• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

It's Class Warfare Alright.

jeff f

New Member
I'm not a rabid Jon Stewart fan, but, wow, that bit was a classic. I also liked that he acknowledged that Ron Paul was getting the silent treatment by the media when he is in the top three Republican candidates. I agree, we should close all the loopholes, end corporate welfare(subsidies), and END the drug war! Just imagine the revenues..
by revenue, you mean the govt stealing money from you that they had nothing to do with you earning?

somehow "revenue" has become a word that means good things happenig for the govt. all revenue means is that hard working people, making money to support their family, will be victims of a bunch of thugs whose sole purpose in life is to figure out how to take that money from you.


Well-Known Member
How is it the richest who have 2% of all the wealth pay no taxes? And the CEO's who rake in millions for bonuses? They need to cough it up. And the banks who brought us to the brink. They need to anti up too. We were raped by Wall St. Let them figure a way out. I can't wait till panic sets in. All we need to start the ball rollin is a rumor of insolvency and presto, gold will be 50,000. an ounce and it'll cost 400. for a gallon of milk. Then I'll take all my bullion and escape to Belize. Cause everyone will be shooting their neighbors just to feed their families.

...and as for the government people seem to forget that if they aren't happy with it they have the RIGHT to abolish it and start over. Hmmm. Now there's an idea.


Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6133752 said:
Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to
meet public needs, not to make profits for a few.
so let me break this down for y'all. social democrats merely wish to ignore the freedoms of the individual in order to support the fallacies of social equality. unbridled democracy, otherwise known as mob rule, operates solely on the theory of might makes right. it protects only those who have the numbers to force their agenda on others and opposes the concept of earned influence and the rights of the individual in general.


New Member
so let me break this down for y'all. social democrats merely wish to ignore the freedoms of the individual in order to support the fallacies of social equality. unbridled democracy, otherwise known as mob rule, operates solely on the theory of might makes right. it protects only those who have the numbers to force their agenda on others and opposes the concept of earned influence and the rights of the individual in general.
Actually that sounds more like tea party rallys at town hall meetings


Well-Known Member
Actually that sounds more like tea party rallies at town hall meetings
no matter how you may try to twist it, you simply can't turn the tea party folks into the sort of rabid statists that use the flaws of democracy to build an ever more massive welfare state. while any rally can be seen as a mob, the difference in the messages between the tea party and the various populist throngs are always apparent. underlying all the idiots, folks like the ones who think liberal legislation will mean they never have to worry about their bills again or those who think a return to fundamental christian morality will solve the nation's ills, the major difference lies in the responsibility of the individual. the single most attractive aspect of conservatism is that it places so much of the responsibility for the success of society firmly on the choices of the individual. where modern liberalism has become a game of playing one group against another through the manipulation of the fears and despair of the dependent poorer classes, conservatism puts no restraints of the destiny of the individual other than those which naturally occur. where statist dogma presupposes the worst of the individual and seeks to reign in singular effort, placing it under the control of the state, its opposite claims no utopian future through central planning, but admits to the pains of normal life and revels in those challenges.


Well-Known Member
Actually that sounds more like tea party rallys at town hall meetings

Wow, you must be a complete idiot.

They espouse the EXACT opposite of what you just claimed. Do you just throw "Tea Party" into a sentence and think you made a point? So you're saying the Tea Party is against individual responsibility and favors the "hive" approach. Laughable.

Yeah, get your face out of MSNBC long enough to develop a coherent argument.



New Member
Wow, you must be a complete idiot.

They espouse the EXACT opposite of what you just claimed. Do you just throw "Tea Party" into a sentence and think you made a point? So you're saying the Tea Party is against individual responsibility and favors the "hive" approach. Laughable.

Yeah, get your face out of MSNBC long enough to develop a coherent argument.

1 i dont have cable

2 you tea baggers might have a large internet prescense. But your numbers are dwindling into irrelevancy. I think the birthers and troothers actually have a larger albeit fringe existance in the general population

And what a coincidence a lot of tea baggers actually are troothers and birthers.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
That's strange, everything I've heard from the "terrorist" conservative politicians is NO TAX INCREASES, for anyone.

But I digress, so if we simply increase the taxes on the well off AND expand the tax base, we don't need to reduce spending at all, problem solved... everyone just needs to pay a little more for all these wonderfully fair and necessary government programs. All aboard the Socialism express, next stop Europe.

Or we could reduce our budget back to 1999 levels and everyone gets to keep more of their hard earned money.

It's always laughable when meme and the other liberal shmucks talk about how much revenue we've lost because of the Bush tax cuts... as if it was the government's money in the first place and was somehow shortchanged in the deal. It's a perpetual argument, if we raised taxes on the well off by 7%, then we've still LOST revenue because we could have raised it by 14% and so on and so on and so on... how much revenue have we lost by the bottom 51% paying NO Federal income taxes, let me guess, zero because it would hurt the economy. Yeah, it's not spending that's the problem... it's taxes being too low.

