It's all BS and other stupid stuff.

Of course you will, although I am so uninterested in religion and politics I quite literally dont care whos right...most people would have even a small preference..I really dont. I just think you both are much more mature than all this...

Your replies can only be one of 2 things insults to me or pushing your opinions about the topic...i care for neither and wont take either personally...I just hoped one of you would READ what i wrote and just realize this has gone too far now for there to be a winner, and the longer you argue, the less relevant your facts get and the more personal the comments.

From a neutral point, it seems like padawan you are the sensible one, trying to have a legitimate debate, and you are being met with nothing but a very short list of the same reply, re worded 100 times...

And Rick, you talk very smooth - you use good word substitutes that make you come across as very superior and you leave very little room for anyone to doubt what you say, unfortunately if you took the time to actually READ what padawan AND yourself type, you will realize which of you continually refer to insults and the same old cliches...unfortunately its you at this point in time :(..

As i said, you both seem VERY mature and distinguished..I think maybe you have lost focus on the subject and its just a pissing match now...Im not offended by your thread, i realize nobody is making me read it...but when i look like a fool i appreciate being told, so i can rectify the attitude...thats all I wanted to do here.

I honestly have respect for you are both a far cry from "teh kidz wat speek lyk dis". And i think you both have valid points...

Or perhaps i read it wrong? Each of you are jut so passionate about your points you cant help but over exaggerate which case i apologize, you arent showboating you are just having a full on debate and thats part of it.

I only intended to let you guys know you looked like tools. I fear I have just entered the debate though, my own fault for sure...I wont be continuing, because even though i feel personally invested in this thread now, I still remember how you 2 looked, and now how I must look.

Unsubbed for my own sanity

Does lead to. And you still have not answered why we need religion today. If we don't need it, like I believe we don't, and it brings us so much trouble, then why keep it? Answer that. :shock:

How about because it is important to people and a Constitutional right? And it doesn't bring trouble - that is merely your opinion.

Actually, the fact that you are suggesting "doing away with religion" clearly demonstrates that you are far more dangerous than any religion.

Physical harm is not the only kind of harm that can be committed. The teachings of both Christianity and Islam are harmful to the mind, especially for young children. Both religions are dangerous, and it's obvious.

Wrong! That is your opinion!

Take a look around the world, all of our major problems either stem directly from a religious foundation or are being prevented from being solved because of some religious reason.

Wrong! That is your opinion!

Answer these questions from my last post please;

Why do we need religion to remind us that with knowledge comes a great capacity for evil?

Because most people aren't that bright and would have a hard time maintaining a solid moral benchmark without it.

You believe most of the OLD TESTAMENT is correct in a moral sense?

If properly interpreted yes. To do so requires knowledge of Talmud.

I take issue with the fact that people use religion to justify their actions (or the actions of others).

People do all sorts of bad things and come up with a million and one reasons to justify them. In this regard, religion is no different from anything else in life. I've seen kids steal a bike and rationalize it by saying that it was their fault for leaving it out.

If you intend on making the above argument, you have to show that religion can be established as a legitimate proximate cause of said actions and not just some weak excuse someone made up. Hell, people kill people claiming that voices came from the TV telling them to do it. It would be just as irrational to blame the TV as it is to blame religion.

Now, there are cases where there is a solid case to be made in which religion was the proximate cause - especially in Islam. But this requires a rational and reasonable examination of the pertinent facts. When a 16 year old girl is hanged in the public square for crimes against chastity it is fair to say that Islam is the proximate cause. When a nut job shoots an abortion doctor it is less clear. After all, the belief that life begins at conception is not necessarily an issue of religion. Secular people can have this belief as well and can act on it believing what they are doing is saving unborn lives. To simply lay all the blame for such an act on the existence of Christianity is not a rational argument.

You and I both agree, many people can interpret it many different ways, which leads to all kinds of situations people can then call right. Without that, I wouldn't have any issue with religion at all. Do you understand?

