not federally legal. However to compare what a legal citizen does in their house when state and fed laws conflict. To a person who has broken MULTIPLE federal laws from the moment they entered this country is insane.

An illegal alien breaks the law arriving here or over staying. From that point on they are buying/creating and using ILLEGAL documents. Then many have kids and drain the resources that are intended for children of LEGAL citizens. While they are using their ILLEGAL papers to maintain a job. They are also STEALING a job from a LEGAL citizen. These same ILLEGALS as a group are also driving down wages for ALL workers! I'm sure you liberals are asking how's that possible? Well when there are more people looking for jobs than there are jobs wages go down! Econ 101! The more legals that are out of work the more that our unemployment system is being sucked dry. Now if there were less people (NO ILLEGALS) the ratio of jobs/job seekers changes and the salaries go up naturally!

I could go on. But to compare what I do in a small room in my basement to a group of people who are destroying our economy is insane and you need to get your priorities straight!
Go cross north koreas border you bonehead!

What does that have to do with your abject hypocrisy, shithead? You gave a little idiotic speech about how important it was to follow "the letter of the law" and then when your hypocrisy was noted you started a riff about the ease with which one can cross various borders! Adorable! You are a goddamned imbecile. How old are you? 70's?
What does that have to do with your abject hypocrisy, shithead? You gave a little idiotic speech about how important it was to follow "the letter of the law" and then when your hypocrisy was noted you started a riff about the ease with which one can cross various borders! Adorable! You are a goddamned imbecile. How old are you? 70's?
I'm starting to think the problem with you and the heard you run with here are all illegals yourselves! Is that what it's so offensive to you and your crew that I want the borders of my country enforced?!
Why is it you assume I don't live in a legal state?

manufacturing a schedule 1 substance is a federally illegal act for which you can be imprisoned.

entering illegally or overstaying a visa is a misdemeanor on par with a speeding ticket.

so when are you going to be turning yourself in, you brokedick illegal welfare sponge?
it actually does make a difference, it's called intent.

You can't invent intent though bonehead. He said ban during the campaign. There is no ban in the EO! Your liberal judges are inventing it. Otherwise all Muslim majority nations would be included! There's your difference!
Maybe you're not smart enough to know what the definition of ILLEGAL ALIEN IS! Since you seem to equate it with many things that aren't even relevant to citizenship.