it's better to buy a pre-mixed soil or DIY?


Active Member
Hi, I have seen at my local store a pre-mixed soil that contains perlite, some bio-life activator, guano, and more...

do you think it is sufficent for make big plants? Do I need to add more additives by myself? -ie worm castings, more guano, etc?

is it a good idea to mix acid soil (for rhododendron and azaleas, ph 5 - 5.5)with universal soil (for all garden plants, ph 6 - 7)?

I've read some good on that :-P


Active Member
guys I'm searching about this but I cannot find it again ....... is it a good idea to mix acid soil (for rhododendron and azaleas, ph 5 - 5.5)with universal soil (for all garden plants, ph 6 - 7)?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I mix my own shit, but the shit I mix is pre-cured. I want you to see "" to see how to make your own. But it's the same as asking "Should I build my house or pay to have it built". One takes years or never, the other is fast & expensive. To make your own, it takes 9 to 12 months, but is cheap to do. Having stashed weed homegrown, takes time also. But being dead of winter, it's not the best time to start an outdoor grow, or a compost pile. You should be able to click my Sig., & go to "all post". Anyway, to build your own from scratch, it takes years. I just buy the compost & add 18 million thousand micobes to it, IE; compost tea & molasses Then add greensand, whole ground cornmeal, Epsom salt, liquid seaweed, earthworms, a scoop of cow & mushroom compost/manure, some rabbit, if possible. Perlite & vermiculite for grins. A little beer, garlic, urine (2 Oz's per gal) adds to the growth explosion. For Calcium, I boil craw fish, suck the heads, throw the heads into the mix, while dancing to Cajun music. This is 40% of the top mix, the bottom half-60% is either store bought compost or mushroom compost. Or.. you can spend 9 months to make your own, which starts in the Fall, to gather all the bags of leaves left out on the curbs, etc. Building the soil is as much fun as taking big-ass buds.