its been dry lately mates


Well-Known Member
I've been in the ghettos of Virginia and ik how to stroll through there

Head high

And if someone looks at you wrong you stare there ass down lol

I have a story about how I almost got robbed lmao

It was 10:30 WAY PAST MY BED TIME lol just kidding

My friend rolled up to get shit from his uncle

I was standing there spitting on the side walk and this black dude came up to me and said "aye man do you got a phone"

And I said "naw man"

And he said "man ik yo white ass gotta cell phone and its bound to be nice"

And I said "okay man"

And he said "I want your phone white boy"

I said "no fuck you" (I was nervous as shit btw)

He said that he whould get his homies down here to kill my cracker ass if I didn't give him my phone

So I just spit out my baccer right in front of him and walked off lol

To my surprise 3 fucking guys were walking behind me

I walked pretty much in a circle to see if they were still behind me

Well they were so I called my friend and said "im being followed by three guys"

And he said to walk to this one intersection and they wouldn't follow me past there

So I did and sure as fuck they stopped following me lol

Im pretty damn lucky I probably whould have been killed with my stubborn ass lol

don't be a push over in the ghetto

I can hold my own in a fight but when there being pussys and having to get 3 people to jump me then ik I whould lose hahaha


Well-Known Member
Why didn't you ask one of those guys for weed since you don't have any?

Two reasons

One im not like that needy I even felt bad when growan sent me free poppi seeds

And two its against site rules I think

I mean I whould have a smoke session with some people on here lol

The main point of this was to ask if I can extract resin with rubbing alcohol lol


Well-Known Member
you can extract it with alcohol, but I wouldnt recommend smoking it.
Are you over 21? Go to a shitty bar, have a drink, get chummy and start asking for weed


Well-Known Member
you can extract it with alcohol, but I wouldnt recommend smoking it.
Are you over 21? Go to a shitty bar, have a drink, get chummy and start asking for weed

No I'm under 21 lmao

I can get weed I just have to jump through hoops and do a bunch of stupid shit and spend alot of money for it (I spend like 15 to 20 a gram)

And besides a paper clip what is the best way to extract resin lol


Well-Known Member

even though I might hit you up @roy420420 lol

It was about if I chould extract resin with rubbing alcohol
u could use iso 99% ..............but to get it smokeable will take some skills and other things

u will need to heat the soultion up passed 187f so the the iso vapes off at 210f that should be the last of the iso at 212f the water will boil off .......take the temp up to 220 when u see not more bubbles and even if stir it u should no see anymore bubbles

then set it off to the side for 2 to 3 days to let anything else get out .............then u could smoke it


Well-Known Member
Hey ty, I'm sure you could make some smokable resin extract with any ISO over 90%. And you don't have to heat it, just put it in front of a fan and the ISO will evaporate. Then you scrape it up and smoke it.

I wouldn't because I don't like smoking resin, but I'm not you so go for it I guess


Well-Known Member
I was in jax a few years ago. Ask a cabbie. My Haitian cabbie had bomb nugs he tried to work me on price I told him 80$ for the 1/4 he wanted more but 80$ and a tip for driving me to the greyhound track got I done.


Well-Known Member
Really I'm not trying to find a long time dealer lol just waiting till its legalized

But I might go pick up a bottle of iso

Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Ive got a valid reason for a prescription

And hopefully we get the 60% vote we need in Florida then I can grow whatever I want whenever I want without being arrested or snitched on