The last point is already addressed.
I'm in kind of a rush right now, I'll get more in depth with this later.

I agree.

"Truth" isn't subjective. That's what makes it the truth. Similar to why facts are facts. Everything in the Bible can't possibly be true. Just like how everything in the Bible can't possibly be false. Information in the Bible is both true and false, that's the problem.

So one can not tell a fictional story that has a moral to it that is true?

What moral did you get from the Noah's arc story?

Perhaps the message about immoral conduct destroying us.

Why do we need religion to remind us that with knowledge comes a great capacity for evil?


Exactly! Why would we keep a system that even allows for the possibility of driving people apart? Especially given the cost we pay.

I like how you ask a question that contains a claim you are making as if the claim is already established. As already explained, anyone asking why we would keep something that is a critical part of the lives of many people and a Constitutional right ought to be concerned with the potential danger of their own thoughts.

I propose that Liberalism is by far the most dangerous religion of them all.

I disagree with that. People know how to be good people. We were good people before religion ever came along, and now we have the actual data and facts to back up why it's good for our species to be moral to each other.

Ah, I see, perhaps we should explain Kolberg's stages of moral development (something I encourage you to read) to a bunch of slack jaw rednecks with IQ's of 90. No thanks, I'd rather just teach them the Ten Commandments and to love their neighbor.

You believe most of the OLD TESTAMENT is correct in a moral sense?


That proves the old testament is correct? :confused:

It makes a strong case.

I take issue with the fact that people use religion to justify their actions (or the actions of others).


You and I both agree, many people can interpret it many different ways, which leads to all kinds of situations people can then call right. Without that, I wouldn't have any issue with religion at all. Do you understand?


You just mentioned the OT was mostly morally correct. That is riddled with violence.


Is it not "honorable" to die for your country here as well? Christianity reinforces this idea, does it not? Honorable to protect your homeland, your nation where your religion resides. It would make sense for preachers and other religious figures to promote these kinds of ideas as it would ensure protection and prosperity for the religion itself. Your country falls to an enemy power, and chances are your religion will too. 72 virgins or eternal paradise? Both have their appealing bits.

About the worst comparison I have ever heard.

How many Muslims are "a great many", and when does that number go from a few lone religious nutjobs to justifiably saying it's a representation of the entire religion?

Over 10% of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims support terror and around 90% would replace the US Constitution with Sharia law.

China is the biggest slave nation today, not Muslim. Also, slavery exists in countries with dominant western religions. Just wanted to point that out.

It's not a comparison game though. Which one kills more people is worse. No, it's "they both kill people, both are horrible". Both allow this stuff to happen.

Another sweeping generalization.

Not at all. Skin color doesn't give anyone justification for harming another person.

The point stands.

That is irrelevant. The fact is they think they are following it. All of them.

Already debunked.

Islam is horrible, but like I said, it's not a blame game.

I know dude, but you asked "how is Buddhism dangerous"?

It looked pretty dangerous to that guy.. lol

just a joke man, just a joke.

Yes, it is. Islam has specific teachings that encourage violence when CORRECTLY interpreted. People disagree over this but the weight of the evidence shows Islam is violent. And the actions of Muslims are not even remotely comparable to those of other faiths.
I posted a point by point reply and it disappeared.

What you should see is that a few of your arguments involving what is and what is not a rational proximate cause is exactly my point. You see, it makes sense to you when you use it to back your position, but when I make it with regard to Christianity not being a proximate cause, suddenly you don't get it.

And look at your prison statistics. Did you correct these figures for percentage of the overall population? Are you taking into account that just about everyone who answers "Christian" (or other) isn't actually religious? And look at the percentage of Muslims! What percentage of the overall population are they?

If you came up with statistics of how many devout Christians, Catholics, Jews and Muslims committed crimes and corrected for their percentage of the overall population, what do you suppose the statistics would look like?