Some even go as far as saying the Bush Tax cuts are unfunded SPENDING. lololol


Well-Known Member
this theoretical, textbook, idealistic nonesense conservatives keep regurgitating is getting pretty old.

in an ideal small government, conservative, tea party world we'd go back to the 18th century, where my great grandparents started working the factory line at 13.

my kids aren't working in no rich man's factory at 13 for 3-5 bucks per day.

THIS COUNTRY WAS FOUNDED AS A DEMOCRACY. it's not MOB rule, it's how this country functions.

democracy is about the majority making the choices which are best for everybody, not about a minority making the choices which are best for themselves.

stop trying to turn this country into something it's not.


Well-Known Member
this theoretical, textbook, idealistic nonesense conservatives keep regurgitating is getting pretty old.

in an ideal small government, conservative, tea party world we'd go back to the 18th century, where my great grandparents started working the factory line at 13.

my kids aren't working in no rich man's factory at 13 for 3-5 bucks per day.

THIS COUNTRY WAS FOUNDED AS A DEMOCRACY. it's not MOB rule, it's how this country functions.

democracy is about the majority making the choices which are best for everybody, not about a minority making the choices which are best for themselves.

stop trying to turn this country into something it's not.
It's a good thing for our argument that you're absolutely WRONG, this country was never "founded as a democracy" and never will be a democracy. Sorry, try again.


Well-Known Member
Bingo, we have a winner. However, in our Constitutional Federal Republic the masses DON'T have the right to vote for whatever they want, as your little buddies were posting earlier. It's that damn pesky Constitution that keeps getting in the way of the Progressive agenda, huh? Of course that doesn't seem to be much of an obstacle to this President. Another executive order that undermines both the Judicial and Legislative branches and grants amnesty to illegals for a plethora of reasons. This elitist scumbag has passed more regulations in 2 1/2 years than ANY President has done before him.


Well-Known Member
well republicans asked the president for better enforcement of immigration law before they'd sit down to negotiate immigration reform.

no other president in history has deported more illegal immigrants. yet republicans refuse to even discuss immigration reform... maybe you really do want a moat, with alligators... lol


New Member
Bingo, we have a winner. However, in our Constitutional Federal Republic the masses DON'T have the right to vote for whatever they want, as your little buddies were posting earlier. It's that damn pesky Constitution that keeps getting in the way of the Progressive agenda, huh? Of course that doesn't seem to be much of an obstacle to this President. Another executive order that undermines both the Judicial and Legislative branches and grants amnesty to illegals for a plethora of reasons. This elitist scumbag has passed more regulations in 2 1/2 years than ANY President has done before him.
Difference between amnesty and prioritizing cases

But in your mind you will never see the difference

Why not just come out and admit that you dont want them here even legally


Well-Known Member
well republicans asked the president for better enforcement of immigration law before they'd sit down to negotiate immigration reform.

no other president in history has deported more illegal immigrants. yet republicans refuse to even discuss immigration reform... maybe you really do want a moat, with alligators... lol
That's because the ONLY immigration reform we need to discuss is enforcing the laws we already have and getting EVERY illegal out of this country with or without deporting them. I like the idea of letting anyone turn in any employer for hiring illegals, knowingly or not. The reward is $50k, the fine is $100k, and yes the illegal immigrant working for the employer can turn the employer in for hiring the very same illegal. No employer would hire an illegal EVER AGAIN...problem solved. No work, they leave on their own dime.

Difference between amnesty and prioritizing cases

But in your mind you will never see the difference

Why not just come out and admit that you dont want them here even legally
Except he didn't just prioritize cases. That was the first executive order he signed. Then he signed another right before he snuck away on vacation that restricted deportations for just about every illegal in the country... so many exemptions it smacks of blanket amnesty. Dolt.

Don't even try that racist bullshit with me you liberal douchebag. I welcome ANY individual that follows our requirements for citizenship and goes through the process. You're too stupid to even understand why you should feel the same way, the LEGAL immigrants who went through the process sure agree with that view.

Typical liberal debate tactic, when losing badly, resort to race baiting.


Well-Known Member
Warren mutha fuckin Buffet asked to get taxes raised on himself. True story. look it up. When the third richest person asks to have his taxes maybe we should listen.


Well-Known Member
He's welcome to pay as much as he wants over what he's required to pay. But, he doesn't speak for anyone but himself and I haven't seen any rich Dems or Repubs paying a bunch extra to "help out the country" Pelosi, Reid and OBAMA take every freaking deduction they can... and they should. But, I list them because they're the hypocrits saying the wealthy should pay more, and if they get what they want... they'll say they want even more, and so on and so on.


Well-Known Member
Paying taxes is American. Learn to sacrifice I thought that was what being an American was about.